So, what does old 'Dubya' do now ??
The Egypt Trip of the Millennium
Join the Fifth Way Mystery School research team at the Great Pyramid for the conclusion of the Pyramid Prophecies, which reach their culminating point on Monday, September 17th, 2001. Led by a team of esoteric Egyptologists including Moira Timms, author of the international bestseller Beyond Prophecies and Predictions, Vincent Bridges, co-author of A Monument to the End of Time and sacred artist Lady Sekhmet of the Sekhmet Society, this truly unique travel experience focuses on the wisdom traditions of Ancient Egypt and what they have to teach us about this most important moment in time.
Originally posted by DAN200
ok Penny, very intelligent. Any serious comments?
Originally posted by SomeGuy
I've been watching BBC World closely etc etc etc
Originally posted by stazbumpa
Do it surgically, do it swiftly, but do it lethally.
The people that planned and ordered this attack should not be allowed on the face of this earth. Wipe them out, and anyone else that wants to take their place.
Originally posted by DAN200
When did you come back?
Originally posted by SomeGuy
Not back yet. German MTV and BBC World are the only things I can get in my hotel room.
Must have seen those bloody MTV Music Video Awards three times...
Originally posted by Nath
that sorta behaviour has been going on since school years : 'hey that <Stazbumpa> is a real twat...' 'yeah he's a lamer!'
Originally posted by ignus
fight fire with fire
Originally posted by ignus
Extreme I know but these are people who would shoot you for listening to slipknot.