Alliance, what do we want in it?



Alot of whining in our alliance atm.....

personally i think our fine alliance is abused.. /cry

things that _not_belong in our alliance imo:

"2 invaders in yggdra" - (sure, invaders, but not alliance stuff, send to your guild and let em take care of it.)
"loool" - (or some sort of response, that does not make sense)
"STOP THE SPAM PLZ!" - (dont belong there either, right?)
"10 albs owning us in emain, mmg" - (sure , invaders aswell, but id think emain is "casual rvr"....not alliance stuff either imo, make a cg for those who are in emain and deal with the albs ;))
"Ok, meet u there" - (huh? - do whole midgard care..? )
"Hey, u wanna meet me in spindel for some exp?" - ( mistells happen alot, dunno why..;)

and then there is what people think of a situation and so on:

"I think albs will charge bledmeer in 15 mins" - (just stated after someone said 30 albs in odins...kinda useless info..right?)

things that i want in our alliance imho:

"20albs in odins at GG! - from grey to yellow con to 50" - ( possible keep attack, a good report imho)
"DC under attack, 30 albs, from blue - orange con to 48" - (also good report to see in alliance)
"We are taking Crim in Emain, feel free to join up at silo" - (good way to gather a fine army, eh? ;)
"We need help at Notmore, only 7 of us here, and 30+ albs" - ( good aswell)
"2 groups of 45+ are moving to Bledmeer" - (good info aswell,)

most important imho, is that U think over what U write in the alliance. not just write away...

i just posted this thread to see other people's views of our alliance and what we want in it...... feel free to flame ;)

:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00:


In the near future an alliance meeting is comming where subjects like /as policy, what we want primary to use the chat for ect will be decussed.

This has been done before but atm a lot of people don't follow the decissions made on the past meetings... but then again - not many of the 'old' leaders play anymore...



I agree with the first post, but i'm too tired to write a proper reply atm, and not really in the mood tbh

will be discussed next meet.


When is the next meet? For some reason i cant access the alliance forums any more

GM Head Hunters


I have to admit that alliance chat contains irrelevant information from time to time. Personally this doesn't bother me at all tbh (it still is a chat, right?). What bothers me a whole lot more, is the whining of people complaining what belongs in /as and what doesn't. What even bothers me more, is that the majority of those whiners are people you almost never see during keep raids or defending keeps. I think it's about time to reform the alliance, there are too many guilds in it imo. I don't really get it, even if it's spammed occasionally, so what? I won't start bitching over a few lines I've read which aren't useful to me... To those whiners I have one last thing to say: either deal with it, or disable it.



I keep seeing new names in AS all the time, some might be alt chars but a lot of the messages I see there seems to come from newbies. Don't the alliance have a policy on what kind of people to let inthere?

Personally I agree with Eynar that it's no realm concern that a few snipers roam Yggdra. It happens all the time. I do not agree that 10-15 hibs albs are near amg in Emain. This is enough to take our beloved merchant keep :)

But it would be nice to get a few guidelines on what and most importantly WHO belong there.


Err - how can you have TOO MANY guilds in the alliance?

The whole point is to have the realm united. Unlike Albion who have 2-3 alliances and as such aren't 1% as organized as Midgard.


I made some own thoughts about the Alliance chat. Since I am usally roaming Cruachan Gorge and Mt. Collory I sometimes have the please to report troop movements. Beside from this I mostly don't care for Alliance chat. I have turned it off.
In my opinion way to many people got read privilegs! Give them all write privilegs if you want but not read... If you can report but don't read the answers there will be no chitchat. If there is large scale RvR or keep defending going on I allways read about it in our Guild chat. Give only high ranking guild members read privilegs. There are allways some of every Guild on who can pass the nessecary information to their mates. This way you avoid all these "I think the..." and "Anything going on in Emain?" messages.


I have a simpler proposal.

Do Not Complain About Spamming In Alliance Chat. Period.

If ever you feel that somone is abusing /as in a manner you find unacceptable, do one of the two things:

a) swallow it, spreading your anger around all and everybody in the alliance is not good.

b) send the offender a private tell, then discuss away, using again, Private Tells.

There is no doubt that everybody are extremely interested to hear if someone who is rarely seen on the field of battle finds tactical information scrolling through his chatbox less than interesting and is switching off alliance chat. However, I would still urge people to restrain themselves and direct messages stating that they are pissed and/or bored about something someplace other than our beloved aliance channel.

Just had an idea! Why don’t ya guys send all such stuff to RightNow instead? It’s a legitimate channel for all sorts of complaints, nobody’s reading them so you won’t be multiplying yer frustrations all around the realm and you would even get nice auomated responses to yer mailbox.



read is not problem, those who write is.
if there is only limited ammount who see it, like 2-3 person in guild, and if they are offline?
one big rvr hungry guild is out.
just rise in rank so high i see it, and notice, wow, what a bs there is going, some intresting information offcourse! and when exploring skona all early warnings is +.
this morning was fine and i rise hat for that, short message and only information.

agree froler´s message 100%!!!
not any guild raids, gratz message, WOW or that kind emotions :)
short important messages, people read them, not ignore.


Originally posted by Ottar
I have a simpler proposal.

Do Not Complain About Spamming In Alliance Chat. Period.

If ever you feel that somone is abusing /as in a manner you find unacceptable, do one of the two things:

a) swallow it, spreading your anger around all and everybody in the alliance is not good.

b) send the offender a private tell, then discuss away, using again, Private Tells.

There is no doubt that everybody are extremely interested to hear if someone who is rarely seen on the field of battle finds tactical information scrolling through his chatbox less than interesting and is switching off alliance chat. However, I would still urge people to restrain themselves and direct messages stating that they are pissed and/or bored about something someplace other than our beloved aliance channel.

Just had an idea! Why don’t ya guys send all such stuff to RightNow instead? It’s a legitimate channel for all sorts of complaints, nobody’s reading them so you won’t be multiplying yer frustrations all around the realm and you would even get nice auomated responses to yer mailbox.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
you go ottar:D


Originally posted by Ottar
I have a simpler proposal.

Do Not Complain About Spamming In Alliance Chat. Period.

To an extent this would work - however, what i would see happening is that people will see this "spam" in /as and assume its acceptable because nobody says anything - this would lead to more people spamming and a few individuals trying to maintain order by /sending lots of people.


I seem to be one of the very few people who think that only spam in /as are those "test" and "Make a cg for it" messages.
I have no problems reading it while fighting/chatting/running. Maybe I just read a lot faster than majority ?

Also when /who shows under 100 people on and most of the 35+ peeps are crafting who cares if someone reports a sighting of one or two invaders ?

Note that to some lower level players it means a lot to know if there is a blood thirsty high con Alb waiting to slaughter them at zombie camp (Hi Nilo)


My point exactly Cordain... Too bad a lot of people seem to suffer from some kind of strange "you made me read 3 lines i didn't want to and now i'm pissed" disease. And aye Ottar, whining is the only form of spam in /as.:clap:


Up till the fabled Alb Relic raid couple days ago I had no probs with spam in /as, well none that urged me to post in /as about it.

Dunno why but aftr that raid I got all pissed off at the misuse of /as (misuse imo: which i have since changed)

It got to the point I was spamming more than the spammers trying to tell em to not use /as for spam, kinda vicious circle.

Now I turn off as and even /gu if I dont wanna be disturbed or if I am in a group xping or playing my alt.

I will make this statement:

To me 80% of whats said on /as is useless as far as information goes. I am gonna be tolerant again to spam and assume guild leaders can do their duty to uphold the agreement on the accepted use of /as.

If our guild is not spaming, I should not have a problem.

Ottar is right, and so is Froler, even tho their views differ.


Originally posted by Cordain
/as are those "test"

i agree with a lot thats been said so far apart from the above.

Has a GM the /as test is to test that /as is working when setting up new ranks etc. its a nice simple was to make sure its works and all is working.

their does seem to be more and more stuid comments in /as but 90% of it is funny, as guild tend to take the piss out of it.

/as A purple alb in Ygg to a lvl 22
/gc LOL i thought everything was purple to a lvl 22 in ygg
/gc Nice use of /as their. Khan tell them i just farted

ho can can you expain how you can do a misstell into /as i can undstand it in groups and guild chat but how the hell do you mistell in allaince chat.

what realy pisses me off the the complaining to the ppl that put a damn lot of time and effort into sorting things out. its a thank less job as it is without ppl jumping on them for no reason.


Just short comment..
I think its good to know if its some invader in our yggdra
what ever the amount are.
Cause if some sniper killing our xpers it only slows them down if they wanna xp. And that isnt good for midgard.

Kerram Darktyde

Reports on Invaders in our frontier are useful..
Even if only one has been sighted does not mean that he/she is not a scout for a larger force etc etc
And some High levels like to help the lower levels xp safely in the frontier..

Not all High level Players are distainful to people more than 5-10 levels lower than them...

the lower levels do alot for the alliance, spoting for the higher level cavalry, Keep sitting, Runners and giving what little cash they have for wood. Ressing and healing too.
While the door might need 1p worth of repairs if a low 30 gives 50 gold out of the 75 they have only to be greeted with oh is that it attitude.... is very disheartening..

The saying "Together we stand, divided we fall" rings true for us..


Originally posted by Blejsarus
Just short comment..
I think its good to know if its some invader in our yggdra
what ever the amount are.
Cause if some sniper killing our xpers it only slows them down if they wanna xp. And that isnt good for midgard.

That's why I'm there ;)


Yeah Coren we are trying for the relic every night from now on arent we? ;)



i agree with froler in everything he says

i just have a few coments

the last couple of days /as has been used as a chatroom in the really big relic attempts, and i think it was used extremely effecient

and yesterday when i spotted 150+ albs just north of our relic keep, that /AS HEAVY ATTACK ON MJOLLNIR FASTE came in pretty handy.. soon after we had 150+ middies in Uppland


Originally posted by Khain
Who can can you expain how you can do a misstell into /as i can undstand it in groups and guild chat but how the hell do you mistell in allaince chat.

To talk in officer's chat it's /os and alliance is /as


Anyone with strong opinions about this should make sure their guild is represented at the upcoming alliance meeting where /as use policy is up for discussion (all details on the alliance forums, no im not posting the details here for obvious reasons), it would be good to see 1 repressentative from each member guild of the nemesis alliance attending.

If you arent sure if your guild is involved ask your guildmaster.

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