An Event


Orin Askhammare

Tonight a level 20 alt of one of our guild members got whispered to by a Svartalf hiding behind at tree. He was a shaman and his master had gone missing. I personally missed the first 1/4 of this whole event sadly but in the end we got in the middle of a war and hostality that had gone on between the Svartalfs and the Werewolves in Myrkwood for centuries. The filty Arachnites have been fostering the hate in this dispute for ages and events reached a new boiling point tonight.

I joined in when SmallPaws a werewolf from Askheim took us to Baron Falwur who explained patrols had gone missing. While we were discussing with him an Arachnite attack was reported incoming and indeed soon enough a host of Arachnite invaders was storming the gate of Askheim. We held the line and defeated the attack.

After this attack we went looking for the Svartalf's master. We were lead by SmallPaws. We found him with a host of Arachnits and proceeded to liberate him. We tried in vain to convince both SmallPaws and the freed Svartalf that the Arachnites were using mind control and other insidious devices to set their camps against each other but it was to no avail. The distrust between the Svartalf and the werewolves runs deep indeed. In the end the Svartalf agreed to go with us to talk to the Baron under our protection. There much discussion ensued and it became evident the hatred was not to be solved by our pleading for peace.

The Svartalf was attacked in the end but we managed to save him. It seems the werewolves were not to be trusted to talk things over in the end! We escorted the Svartalf master back to his village where we again met the apprentice Shaman who contacted us in the first place. By this time our numbers had trippled from about 8 guild members of ours to I guess 20+ people.

The whole story with it's twists, turns and discussions was a tad complicated but I tried to get the gist of it down here. We all got a monetery reward in the end, but it was nothing compared to the fun we all had!

A big thumbs up to the GOA GMs who did this. We tried to keep in style and roleplay the whole event along with you guys. Aside from the (thankfully very very rare) *beep* who can't think further than killing stuff and falling completely out of the whole roleplaying bit we had a great 1.5 hours (about I think) and much fun was had by all.

I don't have screenies up yet, but might have some tomorrow somewhere. (not promising mind)


Mm, these are great. We had one a while back for our guild... very well done, with Angry Leprachauns running around in Cam. Hills and a "boss", of course all accompanied by a good plot involving crazy guards and such.


It was my alt Hecia that was contacted by the svartalf.

I was killing werewolfs near Askheim when I was whispered to head east, where I found a svartalf shaman behind a tree. His name was Kalmuga, and his mentor Gelmurga had gone missing. Werewolf footprints had been found near where he disappeared... could we help?

Well of course we could and, after gathering guild members together, we headed to the svartalf camp to be told exactly what had happened.

We headed to Askheim to see if the missing chief was there, but came up empty. At this point a werewolf shouted that the southern patrol had gone missing (a nice nudge in the right direction for us, as we'd walked past them).

The werewolf patrol consisted of Graearr Smallpaw and some guards. They had been spying on the svartalf camp to see what was going on, and questioned us as to what we knew. Eventually Graearr took us to see the Baron Falwur, who also demanded to know what the svartalfs were up to. He also informed us that many of his patrols had gone missing, blaming the svartalfs, and that Arachites had even attacked his fort. He then had a 'funny feeling again', which heralded an attack on the fort by a horde of Arachite raiders. A dozen or so werewolves spawned to defend the fort, but the Baron had urgent business 'elsewhere' :)

The Arachite attack was defeated by our guild members, aided by the large number of other players who had now gathered.

Things got a tad confusing at this point, as the sheer number of people trying to talk at the same time made it very difficult to follow what was being said, but we all eventually travelled to the Arachite camp, where we found Gelmurga held captive by a band of Arachites. A short swift, and very deadly, fight ensued, leading to the release of Gelmurga.

A hot and bitter argument between the Svartalf and the Werewolf followed, with the rest of us trying to make them see that the Arachites had been staging events so that the werewolves and the svartalfs would blame each other for the strange goings on in Myrkwood.

Gelmurga eventually agreed to speak to the Baron, but this was ultimately a failure. He was attacked by werewolves, and we had to quickly run him back to his village...where he thanked us and then rewarded us with gold.

It was tremendous fun, with the characters playing their roles very well (lot's of 'Graearr growls at you', 'Kalmuga quickly look over his shoulder' stuff).

It got a bit chaotic near the end, due to the sheer number of people trying to have their say, but it was a very enjoyable hour and a half, and full marks to the team that set up and executed this event.

Highlights of the event?
Me getting rezzed by Graearr Smallpaw. Must be the first time anyone's been rezzed by a werewolf :p

Oh, and the irony of the event, was our guild, Expedient Demise, coaxing the Svartalf and Werewolf communities to live in peace, when we ourselves kill anything that moves :cool:


Originally posted by SoWat
Oh, and the irony of the event, was our guild, Expedient Demise, coaxing the Svartalf and Werewolf communities to live in peace, when we ourselves kill anything that moves :cool:

Well, makes sense to me. You don't want the Mobs killing each other - you don't get Exp for that! :D

This sounds like it's been a really cool event, and it sounds like most everyone enjoyed themselves!

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