An Amusing Quote I Found, It is Quite long!



If only i'd found this out earlier!

"Alright, so you've purchased daoc! wonderful... call up your girlfriend and tell her you don't have time to see her anymore. Call up your parents and tell them your moving back in. Call up work and tell them you'll work 8 hours a week (just enough for bus tickets, ramen and the next lord of the rings movie).

Alright, your now ready to play DAOC.

Now... what realm do you want to join? of course... albion... its the hip happening place to be!!!!

Player Perspective

ok... what class do I want to start? hmm... doesn't matter they about all suck... lets try an paladin. They get plate! They look good! They get big weapons! They must be awesome in RvR. hmm... what race? how about highlander! they get high starting strength. eh I'm sure that kilt will go away!'ve got your higherlander fighter... now to get him to 5!

That was easy enough... off to the church to train!

Wow this game is great! I meet and talk to people! we group and fight monsters together!

I'm almost 10 now! Wow! look at all the greys! I'm really high!

Time elasped for your convienance

MAN THIS BLOWS! I'm stinking 43 and I've gotten 2 bubs in 4 hours killing god knows how many friggin pygmy goblins! My ex-girlfriend is now married and has a kid! My parents are threatening to kick me out cause I don't clean my room! I go out to RvR and get bitch slapped by 8 50's. I guess their are people with less of a life than me! I'm trying to level an alt scout but I can contemplate starting another charactor and getting it even this high!


This is a true story of a friend of mine. God rest his soul...

DAOC has much potential....

Its like a hyped up will smith movie that bombs.... I mean... hes black hes funny... he appeals to everyones tastes... How do you fuck it up?

This isn't a rant... this is true... and I want new ones to hear it. If you just started DAOC or thinking about it... get out now before it ruins your life...

If you like roleplaying... find a trippy girl... have her dress up like an elf and act out your fantasies."



Will it count if she dress up like an Elven Sheep?

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