Alternative Midgard Alliance Agreed



This is to formally announce the establishment of a second alliance for Midgard. The founder members are as follows:

The Dark Alliance
Rabid Badgers
Fellowship of Midgard
Shield of Valhalla
Aesir's Blade

Due to the inability at this time for the server to allow more than one active alliance, an alternative method of inter-guild communications has been introduced during alliance operations.

All guilds without exception are welcome to join the alliance established - the only proviso being that their members are willing to adhere to the terms and conditions in the agreement ratified by the above guilds. A copy can be obtained by return from (Midgard guilds only please ;)

A Commander-in-Chief and chain of command, as well as an official name for said alliance will be made public shortly.


Killgorde Wraithlord

GM - Nazgul


Hey... Where are the hibbie guilds in that alliance? ;)
Surely you cant leave them out, theyd feel so small and alone.. :)


Originally posted by Sepiritz
Hey... Where are the hibbie guilds in that alliance? ;)
Surely you cant leave them out, theyd feel so small and alone.. :)

Poor hibbies! :(

They will have to go back to their trees now....:eek6:


No offence, but seeing as you never even bothered replying to the email, you can stick your Alliance up your arse!

The last Alliance failed because of crap communication and you just started another one with crap communication!

Never mind though, seeing as the higher levels are so out of touch with the regular players, there will just have to be another Alliance I guess........ :upyours:


Just because he doesn't respond instantly doesn't mean he won't. There is alot being sorted, and alot of us have stuff to do irl, so be pacient. Put your name and your guild tag up if you want a response, or some seriously responses from other members. This is not just Nazgul's it is the members.

Grilf, leader of Tiwaz. (



Very constructive comments Guildmaster :rolleyes:

As was said, the alliance is just being put together and a lot is going on. Patience is a virtue you know. Maybe you didnt put a char/guild name in your email either??????

Next time you post, put a character/guild name so that we have some way of contacting you if there are problems with email or whatever.....


Ther are a number of issues which still have to be resolved. The draft resoloution to be sent to all interested parties was only agreed and finalised late on saturday nite...we will not send out anything without prior approval.

The issue of the technical problem with not being able to leave an existing alliance has also still to be resolved.

The commander in chief and a chain-of-command still has to be agreed by all founder members.

The alliance forum has to be in place before we can proceed to admit members to this alliance.

To all you out there who want a quick-fix alliance this aint gonna happen.

Once the above measures have all been dealt with to our satisfaction (and this may take till towards the end of this week) we will be ready to roll. We do not, however, encourage guilds considering joining if their GM's have the same foul-mouthed attitude as the one who posted above. We have all been at great pains to ensure that there is a mutual respect and loyalty between all member guilds of this alliance once it is up and running.

I urge you to exercise patience peeps. Some or all of the founder GM's have day jobs, and this will not happen in 5 minutes.




good things come to those who wait :D
patience is a virtue n all that stuff . shame us albs will stop you anyways :p


With your scary Minstrel?....... Bring it on Banjo Boy, ill chop you into kindling and warm my feet on the fire


Dont put your troll-feet close to the fire, I hear the vapours are flammable! :)


/me sighs @Guildmaster

These things take time if you saw the potential you'd bear with it.

Also if you didn't wish to cause offence why the "finger" smilie ?

Methinks you need a :fluffle:



Just to make peeps aware, The new alliance has been formed in game. Grlif and Tiwaz are the custodians and it will be Grilf who processes any invitations in-game.

Unfortunately the Alliance Chat channel does not at the moment work inter-guild and according to sources at GOA (thanx Grilf) will only do so after the server is reset on Monday.




Indeed, although the reset on monday isn't actually confirmed by GOA. I just mentioned to Grilf that there's a weekly monday maintenance and that the server is probably reset during that time as well.

Let's hope so ;)


AS fixed :)

W00t, Alliance chat has been fixed this morning. I personally don't have AS speak rights, but I could hear RB, SoV, and Nazgul people just fine :)


Yep, all systems are go. Now all I need to do is replace this dumbass Dull Asterite axes and away I go :)


You can stick
"The Clocker Knights" down as well :)

we have about 30 members including alts :)

quite a few in the 30's now but none above yet


New World Order is in the same boat.

A few 40+, some 30+ about 15-20 active members.


easy way to get out...

Nothing personal Killgorde, but imho, the decision that Nazgul made to start their own alliance is just a Cowardous and childish way to get out of trouble. Much like the mez-and-run albies...

I'm sure you must understand, that one realm cannot work with 2 major alliances. (Ever seen a country work, or even been Studid enough to have 2 goverments!?) Unless you spread the word to the other alliance, which I doubt since your grudges with NP.
I'm not sure of this, but it seemed as if you did not try to make the situation any better, just bail out and start your own thing.
(I'm not sure of this though, Im not often told whats going on beneath the ACs surface)'

Until we get ONE good alliance going, I doubt Midgard will have any power to do anything. We are already outnumbered, why seperate us to 2 even smaller parts?

Until then, gratz Albion and Hibernia, Emain and our relics will probably be yours a bit longer.




Most major democracies have two governments in essence.

In the uk you have the two houses, in the US senate and congress..

It is mainly done for balance..

As for 2 major alliences I see no problem in this. We the Ghosts of Valhalla are part of a minor alliance who uses it's contacts in the bigger ones to find out what is happening.

Having one big alience can sometimes be a flaw as it becomes difficult for people to be heard.....


Fun fun fun!

From the amount of work I, and many others are putting into this alliance, it is NOT a cop out.

Since the first alliance with NP was founded, Tiwaz and NP. Nothing decent happened. I pushed for Fatbelly to get into gear and sort it out, but nothing happened. A few weeks before the Nazgul alliance proposal came to light, my guild had a guild meeting, where we voted to either form a new alliance, or join an existing alliance. All my officers couldn't be bothered to post ANY information on the alliance channel, because of the flames that errupted from the elitests, who were xping, or couldn't give a damn.

So, to rectify the situation, we heard that Nazgul were thinking about forming a new alliance, so we asked for some more information on the subject, and were given it. When I read that document, I thought to myself, I wish I'd gotten this off Fatbelly when the first was made, would have made midguard a far better place. However, that's history, we are at the here and now. We can't fix the NP alliance, because that's all it is, the NP alliance. They wouldn't organise it, or try to sort it. To try and remidie the situation, we formed the new alliance, and all the founding members signed up. Since founding the alliance, we have some of the biggest guilds from the NP alliance, with us. And some new kids on the block, who couldn't seem to get an invite from Fatbelly.

So, Gimp, if you think this is a cop out, you are SEVERLY mistaken.



Only one thing to say Gimp:

When Nolby Pride (the leaders of the 1st alliance) knowingly admit senior Hib players into their guild with 2nd accounts (Eblessair and Elisias I believe) then I feel WE (Not I or Nazgul but the 7 founder guilds) have made the right decision. Depends how you want the war game to be played I suppose...


GM - Nazgul


I have seen the foundations to this new alliance created by Nazgul and it looks good. I have not seen anything like this from another guild or alliance including Nolby Pride.

Like Goverments and countries you can not have a solid alliance with now foundations to up hold it. This one has great potential, and could be the start to the one big alliance everyone wants.

I say we put alot of effort into it to make it work. The founding members of it have layed down the basic structure , its now up to the rest of Midgard to build on it.

Nice work there guys lets see if we can get the ball rolling. :clap:

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