alternative tactics for a lowbie RR infil


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
hello there!
i have a upcoming infil wish is currently 48 and in the process of toa him.
I have thought about when its time to get him to rvr but i realised that he will be utterly destroyed by high RR SB and NS, specially remedy using ones.

So i thaught about a differant tactic to get him some realm ranks.
I was thinking about going Battlemaster for grapple and at RR4 spec viper3.
The tactics would be to have 3 SL items in template and SL any bridge/tower for stealthers and immidetly after landing poisons hit grapple. After grapple worn out i reapply poison and fight normaly. This should give enough advantage to get some kills even at lowbie RR. I will have hard against remedy but hopefully SL will get me an edge and be able to apply poison before the NS hit remedy.
This will also work against some tanks and other classes.

Now some questions

How long is grapple duration, how many free ticks will i get on the dot?
I know purge will be a problem but most stealthers have only purge2 wish is often down or ppl thinking there just grappled and wont hit purge before they realise there hits ticking down by the dot..

Can i spam grapple for more free ticks or does it give stun immunity?

How much damage does lb tick with +11 env in template and viper3?

Does viper work with all dots or only applyable poison?

I know this tactic will be consider lame if it works but i only plan to use it until im rr5/6 or the new remedy patch hit eu.

Will it work or not, rep for good inputs and pls no whine :clap: :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
my spec for this would be something like

env/stealth 36
DW 50
slash 47
no CS as i wont have time for it when i have to get in poison fast as hell


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
iirc Vanguar and Aldoran used that tactic for quite a while. Perhaps its a good idea to ask about the performance of these two guys before you decide :)

All the best,
Random Remedy-shade :cheers: :cheers:


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
It's a pile of crap to be honest, here's why;

50 DW is a poor damage-output spec imo. You may do more damage overtime due to offhand swinging more, although you won't be able to get the initial DPS rush like other infs.

Your poison won't be enough alone to kill an enemy, despite chain grappling.

If you go Viper3 at rr4, you'll be found with no trouble at all from archers.

With slash there's no point going to 47 or whatever, just go enough to get 51 composite spec.

3 SL items will gimp certain parts of your template. SoM is easy enough, RoD too, but three will mean you lack other key parts in your template.

Spymaster is >>>>battlemaster, unless you plan on duoing all the time. The poison mine is nice and the ae mez poison is very handy at times. Grapple is a poor way to play and you'll be remembered far past rr5/6 if you plan on getting there this way.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
It would work in theory but isnt gonna be too useful in reality, reason being that your fights will be far longer than normal assassin fights, meaning far more chance of adds. Even the many soloers who generally refrain from adding will likely do so when they see you using tactics they probably regard as lame (that's not meant to be judgemental, just how I beleive most people would see it).

And yes, grapple can be spammed, viper works for all dots, not sure about actual damage from LB + viper3 but it certainly is substancial from my experience fighting against it.

Oh and by rr4 even tho you'll lose a lot more assassin 1v1s than you'll win, you should be able to kill a fair share of enemies imo, especially once the brittle nerf hits.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Vladamir said:
It's a pile of crap to be honest, here's why;

50 DW is a poor damage-output spec imo. You may do more damage overtime due to offhand swinging more, although you won't be able to get the initial DPS rush like other infs.

Your poison won't be enough alone to kill an enemy, despite chain grappling.

If you go Viper3 at rr4, you'll be found with no trouble at all from archers.

With slash there's no point going to 47 or whatever, just go enough to get 51 composite spec.

3 SL items will gimp certain parts of your template. SoM is easy enough, RoD too, but three will mean you lack other key parts in your template.

Spymaster is >>>>battlemaster, unless you plan on duoing all the time. The poison mine is nice and the ae mez poison is very handy at times. Grapple is a poor way to play and you'll be remembered far past rr5/6 if you plan on getting there this way.

i dont need MoS bcs i will have a SL up most of the time

and template wont be gimped as i dont need +11 CS and DW just +11env
got a template with 400hits +18con cap+21 str cap etc, 50af etc so i will stand some dmg after chain grapple

afaik DW spec wont work as wyrd so i need as high slash as possible for dmg output

some valid points thou to consider :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Oboy said:
afaik DW spec wont work as wyrd so i need as high slash as possible for dmg output
Dual shadows (and other 50 wep styles) have always been bugged so their damage is based on primary wep spec, so yeah most who go DW spec also spec 50 weapon, as you'll be using that style a lot.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Oboy said:
i dont need MoS bcs i will have a SL up most of the time

SL = 1 minute, 15 minute RUT. 3 minutes of SL vs 15 minutes of cooldown ;o

Believe me you'll get buttfucked without any MoS :p

Oboy said:
and template wont be gimped as i dont need +11 CS and DW just +11env

Env doesn't change the damage, it just means you can use higher level poisons. And you won't have lifebane till at least rr4, so good luck using a sub 50 DoT poison to kill someone while grappling them ;x

Oboy said:
got a template with 400hits +18con cap+21 str cap etc, 50af etc so i will stand some dmg after chain grapple

You'll do bugger all damage because poisons don't rox as much as you think they do :p. I'm guessing you've gimped certain resists too which is always pointless.

Oboy said:
afaik DW spec wont work as wyrd so i need as high slash as possible for dmg output

Why not just go CS?. It doesn't make sense to go a spec that can only really be utilised at rr6+ at rr1/2 :x

Oboy said:
some valid points thou to consider :m00:

You should consider i've had a little more experience than you, and tried the DW spec. It's not a damage-heavy spec, you'll just get outdamaged when you run out of endurance from chain grappling :p.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Vladamir said:
You should consider i've had a little more experience than you, and tried the DW spec. It's not a damage-heavy spec, you'll just get outdamaged when you run out of endurance from chain grappling :p.

ok but if i go CS spec and still tries this.
+env will do more dmg as u will get rid of variance wich can be alot specially with viper3

i will have SL up every time i get to a bridge/tower as i will counting on get added alot The tactics will be to take a boat to first best fighting place, SL, attack first best solo stealther, hope for a kill, collect 1krps, then get buttfucked and repeat. Boatride will reset my timers fine.

Normal tactics will just get me buttfucked in the first place with no rps as i wont stand up in any fight against a high rr stealther. And finding solo casters with no protection from DI will happen once ina blue moon


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
any other constructive suggestions how i can get to rr5/6
and no, i will not stealthzerg or add, plan to just solo and counting on fight mostly stealthers


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Oboy said:
any other constructive suggestions how i can get to rr5/6
and no, i will not stealthzerg or add, plan to just solo and counting on fight mostly stealthers

Don't stealthzerg.. just find someone to duo with.

Fighting a rr9 with 2 rr3's is actually a fairly fair fight most of the time.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
Golena said:
Fighting a rr9 with 2 rr3's is actually a fairly fair fight most of the time.

This is what a friend and I are currently doing, we had such a great time today when we killed 2 higher RR vampiirs :D
I'm RR3.2, and he's RR2.something, I can't remember.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
+env doesn't help you variance, just lets you use better poisons.

and go 44 cs and 50 thrust at low rr, dragonfang is a win against low rr stealthers and cs has way better styles than DW
Also with cs you will kill visibles much easier than with DW.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
aika said:
+env doesn't help you variance, just lets you use better poisons.

and go 44 cs and 50 thrust at low rr, dragonfang is a win against low rr stealthers and cs has way better styles than DW
Also with cs you will kill visibles much easier than with DW.

+env dose help you variance (but its not werth having anymore then +3 in your template)

50 thrust 44 cs is what u shud be looking for as u want to get quick kills on casters when i was starting out i ust to log off in DF and pwn the xp'ers had some real good fun back in the day :)

while 50DW is nice for dps you realy lose alot the garrote anytime snare is so important to me i cud never be without it

If your going 50 weapon it shud be thrust no question about it

Id say go for a look around DF you will learn how to use all your infil's tools all thou ive not been in yet this patch so not sure how its changed

If your infil is ml9 its shud realy be spymaster

The grapple/lifebane plan while looks nice on paper isnt realy werth trying for a number of reasons.
The fact is you need fast kills, what zone can u stand and grapple kill without getting adds?
If u start doing that the SB's NS's will kill you on sight and insta add on u

Anyway good luck oboy your infils been in the pipe line far to long :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
Just a point but i've specced to 50 venom again, to use lifebane, and i have viper2 and i hit for 60-70 damage with lifebane that is not much, not worth 15 points, and because most of the stealthers going on acolyte champ line, you will find nice resists on body, so your your lifebane won't hit for 100 even with viper3. For a low rr, i could suggest to duo with someone, or when you see darkness falls open, go down there you can find easy kills there.
And if you spam graple, you won't be loved to much, and one more problem with this, you can't apply poison in combat, so you will need 4-5 weapons to swap, and sadly but if you can't kill someone in 5-6 sec then you get zerged. (don't try this around brynja bridge or agramon bridges)
And even scouts will add on you too if you don't kill as fast as possible.

And on spymaster line ml6 the poisonspike does essence type damage, which have no resists, only sojouneres have a short duration insta resist grp buff for that, but you can count spymaster ml6 as +600 damage in each of your fights. And thats stacks with lifebane too, but viper don't affect the damage of poisonspike.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
what if someone purges ? :C he ll prolly drop poisonspike aswell... and without him having str/con debuff on ... one free attack should be enough to deal enough damage to kill you anyway:D not to mention he ll be able to get a healpot while he s grappled xD


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
aika said:
+env doesn't help you variance, just lets you use better poisons.

and go 44 cs and 50 thrust at low rr, dragonfang is a win against low rr stealthers and cs has way better styles than DW
Also with cs you will kill visibles much easier than with DW.

+ env does help with variance .... not that i would bother with fiting it in my suit but anyway xd


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 10, 2004
Ive resently begun rvr with my newly finished inf which i specced 34 slash 50 DW etc. Its utter wank tbh. Dual Shadows is a nice style if you were 50 weapon but as it is now it hits for the same or less than amy slash or garrote(34 CD). And without high CD i dont have a backup style(hamstring). Means im just spamming anytime which really isnt any good :(
Im gonna respec but not desided on what spec is good for a slasher(feel free to help :p )


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
I soloed from RR1. Get yourself a good template, purge2 asap and you will get kills. The worst thing is the high MoS hunters who will pop you infront of zergs(hello tesla) so you need to get some MoS asap also.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Thanx for all good inputs, rep given away
It looks like my idea is utterly crap so i will go on like i planned from the beginning
My infil is a briton with 15 str 10 con from creation so i will spec slash even if df is a good style. I will be rr3 before going big goy rvr so i guess purge2 mos2 will be a good start.

Technodave said:
Anyway good luck oboy your infils been in the pipe line far to long

I know but i play very casual and have school and a child to think about. And every time i try to do something like a ML-raid it gets fucked up (pc freeze, failed raid, screaming gf/baby) :mad:
Anyway only 2 artifacts to get credit on before i can xp them in poc
See you out there in a month or two lol


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Oboy said:
It looks like my idea is utterly crap so i will go on like i planned from the beginning
My infil is a briton with 15 str 10 con from creation so i will spec slash even if df is a good style. I will be rr3 before going big goy rvr so i guess purge2 mos2 will be a good start.

It's not an utterly crap idea, it's different and looks pretty funny. The other option would be to group with a scout for the first half million realm points. Grapple, poison and shoot. Of course, the adding/facing duos+ problem is still evident, but you probably won't be getting more than 1 or 2 kills per release as low rr anyway :)

The next thing you have to think about is weapon you go for artifactrator, legendarytrator or a mixfiltrator spec?! :) Obviously resists play a big part in this decision, but a 25% to all debuff with Malice isn't to be shrugged at.

Always fancied Malice offhand with swappable legendary main-hand myself (although I'm thrust, so would probably do the same with croc tooth off).


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
eggy said:
It's not an utterly crap idea, it's different and looks pretty funny. The other option would be to group with a scout for the first half million realm points. Grapple, poison and shoot. Of course, the adding/facing duos+ problem is still evident, but you probably won't be getting more than 1 or 2 kills per release as low rr anyway :)

The next thing you have to think about is weapon you go for artifactrator, legendarytrator or a mixfiltrator spec?! :) Obviously resists play a big part in this decision, but a 25% to all debuff with Malice isn't to be shrugged at.

Always fancied Malice offhand with swappable legendary main-hand myself (although I'm thrust, so would probably do the same with croc tooth off).

im going CL weapon off-hand and have a open mainhand template, but a guess will be that i have malice in main in start off fight untill it procs then switch to a legendary or BoS weapon. Ofc battler on 2h slot for charge or swapping in for resisted poison. The poison thing wont work as good as i thaught bcs i didnt count in resistbuffs from DR and bb´s, as a previous poster said, my lb+viper3 will hardly tick for more then 100 wich wont cut the cake.

Maybe i try it anyway just for the fun factor and inc whines from ppl i actually manage to kill :clap:

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