Woot thanks I must read these forums more often (but I was busy xping)
Well this was long, about 30 played days (doh).
It didn't seem too long thanks to all the great people that grouped with me though, then thanks to :
The usual gang of these last days
Xnijih (doooon't shelf please)
Wuren ("let the weak celt rest, I'll be main tank" guy)
Novamir (u were there though all were sleepy he)
Motorhead (can't count how often you instasaved my sorry ass now)
Tylar for the final race to the end, you deserved to be first, but I can be more sneaky than you
then to Gaya (let's speak french, we take over that group), Rip (bah let's just speed and run) and Eblessair (OMG we're going to DIE!!) as nice memory of old time groups. Brimwolf too shame we see you less now.
Nerys your /healed count on me is over 50000 hp now I think, grats.
Salazar the best pimp in hibernia (summon that elf pet again please)
To CF for taking me in that great guild Balnor, Hothnogg, Kirnan, Alderian, Ortunga and all the rest in fact (crauchon raid was fun, level range 10-50 and everyone did what he had to).
And many more I met around, the crazy AOers and Thorinn that got me there are the very end, Pempula, Terminus insta-aggro, Lews LW hero what an idea don't u know all these drops are belong to me?, Giolla, Kineada who I wanted so bad to catch on at level , the Ddraig clan for nice grouping too and in fact so much I couldn't get all names here.
Now enemies of hibernia, fear the rest of our realm is getting there any time soon
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