AMD Athlon XP (Delicate)



Just about to upgrade my pc to a athlon XP but after hearing about the nightmarestories as to how delicate the chip is when the heatsink is applied, Im absolutely bricking myself.

Any advice appreciated. Was told to apply a small amount of pressure on top while you place the clips in so that the heat sink doesnt tilt and basically screw your cpu.

Don't think Im gonna have fun with this heh :-/



As long as you don't drop stuff on top of them they can take a bit of pressure. I had to put a lot of pressure on my old Athlon 800 to fit the heatsink and they were much more delicate so you should be OK as long as you don't hammer it in :)


as long as the preasure is even all over the chip (i.e. it isnt leaning to one side when you push on the chip) then you can push pretty hard as long as the mobo is on a flat surface so it doesnt bend.


An athlon can take 30-40 pounds directly on top of it, it's just tilting etc that chips chunks off the side of the CPU. Really it's noth that hard, just keep the heatsink level while fitting it. I've remounted my heatsinks about 15 times without breaking either of my cpus and my previous cpu (also an athlon) had heatsinks changed on it at least twice as much.


hehe, Athlons are a fucking bitch to fit the first time

Need *alot* of pressure

almost snapped my screwdriver while pushing it in

Galewyr Dark

Originally posted by SilverHood
hehe, Athlons are a fucking bitch to fit the first time

Need *alot* of pressure

almost snapped my screwdriver while pushing it in

broke my 1st mobo doing that

REALLY lent on the screwdriver...slipped...hole in mobo :) funny thing was the mobo worked afterwards...this was MANY years ago.

But really modern Heatsinks r much better that they were back then. U get little handles on good modern ones and r easy as piss to fit.

Hands up if u ever owned a 'slot a' AMD they were ncie chips, easiest thign in the world to fit..infact

/me rumages around under office desk


/me holds up a chip




Shim = worthless.

The running cooler is BS (they make sod all difference cos all the heat comes from the core not the mounting ceramic).
They don't protect your core significantly, they in fact cause more problems than they solve - often a shim is slightly too thick and makes your heatsink have poor contact with the cpu.


Ouch just ordered one :-/ well Ill have a look when I get it in the post its a non condusive one. If too thick then I might leave it out we'll see at least i will have the option tho, Im not used to building pc's so it might be better to be safer than sorry (tho I do know my feel about etc).

Having more worry about the OS now, just realised I only have Win98 but am running 2k.


Originally posted by Danyan
Shim = worthless.

The running cooler is BS (they make sod all difference cos all the heat comes from the core not the mounting ceramic).
They don't protect your core significantly, they in fact cause more problems than they solve - often a shim is slightly too thick and makes your heatsink have poor contact with the cpu.

euh just run a pc for a few hours and then quicly take of heat sink and touch the the pakaging, it gets hot aswell.
In my experiance the shims take a few °C of the running temp.
And a good shim makes sure you dont cruash the corners that easy


I cracked an Athlon dye with the heatsink once...was a quite old heatsink and didn't have a lever with handle, just a notch you had to REALLY push down with a screwdriver. And I am very weak and couldn't do it fast enough.

So I clipped one side on and started levering down the clip on the other side, only to hear a raelly horrible crunching noise. Lifted off the heatsink to see...little silver sparkly bits all over the place and a big slice of the top missing! :D Pretty sexeh. £90 down the drain.

Bought another one and a better heatsink - no problem at all. Just get a nice big heatsink that is easy to handle and has a spring lever on the catch!



All sorted ;-)

Nearly blew the chip tho.

Advice to all is BUY a mobo that has a temperature cut out under the cpu saves your ass if you fuck up the installation. (SERIOUSLY)

Also make sure you get a nice HS&FAN that has a see-saw like catch system mine had a lovely socket for a screwdriver so I could push down and out etc.

With all this kit you dont really need a shim :))


Originally posted by Sibanac
euh just run a pc for a few hours and then quicly take of heat sink and touch the the pakaging, it gets hot aswell.
In my experiance the shims take a few °C of the running temp.
And a good shim makes sure you dont cruash the corners that easy
My experience is that shims do more harm than good. :p
They're just a placebo, if you want to think it's helping cool your chip, fair enough :p


I hate fitting heatsinks. Done it loads of times and never killed a CPU, but I brick myself everytime.
I installed a new AMD 2600+ last week, and the HS&FAN I bought with it was a bugger to put on. No clip, just a hole to fit a screwdriver. VERY tight fit too... Still, it's blue neon lights in it... =)


A good shim will help. Its easier to balance the HS onto the chip itself. As for cooler, i doubt it. Except for the fact, that if you are using shims you generally are using artic silver compound too and that does lower the temperature.

God i can't wait for the Athlon 64's, due to AMD actually doing the right thing and putting the die under a copper lid with nickel-plated surface so dont break it any more.


My advice is thus

Get a decent HS+F and if you want to keep things cool, use some thermal paste.

Im using the Thermaltake Volcano 9 coolmod. Its one of the best HS out there and the coolmod has pretty lighs on it to match my modded case :) <grins>

The best thermal paste out there is, Arctic Silver ... its about £5 and spreads over your HS and as it is a paste it completely covers, leaving no air in between the core and the heat sink. thus heat is dissipated into the ehatsink far more effeiciently than having a lump of metal sat on top of ur CPU core.

And i also HATE fitting heatsinks. i managed to snap the heatsink clips on the motherbaord trying to fit an old one :/ still worked tho :))


Slot A.. still got mine :)

But as for Athlon 2000+... put as much pressure as you like. I virtually leaned all my body weight onto my HS clip to get the bugger down. Only advice I can give is..

Make sure your screwdriver is wide enough so it will fit in the HS clippy socket thing. I've ruined a motherboard by using a small screwdriver to push the HS clip into place. Damn thing slipped and since all my weight was on it, 4 resistors pinged out the MB.

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