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Take a Magic Journey ?!?!?

Take a Magic Journey ?!?!?

The Egypt Trip of the Millennium

Join the Fifth Way Mystery School research team at the Great Pyramid for the conclusion of the Pyramid Prophecies, which reach their culminating point on Monday, September 17th, 2001. Led by a team of esoteric Egyptologists including Moira Timms, author of the international bestseller Beyond Prophecies and Predictions, Vincent Bridges, co-author of A Monument to the End of Time and sacred artist Lady Sekhmet of the Sekhmet Society, this truly unique travel experience focuses on the wisdom traditions of Ancient Egypt and what they have to teach us about this most important moment in time.


ok Penny, very intelligent. Any serious comments?


The US has no one to blame at the moment, and even Afganistan has said that it will extradite Bin Laden if he is proved to have been responsible. I don't think there will be any air strikes, the US has learned from previous experiences, I hope...


Originally posted by DAN200
ok Penny, very intelligent. Any serious comments?

Dar200 - you think i'm not serious? Although he'll probably want to be deeper underground!


I've been watching BBC World closely since the second plane strike and a feel that the US has matured. Its realised it's not untouchable and its policies need changing.

Maybe I'm still feeling the optimism and unity of the world while the issue is still hot, but I feel we could genuinely be witnessing the birth of the first world alliance, maybe two or three generations from now.

Yesterday terrorism prooved it could be a hugely powerful force which affects civilians in any 'fortress' and that will shake the world. The US Secretary of State is talking about a new coalition, an alliance of all the nations frightened by terrorism, regaurdless of membership of the UN or NATO. This could be enough to unite many countries which have previously been enemies (even Iran and Libya have offered aid to the US).

'Rogue' states will be excluded from the new alliance. Their next leaders, or the leaders after, will be far more keen to join the growing coalition. Maybe resulting in world peace? A naive dream? Possibly. But it seems (to me, at least) that the climate has never been more ripe for this to occur.

Either way, I see many positive moves occuring from now on.

My tuppence.


Having spent the past couple of hours watching sky news and the various press conferences, notably the NATO one regarding article 5 of the washington treaty (somebody attacks a NATO country, that country declares war, everyone else joins in - apologies if I haven't got it quite right) it seems that the US is informing the terrorist world that it will act, but only with the rest of the world agreeing.

Nice to see they haven't gone for the usual gung ho knee jerk reaction.

BTW blasting Afghanistan (and Pakistan since they are very good buddies) off the face of the earth, whilst appealing to some, will cause more harm than good.


No-one is saying they should wipe afghanistan.

What is needed is a swift, clinical strike against all known Al Qaeda bases in Afghanistan. We do know where they are. And hey, even if we aren't 100% sure Al Qaeda was responsible for the planes, they sure as hell are responsible for other acts of terrorism.

If you ask me, Bin Laden is counting on the US *not* attacking. Even though they may not kill him, they'll put a massive dent in his organisation.


Do it surgically, do it swiftly, but do it lethally.

The people that planned and ordered this attack should not be allowed on the face of this earth. Wipe them out, and anyone else that wants to take their place.


World peace will never happen till aliens come and attack us.

(i.e. maybe never)

But like someguy said, terrorism could unite many countries..hence if there's some sorta alien oppressor then mankind would all join together against them. I think we as a race need some sort of enemies to unite against to make the bond stronger. I'm probably chatting out of my arse, but that sorta behaviour has been going on since school years : 'hey that <instert name> is a real twat...' 'yeah he's a lamer!'

It kinda reinforces the friendship.

Ok i'm really chatting utter drivel now, but you wait and see. Nothing short of alien invasion will unite mankind.. :)


I dont trust Bush at all. He looks like he would be quite happy to start a War.


If it was proved that some country had a hand in this then it would hardly have been 'dubya' who started the war would it ?

Killing thousands of people is an act of war if anything is.

Moving Target

as long as old dubya doesnt Nuke anything


Originally posted by stazbumpa
Do it surgically, do it swiftly, but do it lethally.

The people that planned and ordered this attack should not be allowed on the face of this earth. Wipe them out, and anyone else that wants to take their place.

Couldn't have said that better myself... :clap: Staz


Originally posted by DAN200
When did you come back?

Not back yet. German MTV and BBC World are the only things I can get in my hotel room. :)

Must have seen those bloody MTV Music Video Awards three times... :(


Originally posted by SomeGuy

Not back yet. German MTV and BBC World are the only things I can get in my hotel room. :)

Must have seen those bloody MTV Music Video Awards three times... :(

So you using a Laptop or Cybercafe or what?


Originally posted by Nath
that sorta behaviour has been going on since school years : 'hey that <Stazbumpa> is a real twat...' 'yeah he's a lamer!'


All these people saying if we bomb them then we'll sink to their level, to that I say SO WHAT?! fight fire with fire. Don't nuke them coz thats the area most of the oil comes from (I think) so prices would rocket. Air assults followed my a massive ground assult by Nato, the entire American forces, the Russians should join in coz this Osama Bin laden dick was killing them for years (Funded by America ironically), I heard even the Chinese may get involved and if they do well lets just say we won't be short of manpower. Extreme I know but these are people who would shoot you for believing in the wrong god, wearing blue on sundays, listening to slipknot, the Taliban deserve to be wiped out, I'm sure you've all heard of their ridiculous laws. :twak:

Anyway I've said my bit



Knowone knows who really done it, i mean what country!:confused: :confused:


Actually the FBI have released the names of all 9 hijackers.


Actually I forgot to mention, it is illegal under taliban law to listen to music full stop, also to watch TV, what kind of life is that? This is why I don't believe in god, because of the sick majority who are so set in the beliefs that they would murder those who don't. In a way they are proving themselves wrong because if it was a god who created all people then why would he/she/it watch them suffer for the sake of his/her/its name.
Pathetic really.


Originally posted by ignus

Extreme I know but these are people who would shoot you for listening to slipknot.

Harsh but Fair.


Thats very true, a band that needs 9 memebers is obviously trying to be different to win approval. The masks are annoying too, and considering they have so many memeber why is it none of the guitar rifts are anymore complicated then anything from blink 182, there are three memebers of that band and both the guitarist and baseist sing.

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