An event has begun?



I were exping with a couple of friends in Camp. Forest last night, when we all got this message: For a brief moment a crescendo of sound liken that of thunder can be heard from the distant north!

We were exping at the ebony fellwoods, for those who might be interested in trying to help and figure out what this is about... We, of course, ran off to try and find the source, but the area of the zone isn't exactly big towards the north direction, from the road.

If I somehow should have mistaken this for something which it isn't (an event), please correct me... I'm just too excited to think it can be anything else, also considering I spent a couplel days exping at the same spot last week with my wizard, without hearing anything :)


Addendum: ... after a couple of seconds of thinking, the sound looks quite familiar to that of a broadcast, and since we were in Camp. Forest, it's possibly that this could have been a broadcast for the whole forest...? Ah well, guess I'll just have to run through the whole forest :)

Edit: Guess I better start learning those darn vbcodes, etc :|


looks like the message u get doing the lvl 40 epic ..

dunno why youd get it tho unless it appears for every1 when someone does it... seems unlikley tho


I seen that message first time when in Camp. Forest after 1.45 patch... Seen it maybe 5 times afterwards. No idea what it means.


hmmm intriguing but i was in dartmoor and u get a message when the dragon leaves to go on patrol somenthing like "hmmm wonder what tasty morsels i can find to eat" or summat like that so u never know it might be the dragon but its a long distance awayso could be another uber mob somewhere


Not intriguing at all, sorry guys.
Level 40 academy (minstrel/sorc/wiz) quest involves you being teleported from the Lethantis association to snowdonia.
At the moment of teleportation, a circle (or square, rather) of ghostly mages appears and cast thundery spells. The message appears and you teleport.
Not an event I'm afraid ;(

Edit: er, yeah. what gambit said =) didn't notice that. good work me!

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