7 of us albs decided to have a bit of a laugh this evening, and we all created new mid characters on the french Carnac server.
We all /levelled to 20, grabbed the shitty 85% quality weapons and armour and hit DF. When we were lvl 21 and had enough cash for a few thidranki medallions, we headed off to the battleground.
Our set up: 1 shaman (cave/aug), 1 pac healer, 1 mend healer, 1 skald, 3 savages
All I can say is I'm so glad these are getting nerfed soon. It was just sick. Bearing in mind we were all lvl 21, 85% freebie gear with no accessories whatsoever, we were tearing through the albs and hibs groups (all orange con) like there was no tomorrow. This is just hideous.
Was great fun, but too easy to hold any lasting interest for me.
We all /levelled to 20, grabbed the shitty 85% quality weapons and armour and hit DF. When we were lvl 21 and had enough cash for a few thidranki medallions, we headed off to the battleground.
Our set up: 1 shaman (cave/aug), 1 pac healer, 1 mend healer, 1 skald, 3 savages
All I can say is I'm so glad these are getting nerfed soon. It was just sick. Bearing in mind we were all lvl 21, 85% freebie gear with no accessories whatsoever, we were tearing through the albs and hibs groups (all orange con) like there was no tomorrow. This is just hideous.
Was great fun, but too easy to hold any lasting interest for me.