All US Account owners pls vote on Herald



As you can see you may decide what next server type will be introduced to DAoC at

For all european players here the outlook of what options you can choose from:

"Casual" server: This server (regular ruleset) would offer more experience per kill, but would have limitations on the number of hours that an individual player could gain experience each day. I am interested in playing on this server.

"Home invasion" server: This server uses the same ruleset as the regular servers, but invading the home regions is more possible and acceptable. I am interested in playing on this server.

"Dred Gaheris" server: This server has cooperative server ("Gaheris") rules for the home regions and PVP server ("Andred/Mordred") rules for the frontiers. I am interested in playing on this server.

I think all of these are terrific, I couldn't possibly decide.

I don't like any of these ideas, but I am interested in other new server types.

These ideas are fine, but I'm perfectly happy with the options I already have, and I will not leave my current home server.

I placed my vote on Dred Gaheris... however Home Invasion would also be a fine Thing... :p

Teh Fonz!!1

GOA Version...

For all european players here the outlook of what options you can choose from:

"Casual" server: This server will allow cheats the ability to mess about with everyones spare time. GOA will let them do whatever they want at the expense of law abiding citizens with only a 3 day ban as a result.

"Home invasion" server: This server will allow haxors to find out peoples account password very easily and then go and mess about with your characters reputation. An account ban will be punishment but after that we don't care.

Rollback server: This server will be rolled back to the previous nights database every day at midnight, the challenge is to get loads done and then come up with the best thread at Barrysworld.

I think all of these are terrific, I couldn't possibly decide.

These ideas are fine, but I'm perfectly happy with the options I already have, and I will not leave my current home server because it's exactly the fucking same as I've got already.


Option 3 sounds kinda cool.

However it's just another attempt of getting ppl to reactivate their accounts, it ain't gonna happend thru new "modes" of play.

Maybe if they stopped messing with classes and spells as much as they do, some might stick around more.


Casual Server : can you say PL? lvl 50 in 3 days?

Home Invasion : i don't even get the idea ...

Dred Gaheris : get your assasin toons pl'ed so you can get owned by 3 realms' assasins

Thid Gaheris : cross-realm teaming and rvr with limited groups (say 2fg each max?) in small zones, now this would rock


Casual server : it says there will be a timer on how long you play per day , I seriously doubt you will reach lvl 50 in 3 days :p

old.Trine Aquavit

1. Casual Server

This is a nice idea in theory, but I'm not sure it would work in practice. While I am a casual gamer (average less than 10 hours a week), so it would be suited to me, I think the people that spend many more hours playing contribute a great deal to the continuity and community of a server. I don't think you can just have casual players as it's the "Hard core" that tend to be the ones putting hours into running guilds, setting up events, etc. A casual server would make it much harder to get like-minded people together.

I actually think a better concept for a casual server would be a server which requires only half the XP to level. Sure, the power-gamers would get to 50 in no time, but the amount of time between the power gamer getting to 50 and the casual gamer getting to 50 would be reduced and you've have a more even RvR.

2. Home Invasion

This is my favourite idea. For me, the central concept of RvR is what makes the game special. The good thing about Realm-based PvP is that it gives you a well-defined sense of friend and enemy. Your friends are your realmmates, who you know by name, have adventured with over the years and built up bonds with. Your enemy is the nameless hoards who you only know from the fields of war, speak another language and bring death and destruction. Only when an enemy has become notorious from their killing of your realm-mates do you start to know them. This gives an excellent focus for PvP. I think the prospect of your enemy coming into your own homelands and slaughtering your young and pillaging your towns and villages can only enhance things. It'll give RvR more emotional impact and provide more variety and a wider area for RvR.

3. Dred / Gaheris

I know many wanted this set of rules for Gaheris (the frontier has little point on Gaheris), but I'm not sure who it satisfies. If you want gank-fest then there's already a PvP server. If you want more structured PvP then the normal servers are better. If you want unrestricted PvE then Gaheris is better. While I'd be happy to have had this instead of Gaheris (to give it more "teeth"), I don't think there's much point in having it in addition to Gaheris.


(About the VNBoards discussion)

And what a great discussion it is. 90% (or close to that) of the posts on the first two pages complained about sending the password in plain text over the network (which is not even the case).

A few were actually posting on the subject. Most of them thought they don't want another server type (either because they feel the servers are already too empty or that they feel that Mythic should concentrate on fixing bugs instead). Personally I'd like to see the home invasion type of server.


With my US account I voted home invasion now that would rock and break the boundaries of RvR imagine people trying to hold the people off from Camelot WICKED!!


Option 3 is what the Gaheris 'carebear' server should have been like in the first place. It allows co-op xp'ing in safety but adds some PKing bite and purpose to the frontiers. Sounds good though.

Option 2 gets my vote. I've often wondered what it would be like if the enemy managed to get past the battle keeps. They would need to make it difficult to achieve and there'd need to be extra safeguards to prevent constant harassment, such as if you log out in someone elses homeland you are returned to your own homeland (last bind point) on return. This would keep invasions as incursions and not turn them into forces of occupation.

With proper thought and safeguards, Option 2 could be great.

I'd give either of option 2 and 3 a try.

50 Celt Hero, Raven Ardent, Hib Prydwen


I like the "Home Invasion" and "Dred Gaheris" ideas alot.

In my opinion all pvp-servers and coop servers should be converted to "Dred Gaheris" servers and all normal servers to "Home Invasion" servers :)
But that's just my opinion :)
It's mostly because I don't want to make new character since I like my existing ones so much that I wanna play them..

Mostly I'd like to see Home Invasion server, this is how I'd wanted normal servers to be from start if I had had a choice.
Though with that, it'd be important that you could walk directly from other realm to other, without any porting. From Sauvage to Yggdra etc.
This'd probably involve some zoning problems (since they don't wanna host all realms on same server) but it wouldn't matter if there was zonewall between which you could walk through (like in Anarchy Online).

There would ofcourse be guards on the way so that no small group could pass the borders (easily).
And now it comes to my mind that there should be some protection against assassins just stealthing in past guards (who obviously wouldn't be level 100 anymore) to go gank level 1 people in mularn :)

Well, bit ahead of things here, but I like idea of the "Home Invasion" server alot.

I like RVR oriented servers, where realms fight each other. This server surely would allow more creativity in everyday rvr activity since you wouldn't need to camp some spot in frontier and wait for people but could just go and find the people yourself :)

As for the new voting system, it's good. Shame we can't vote there but maybe we can try and get GOA to do some kind of polling option to their website. They could have the server poll here and then send results to Mythic.

Heh, on the last note, I found this bit of Sanya's herald post bit funny.
We don't tell our partners what kinds of servers they can run!
Isn't that exactly what they do, tell GOA what servers they can run but can't tell what servers they will run. :)
I don't think GOA can make "Home Invasion" server even if they wanted, or maybe we should ask them to :)

That's about all I got to share on the subject right now, gonna go sleep now and dream about sneaking to Cornwall (was that where they craft?) to kill crafters :)


Finally! Option 2 is what I've been waiting for for so long... please everyone vote for this ;)

The other two sound good too, the casual server for those of us (like me) who don't have 10 hours a day or more to spend playing, and the other one is how the PvE server should have been done in the first place.

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