AMD athlon xp1800+. Keeps freezing.



My cpu is crashing just about all the time. I got the advice that it might be the cooling, but it seems that is not the case.

The problem is that the cpu freezes completely and I have to reboot the machine. It almost exclusively happens when I play games or watch movies, and it normally occurs right at the start of a game session, or after a couple of hours after running smoothly.
Someone told me that he also had the same problem with AMD Athlon XP1800+ (that's the processor I have). So if anyone knows anything about this issue. Please tell me, does anyone else have the same problem? Or does anyone know a way to solve it? I'm getting tired of losing exp every time cpu crashes in a fight.

Any ideas? - Skallagrim


Overheating seems like the main problem here.
I used to have this problem on my pc, was running win ME, and lots of games would freeze, and I'd need to manually reboot.

Try checking your BIOS hardware monitor - check your CPU temperature after one of these crashes.

Need to know which OS you are running too.

Try taking the case off (may void waranty), to see how the pc reacts when the case isn't on.

When I did it, my pc crash rate hit the rock bottom.


AMD Dont make 1800+'s in their new-style-chip(JHICUB)... the old one had cooling problems, they didnt recall all of them cause well frankly.. they sold too many to recall them all, i suggest you get one of these babys, got one on my Athlon XP 2600 and it runs at a nice steady 30-38(ish) degree's


tried taking the case of... can't say it helped much. And I use Win XP pro. Hmmm, I had a friend over to check out the fan, and there seems to be no problem there. So i'm not sure it is the cooling, though it certainly semms like it. It would be such a pain to buy a new processor, only to find the problem remains. Hmmm, any other ideas?

Someone told me (I'm not very much into comps and hardware and stuff, so I might be way out here) that there could be a problem with the RAM. Some kind of conflict. Heh, don't really know what it would be though. I have 266 DDR, and my mother board supports it. Would it be an idea to try another RAm? or More RAM?


I had a atlon thunderbird 1ghz, it kept freezing in games, some games it did´and some it didnt, it rebooted after a while sometimes and sometimes it didnt. Tryed everything via 3in1 drivers new cooler because i was told it was overheating but when i went out and looked in bios the heat was normal, so i bought new puter parts wich didnt contain VIA!! and ding it worked.

I might be the cooling system or whatever but if that doesnt work i would strongly suggest you look further into your puter and see if any of it contain via chipsets, if thats the case i would buy something that isnt via.



probably overheating. or, depending on motherboard, you might need a BIOS firmware update, as some MoBo's have trouble handling particular Athlon chips


Also worth checking the graphics card cooling. If it's only crashing on DaoC, especially SI, it could be down to the graphics card, which is worked hard on SI.


Thanks for the help all... gonna look into it and test some stuff. If it won't work and I haven't killed my self, or smashed my cpu... I might be back in a couple of days for more questions... But thanks a lot for the help so far :)


Just want to point out that the actual CPU being faulty and causing the problems is highly unlikely.

Tank Init

try another stick of ram, yours might be faulty


down load motherboard monitor, it monitors cpu temps and in case temps etc and will sound an alarm if it over heats etc.


Originally posted by Jebelious
down load motherboard monitor, it monitors cpu temps and in case temps etc and will sound an alarm if it over heats etc.

trouble with that is, if the MoBo has no temperature sensors on it, the software won't work.


Originally posted by talen_sun
trouble with that is, if the MoBo has no temperature sensors on it, the software won't work.
you will be hard pressed to find a K7-XP board without temp sensors on em


Don't think it's because of overheating. The processor temp usually is between 47 C and 53 C after a crash. Doesn't seem very high to me.


That seems pretty normal, mine is usually about 55C after a heavy sesh of DAoC.

As per what poeple have said above. Try the memory. If you have 2 sticks, remove one, and test. Then try the other. If you get no crashes with one of the sticks missing, you knwo you got a faulty stick.

Also, you mention that you have DDR ram. You don't have a mix of DDR and SDRAM do you?? Mind you, I doubt you'd even boot if that were the case....

hmmm... try this as well...

Imagine BW, but for techies, and less flaming!!


Just got one stick of RAM. Very possible that might be the problem, gonna switch it and see what happens. Thx again for all the ideas and help.

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