Am I the only person who wonders if the devs are actually playing this?



Topic says it all really - after the cock-up with the vehicle queuing, the new reaver bugs in general, and the fact that infils can currently walk around with rocket rifles (if you know what you're doing) I'm seriously wondering if Sony value their customers at all...

I've never played any MMORPG with quite so many frustrating issues, if my stats and friends list hasn't gone all buggy then my reaver is 'firing blanks' (hardy har har) or my MAX armour is suddenly wielding a knife, I mean WTF?


I played all last night and didnt have any problems at all. Everything worked fine.

And IMHO the less reavers there are the better :D


lol, being an infil myself I'm not personally worried about the whole 'stealther with a rocket rifle' scenario - but I get a feeling the TR/NCs might have something to say about it ;)


The game is barely out of beta and since almost every single computer game ever has been rushed out of beta prematurely, these sorts of things happen. It's whether there's still big problems a few months down the line that you really have to start worrying.

When a game first comes out of beta you have to make a decision. Either to be an 'early adopter' and put up with the bugs, but have fun playing the game when it's new to most players and everyone is on the same learning curve. Or wait a few months until it settles down, when the game will be more stable but the downside is that there will be a lot of experienced hardcore players around who will clean beginners and casual players up.

Hopefully PS won't go the same way as Daoc which after all this time still has lots of bugs/flaws AND loads of hardcore players who know how to get the best out them. From what I've seen so far, the PS team seem to squish bugs pretty swiftly, so there's hope.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Haven't noticed any problems with the vehicle queing - I actually like it (alot;)).
And the Reaver's are as deadly and as n00bish as usual... :eek:


Originally posted by Cernos
The game is barely out of beta and since almost every single computer game ever has been rushed out of beta prematurely, these sorts of things happen. It's whether there's still big problems a few months down the line that you really have to start worrying.

When a game first comes out of beta you have to make a decision. Either to be an 'early adopter' and put up with the bugs, but have fun playing the game when it's new to most players and everyone is on the same learning curve. Or wait a few months until it settles down, when the game will be more stable but the downside is that there will be a lot of experienced hardcore players around who will clean beginners and casual players up.

Hopefully PS won't go the same way as Daoc which after all this time still has lots of bugs/flaws AND loads of hardcore players who know how to get the best out them. From what I've seen so far, the PS team seem to squish bugs pretty swiftly, so there's hope.

i started playing a fortnight ago and had none of these issues, they've all crept in since, that's pretty shit tbh,.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Haven't noticed any problems with the vehicle queing - I actually like it (alot;)).
And the Reaver's are as deadly and as n00bish as usual... :eek:

the whole quick-takeoff for reavers is currently dead and buried, it's uber-lame to wait 10-seconds for the autopilot and in anything but a 'safe friendly' base leaves you as fragbait - if you can get away with 50% armour left it's a goddamn miracle...


As a mos-rider I really like reavers, tasty snacks ;p


Last time I ordered a mozzy from a vehicle pad, the bloody thing had already been shot twice before autopilot was disabled :(, nearly a full bill of health wiped before I got a chance to feck it up miself :(


Apparently people say that the Devs do play - but then 'they' also said we'd landed on the moon, and that elvis was dead - so I dont believe any of them.


the devs are playing... with our emotions damnit :twak:

heh, I want my afterburner takeoffs back you b*stards!


Actually, I'm guessing their playing in all our money - like Old Scrooge McDuck used to do in his giant vault.

They're making money castles and having money fights with it all!


ok, so after finding that the recent 'netcode adjustments' now also render a lot of the fighting elements pretty useless too, what's left to enjoy? :/

sort it out SOE :eek:


My vehicle was deconstructed before I'd been put on it :/


I've had that happen several times

It's also deconstructed at 400m over friendly territory

In a warp gate

On top of a vanu tower just as I got out

while dodging missiles over a terran base

and in none of the above was it even slightly damaged.

so if I wasn't frustrated about people cheating their arses off in the last couple of days, or the horrific lag I encountered with the last 'netcode fix' then a combination of the above and my original post give some idea why all my enjoyment of the game has disappeared almost as quickly as my reaver oh so many times.


Incidentally, I got hit by that reaver bug repeatedly last night, the one where you fire but your weapons don't appear to launch...

Except when I got I kept racking up grief, with no friendlies on my radar at all

I killed one guy, and when I asked him he was apparently just running up to the vehicle pad on the OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP

so, as if the vehicle queuing wasn't bad enough, it's bugged to shit too.

And even though there are LOADS of other gamers with the same problems complaining on the SOE forums, I can't see them doing a thing to reduce the hundreds of grief points people have racked up as a result of this cockup. If someone hit grief level 4 as a result of this form of clusterfuck, could they really enforce a legitimate ban?


Me and someone else in my outift kept getting hit by stray shots coming through the walls in a base even though there was no enemies near. They didn't take of any life though so it wasn't too bad.


they posted on the boards vechicle queue gets fixed. The autodrive is going to break as soon as you press a controll


So you can still afterburn away I presume and also accelerate wildly in ground vehicles if you need to (in enemy base or whatever) which will be much more useful.

Only thing I can see being annoying about this, is the muppets who allow the auto-driver thing to move them along, and then don't move when it stops. I crashed into a harasser yesterday because the autodrive drove me into it (in an AMS) and got mucho grief which was annoying.

So you can see it, a magrider stops just after getting off the pad, someone else gets into an ams and lets it autodrive them off, crash bang wallop, grief on (probably) both sides and damaged vehicles.


Xavier - you seem to moan alot about the problems you are experiencing, and seem to be far worse affected than alot of the others around here.

You're based in the US, right?

I think you might be getting some issues related to lag or packet loss etc... have you checked using ping plotter?



if we are able to take control then people being afk and autoing off shouldn't really be a problem unless there are loads of them, us normal players can just drive round or over them.

If there are loads of afkers getting vehicles then they can all smash into each other and get the grief for it, I don't care :)


Originally posted by Jupitus

if we are able to take control then people being afk and autoing off shouldn't really be a problem unless there are loads of them, us normal players can just drive round or over them.

If there are loads of afkers getting vehicles then they can all smash into each other and get the grief for it, I don't care :)

No, I didn't mean that exactly...

I don't particularly have a problem with afk'ers driving into each other either.. the problem I have is.. well here's an example.

I go to get my magrider, it's busy, I'm, say, 4th of 6 in the queue.

Eventually, I get in my magrider, people have been driving off quickly, we're under attack.

I get off the pad, then cancel the auto-drive and stop the magrider to let my gunner get in, but he's not quite there, he's running up. I'm stopped a little way away, plenty of room for someone to drive around me.

Then the 5th out of the 6 gets in his vehicle, I don't know, an AMS or something. He is afk, and gets auto-driven off the pad.

Now I, while having moved away a bit, am still (unknowingly) in the area that the autodrive will take him through, so he ends up crashing into me.

I know the autodrive isn't fast, but can you see what I mean about annoying?

And yes, I know, make sure you get well clear of the area - but sometimes it's not that easy, specially if you're under fire and your gunner needs to get in the tank before his head gets blown off ;)


ahhh... well this comes down to 'where the heck can I park this bloody thing?' then.... always an issue :)

I always try to park on top of a teammate to get less grief points, but failing this DMW or Deady are just fine and soft and squishy.

I try to avoid parking on the heads of VS or TR folks as I am concerned I might get a few too many kills and begin to look slightly ub3r and worry my outfit :D


actually I'm back in the UK for a month or three

/remembers to change location again

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