almost, but not quite, legendary tailor



Well, since Goa is gonna keep me waiting untill 1.49 before i can reach 1000 and beond, i'm gonna be available much more for my fellow realm mates.

so, if you need leather or studded leather armour up to AF 92 gimme a tell. I'll be around sauvage/ludlow most of the time

oh yeah i can do AF 96 gloves and helm too



One question:

What is the point of training in any crafting skills if you don´t put your skills to good use?
Lets say, theoretically: That you were able to go to crafting skill of 5000. Would you try to go for that or stop once in a while to serve the realm. And when should you stop if so?

I don´t expect you to be able to answer this, because I see the question at hand as a mathematical question. What is the optimal tradeskill lvl?
The factors in the formular are somewhat difficult to asses, because they consist of human factors ( grrrrr ). But I urge any of you out there to give some suggestions to how the formular could look.
We may find that there are several optimums, but lets see if anyone have a sencible suggestion.:)


I´m at work ( nightshift) and I´m very bored.


Having recently joined the ranks of Master Tailors I sort of know what our philosophical friend is getting at. However...

If someone can come up with a single model that fits the continually changing equation that is the daoc world then I'm sure future mathematical stardom surely awaits.

My thought here is that people will always strive to be the best, just like all those people who want to be level 50. I fully intend to reel Egidius in at some point - oh yes m8, watch yer back :)

So from that point of view, some people will always drive for the top, even when the podium is already crowded, but having more high level crafters is a good thing in terms of coverage both geographically, and hours of the day.

Market forces will ultimately turn it into a buyers market at some point when the choice of which Master to use is large, so ultimately the realm benefits. As to whether the net result is a positive (taking the time and money to get all those Master Craftsmen there) is debatable.

Anway, time to get back to work, so more on this later.

Bye for now



Big gratz on getting to 999, now if only there was a reward of getting revenge on those swindling merchants taking all of your money.

One of the main driving behind my sewing addiction is the thought of how useful it should be when (wishful thinking) spellcrafting comes in, that and just being useful to my guild is enough to keep me hooked to the needle for now.

Let's just hope that 1.49 isn't tooo soon, so that us other masters have a chance to catch up with you ;)

Simius - Lvl 43 Sorcerer
Crescendo - Lvl 7 Master Tailor Minstrel (Pleading for Song of Sewing)

Proud members of <The Dark Phoenix>


I believe at 1150 you can make any item available to your craft with 0% chance of a critical failure (i.e. losing materials.)

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