Ive finally left me voodoo2's and gone all 32bit, BUT where is this great increase in picture quality u all went on about ?
as fair as i see, the only REAL differance is the frame rate!
i must say i feal really cheated , i remember all the "once you have seen 32bit, there is no going back" statements which where thrown arround awhile ago.
i mean its a really hard choice :-
1)piss slow 32-bit color and sod all image differance and low resolutions.
2)fast 16-bit color and 2 or 3 resolutions higher.
3)cant we have 16-bit and textures which are twice as large instead ?
hehe, iam interested to here u thoughts on this
as fair as i see, the only REAL differance is the frame rate!
i must say i feal really cheated , i remember all the "once you have seen 32bit, there is no going back" statements which where thrown arround awhile ago.
i mean its a really hard choice :-
1)piss slow 32-bit color and sod all image differance and low resolutions.
2)fast 16-bit color and 2 or 3 resolutions higher.
3)cant we have 16-bit and textures which are twice as large instead ?
hehe, iam interested to here u thoughts on this