Amazing news... (re: character deletion)



Well, it turns out that a well-loved member of the Ys/Hib community has been given back hacked&deleted chars :D

heres the thread if you know a bit'o'french. (you should its gorgeous ;) )

Included in the thread is a post from a GOA official.
I'd translate but not gotmuch time.... basically says "we now have a new way of restoring maliciously deleted characters.... tho it may not work in ALL cases".

Interesting development....


"we now have a new way of restoring maliciously deleted characters.... tho it may not work in ALL cases".

yeah if the account owner is english ;)

Carlos Bananos

amazing how new technology can be discovered when ppl whine about your customer service :l


Originally posted by Tumult
yeah if the account owner is english ;)

So amazingly true isn't it? Just an hour ago a hacked guildmate got this glorified FOAD response:

Dear customer,

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and are responsible for any damage, harm, lost or deleted characters, etc. resulting from your disclosure or allowing the disclosure of any password or from use by any person of your password to gain access to your Account.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

GOA's usual customer services, god knows why I ever believed anything else. Time to cancel myself perhaps :/


There is absolutely no double standards, just some people itching to have a go at us french :kissit:

Proof? well, Lochlyessa's been restored too :great:

Heres the aforementionned quote in full:

Kenril, DAoC-euro :

Minitossse est le premier à bénéficier d'un nouveau mode de restauration grâce aux logs serveurs. Cette méthode, qui permet effectivement de passer outre la barrière des 4 personnages, a malheureusement tout de même des limites. Je ne les décrirais pas ici, pour ne pas qu'elles soient, elles aussi exploitées par ces mêmes personnes qui trouvent malin de créer des niveaux 1 dans les slots de sauvegarde. On peut tout de même dire qu'elle nous permettra certainement à l'avenir, de déjouer la plupart de ces malveillances.
which translates as:
"Minitossse is the first person to benefit from a new restoration mode made thanks to server logs.
This method, which effectively allows to bypass the 4-character-slot barrier, unfortunately also has its limitations. I will not describe them here, for it would be a matter of time before the same people who find it funny to make 1st lvl chars in the safety slots strike again. What we can say is that this way of acting will certainly allow to put a stop to most of these pains."

Yours cordially,


Here is a quote directly from Kemor himself:

We now have a way to restore deleted characters even if you deleted more than 4 characters (overwritting the 4 backup slots).......... and it's not a 100% sure process.
We can only be 100% sure on the restoration of the last 4 deleted characters without patch inbetween (character converters clear the backups).
Most of the time, we will be able to do it now, the process we established does not take too long. However, when we say "we can't", it will mean just that: "we can't".

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