AMD K6-2-500mhz Voodoo3 3000AGP slow in quake2 :(



lo a mate just got a new PC and is having a few problems if anyone can shed some light on it


Elo peeps :) any techies out there ?

Ive just recently bought a new pc and im havin probs with my graphics
card :/


Gigabyte GA-5AX Motherboard
AMD K6-2-500 mhz chip
Voodoo3 3000 gfx card
128k SDRAM

anything else need to know let me know..

The problem Quake2 i used to get around 45-50 fps on a voodoo 2 -
AMD 300 - 128k SDRAM in 800x600 NT4 SP5

But now with the spec above with all the latest drivers for my card all
the tweak programs ect and im getting 39.2 fps in 800x600 and 1024x768 :/

I cant for the life of me figure out whats wrong with it..

If anyone can help me plz do ! OMG im pulling my hair out here :((

Thx in advance..


As you can see its rather bizarre!. Also he got a POGO ISDN TA and pings about 100-120! on

quake2 servers when before his old ISDN ASUS ISA card was about 80 I told him to get the ASUS

PCI internal to ping about 60 although the POGO might be fine could be the motherboard?



Well, that just ain't right is it?

There's only one way I know to get insanely low fps on a Voodoo 3 and that's to use mesagl drivers. Horrible :)

simply type this at the console to find out if that's the probs...

gl_driver "opengl32"

Although you may have the mesagl drivers in your q2 folder, renamed to opengl32 so this wouldn't help. Make sure there's nowt in your q2 folder called openglx. And download the latest minigl (think it's 1.48) from and stick it in their, replacing whatever you have. The latest driver is for voodoo 3 mind.

If that doesn't help, soz. Mind there is a patch for Quake 2 to enable the '3D Now' functions of your AMD processor. Not got an AMD so I wouldn't know but you may actually get worse fps until you patch it.

Hope it helped. One things for sure, you should be getting fps's well above 120. Don't think me and my p2 266 should be twice as fast as yours m8 lol.


Thanks for the feedback :). I thought MESAGL was for linux? he`s running Windows NT 4 SP6 heh. We`ve tried the drivers and the miniGL drives (1.48) and only noticed slight improvement. The 3DNOW patch just kept crashing under NT4 :/ I reckon its the motherboard!?.


Could well be, can't think of nowt else.

Get the latest full drivers for the voodoo.
Also, did he reinstall windows or did he simply reuse his hard drive?

Theres a hell of a lot on a new motherboard that need drivers so a full windows installation is practically mandatory :)


I had a similar setup before I upgraded to Athlon and GeForce.

My old system Athlon 750 (no overclocking), 256 meg ram, Voodoo3 3k agp overclocked from 166mhz to 180mhz with cooling(win98).

Quake2 1024 with everything on but dynamic lighting used to give me 110fps in demo1.

I achieved this by using the following gfx config ..

// Voodoo3 gfx config

set gl_dynamic "0"
set gl_shadows "0"
set gl_polyblend "0"
set gl_cull "1"
set gl_picmip "1"
set gl_playermip "2"
set gl_skymip "3"
set gl_triplebuffer "0"
set gl_ztrick "1"

set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1"
set gl_round_down "0"
set gl_finish "0"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set gl_swapinterval "0"

set gl_particle_min_size "2"
set gl_particle_max_size "2"
set gl_particle_size "2"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"

Other things to do:

BIOS setting, make sure that AGP aperture size is maxxed.

Disable Vsync (verticle refresh). Enter the options menu and disable "sync every frame".

Setup a decent sized diskcache and fixed sized swapfile to prevent disk thrashing during gameplay.

Set Diskcache min/max to 16384, try and find what works best.

Set your swapfile size Min and Max to around 120-220 megs, see what works best.

Make sure that you have got the latest Voodoo3 drivers.

Overclock it too if you feel up to it :) I ran mine with an extra large fan to keep it cool and upped it to the same levels as a 3500 easily, I have run it as high as 195 with no problems, but the card is limited by fill rate around those levels so you dont see any improvement beyond 180ish on a similar system.

The only thing that I can think of that might be ruining your framerate is that you are running on NT4. I was using Win2k for sometime and my framerate was 20-30 less than using it with Win98. I have no idea why, probably the fact that drivers are less developed for the NT based OSs than the 9x ones.

Thats about it, good luck :)

N.B. If all else fails, run scandisk and _then_ reboot. :D

[This message has been edited by i*G (edited 11 June 2000).]

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