am i the only one with this problem?



I've got a lvl20 armsman atm, and my armor is blue, almost green i think... so really need new stuff...

1) i cant buy new stuff cause it's shite and costs me 127g (only have 100ish atm :/) for armor that will be blue in some lvls again...
2) i keep grouping in keltoi etc, but never ever get drops there :( sometimes dw boots and other stuff thats useless...

any more armsmen with this problem around lvl 20 ? any place where to get nice drops of armor ? (besides keltoi)



Hm after i sold my Vindicator Drops in Keltoi when I was low enough to XP there i think u are not the only one ;)
I meet a Level 40+ Tank some days ago who was wearing a Vindicator Boot, think thats worser than ur armour ;)



I have some spare vindi parts (im still wearing my full set) but i can sell you the spare parts I have, at a low price (cant give it to you for free im afraid as i only have 27g and my vindi will turn blue next level). If you dont wanna buy i have to say, just keep at it. It mustve taken me 15 odd hours of playing in keltoi till i had my full set (in which time you easily gain 2-3 levels in there).


Re: Hey

Originally posted by old.Carnak
I have some spare vindi parts (im still wearing my full set) but i can sell you the spare parts I have, at a low price (cant give it to you for free im afraid as i only have 27g and my vindi will turn blue next level). If you dont wanna buy i have to say, just keep at it. It mustve taken me 15 odd hours of playing in keltoi till i had my full set (in which time you easily gain 2-3 levels in there).

well, i already gained 3 lvls in keltoi, 3 groups, 3 evenings, 3 levels :p
not 1 vindi drop though :(


Realx, you're an avenger! From what I remeber Avengers were good with getting drops for guild mates. Ask the higher but not TO high lvls there to go in keltoi and drop hunt with you....they can take down those green mobs faster than you alone and maybe get the drops you need. if they aren't willing to help msg me in game and I'll see what I can find for you...I'm sure there's ppl who are willing to give you the vindi stuff for free or damn near free


I have been walking around with grey armor for 5 lvls if i recall. But once your 40+ armor starts to pile up again. My armsman is now fully equiped with full set of af98 armor and matching glow weapons.

Those early days are hard for us all. Just keep up hope, you will get there eventually.


Aye, remember a huge gap in acquiring armor too. All pieces green or grey. Taking tremendous damage from light cons.

With the 100 gold, buy as much armor pieces you can but check the guild vault for anything you can use. Even 1 piece can save up on coin. I bought all I could get at that level leaving me with 4 gold but at least I had some good armor again. Don't worry, as you go higher, you will make money more easily and get good drops again.


I have been wearing green and grey a lot of time.

When we begun was hard to get money and stuff.Now until lvl 20 a lot of people has money from high levels and wears orange stuff.

At lvl 20 my armor was blue-green-grey and i was happy of get one yellow drop.

A guildmate told me a new armor now!! mine is yellow and one part blue !! Not the first time i hear this.

The high levels pass a lot of time looking for stuff, looking for drops, is hard for all levels to wear a nice stuff.

Good Luck !! And be patient !


Don't buy from the shops whatever you do...

If you're gonna spend some cash - get some crafted stuff.

It's far better (and sometimes a fair bit cheaper too!)

ALso if you need cash - go slaughter greens for a day :)


or kill murian ants in cornwall, they drop about 26-50s a time


What stuff is yellow to you atm ?

Think I can do a set of fine alloy scaled or fluted if you like for the cost of the materials and I guess you have enough for that if not I can probably do you them any way.

If ur on tonight I'll send you a /tell.

Did have a few bits of vindi on my alts but gave them away last week :(


Originally posted by c0ngo
What stuff is yellow to you atm ?

Think I can do a set of fine alloy scaled or fluted if you like for the cost of the materials and I guess you have enough for that if not I can probably do you them any way.

If ur on tonight I'll send you a /tell.

Did have a few bits of vindi on my alts but gave them away last week :(

normal fine alloy (lvl 21-25) which costs me 127g is orange to me atm. so that would be perfect so i wont need new armor untill i hit 25+ (which is gonna take a while cause im hooked on BG atm :D)
would be great if u could make something mate, ill be online tonight...


Ok will do.

Off for a couple of beers tonight (not planning more than that) so will be on approx 9:00pm UK time.


Originally posted by c0ngo
Ok will do.

Off for a couple of beers tonight (not planning more than that) so will be on approx 9:00pm UK time.
alrighty, will be there :clap:

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