HOhoHO! If you stop to flee, i can show you how much dmg i can do ... 530 was only the third tic!censi said:versus heretic that I hit after debuff for like 60 damage. who is arrow immune. who can range nuke me for like 530 damage. well nuff said.
balance m8. damn right i flee. I was actually trying to keep you ocupied till galid got their to strafe you to death.
heretic make caster look gimped.
nerf everything cept me!
ok so you've played for 3-4 years rvr now and still haven't reached r10, how would you call yourself then censi.
Crocky said:so thats an archer shooting a chanter?
kinda funny you know, the normal shot is 1/2 damage of the crit shot, do you know how to cast your shields mr crybaby?
lol. I remember when me and 5 friends had a LAN and the internet went down a few hours. We split the LAN in 2 and sat 3 ppl in one room and 3 in another, playing worms against each other. My team owned the other and we could hear if the other team did a bad thing before we saw it on our screens. The sound of ppl screaming NOOOOOO!!!! was a good indication that one of them had either jumped off a cliff or had bombed one of their ownFenderon said:the Worms2-based games are great fun vs friends
had a nice round of five players with 3 worms each last night.. nearly add-free!
/fluffle censi
Tizu said:You honestly think casters will get love in the following patches? LOL
They need a nerf big time, debuff nuking under 2 seconds for 500 dmg is retarded. Whats the point being a mele class when you cant even get to your target as you get rooted,snared,stunned then your dead.
Mythic need to tone down caster damage, it will bring the mele chars back out which this game is really based about medeval times not "im a gandalf wanabe."