stellaartois said:bunch off hib crybabies when u or mids ac albs its ok but when albs do it to u oh no thats a great injust
thx for ruining the game on whoever thought it up to release all keeps and towers (and btw don't say its because off the alb ac'ers cause u guys r as guilty as any alb on acing)
nice to say this but no i was active in daoc europe last two years (including last two days) so i stand by my point if albs ac hibs its a bad thin when albs get ac'd its normal (and since i didn't cry when albs got ac'd i think i have a right to talk)elbeek said:Did you live on another planet for the past 2 days or are you just too thick to understand why they did it?
stellaartois said:nice to say this but no i was active in daoc europe last two years (including last two days) so i stand by my point if albs ac hibs its a bad thin when albs get ac'd its normal (and since i didn't cry when albs got ac'd i think i have a right to talk)
Repped!elbeek said:Ahhh, its a case of being too thick to understand. Ok nps.
Mastade said:Oh man.. i almost gave Elbeek a rep!
brad said:Attention seeking ebayer #234235
Manisch Depressiv said:Sorry, what? I sell stuff I want to on eBay. If you want to use this as an insult against me, then you have to try harder.