Albz Opinions plz



two points in this thread.

Just had some discussion in emain cg regarding how albs shouldn't rezz other albs or 'soloin' classes.

some comments include 'releasin' is faster than rezzing'


[BF]Igy believes infiltrators are useless classes arguing that infiltrators are not grp friendly and therefor pointless.

all points for discussion plz.


Originally posted by AoE HoE
two points in this thread.

Just had some discussion in emain cg regarding how albs shouldn't rezz other albs or 'soloin' classes.

some comments include 'releasin' is faster than rezzing'

Well if people are going that way the might aswell help the poor guy who's prolly solo'ing cos he can't find a group or simply like soloing.


[BF]Igy believes infiltrators are useless classes arguing that infiltrators are not grp friendly and therefor pointless.

all points for discussion plz. [/B]

Infils doens't give much to a group but the sure as hell aint useless.
The do have less Hp's and defence than tanks but the do deliver good dmg with PA, and in some fights is actualy the infil poping on healers that wins and not the tank running around like headless chicks.


release > rezz


i dont tend to rezz and i dont expect them in return anyway

rezzing = putting ur grp at risk, which most ppl dont understand :(


ello dude :) not seen aoe since the tangler days :)


If i see someone dead then i'll rezz, but i won't go out of my way in RvR to rezz e.g. if i was at ATK and someone asked for a rezz at DC there's no way i would go.

I'll ALWAYS rezz dead people i see as i'm walking around not only does my rezz help them but it gets me some RP :)


dont get this thread

i mean if the player is there next to you dead, then u rez him, but going out of your way to rez someone is both stupid and dangerous...


Originally posted by AoE HoE
two points in this thread.

Just had some discussion in emain cg regarding how albs shouldn't rezz other albs or 'soloin' classes.

some comments include 'releasin' is faster than rezzing'


[BF]Igy believes infiltrators are useless classes arguing that infiltrators are not grp friendly and therefor pointless.

all points for discussion plz.

just release, it IS faster, and its so noobish to ask or even spam cg's asking for a res. if a group runs past you and enemies are int he area dont expect them to stop, drain half a clerics mana just to res you so u can stealth while they get ganked.

inf's arnt group friendly, end of story.



just release, it IS faster,
Hmm.... No.

How can releasing be faster, especially if theres a group near you, or heading youre way.

If youre far away from civilisation, or in an awkward place then you probably should, rather than try to explain where you are.


If a group across dead ppl it's a good thing stop and ress the 1-2 ressers in the group.
But no,you don't have to spend time to move around emain ressing ppl;
no you dont have to spend all your mana to ress a FULL group;
if a group get killed it's better for both just release.
coz even if ressed you are ressick and unbuffed and you have a considerable downtime.
Also ress more than 1 person require time cause you can't go out of mana and your group need to have enought power to survive an encounter.

So if a group cross you whitout ressing BEFORE jell at them like you are the center of the universe think if it was a fair request or not.

Often a group can be out of mana,or an enemy group can be close enought to make the group leader decide to face them before ,instead to be jumped while ressing.

p.s:it's funny see how often ppl bitching for a ress are solo players... I think play alone 24/7 make their ego even more bigger;in that sense I feel exactly the same as Igy intended in his flame.


Originally posted by RD_MuDgEtH
How can releasing be faster, especially if theres a group near you, or heading youre way.
Well, if you're a solo stealther, why would you want to be rezzed sooooo far from your buffbot? :rolleyes:

I mean, you're only going to have to run all the way back to the TK unbuffed and rezsick... and probably get ganked again by SB's!

And as far as Infs go, they are not a group friendly class. Lack of determination makes them a poor tank at best, and they are a severe drain on any Clerics mana.

They have their uses, mainly for scouting and clearing out enemy assassins, but not as part of a well structured group.

DeaD GuRu

Re: Re: Albz Opinions plz

Originally posted by Tilda
just release, it IS faster, and its so noobish to ask or even spam cg's asking for a res. if a group runs past you and enemies are int he area dont expect them to stop, drain half a clerics mana just to res you so u can stealth while they get ganked.

inf's arnt group friendly, end of story.


what's the use and the real purpose of the game?

like you profile it we end up in the "release charge release charge" syndrome wich utter NOOBS in leet guilds may find ammusing BUT a real adventurer appreciates getting ressed, no matter what source it came from.

and if you only stick to your group as a healer , wich may seem right to the player... it is NOT according to the SPIRIT of the game wich most ppl already FOOKED up so hard . If those so called LEET dudes don't get their heads out of the clouds and their tumbs out of their asses they will continue chasing ppl out of THIS realm and maybee even the game.

As for infiltrators, they live in shadows, they are assassins they are good. And it may seem that they do not fit into a group. They do not fit into your stupid ZERGS.

greetz :)


Re: Re: Re: Albz Opinions plz

Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
what's the use and the real purpose of the game?

like you profile it we end up in the "release charge release charge" syndrome wich utter NOOBS in leet guilds may find ammusing BUT a real adventurer appreciates getting ressed, no matter what source it came from.

Go to play in USA one of those co-operation servers,or better go to play everquest.

Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
As for infiltrators, they live in shadows, they are assassins they are good. And it may seem that they do not fit into a group. They do not fit into your stupid ZERGS.

Yes and they leach those zerg 24/7 adding in fg vs fg fights as often they can, or they simple jump on ppl 3vs1 ( isn't that the same than attack 3fgs vs 1fgs?).


Originally posted by AoE HoE
two points in this thread.

Just had some discussion in emain cg regarding how albs shouldn't rezz other albs or 'soloin' classes.

some comments include 'releasin' is faster than rezzing'


[BF]Igy believes infiltrators are useless classes arguing that infiltrators are not grp friendly and therefor pointless.

all points for discussion plz.

1) Spare Mana=free rp's from rezzing

2) Agree with Igy, there aren't grp friendly and were rolled to solo and usually to try to wtfpwn fotm


Re: Re: Re: Albz Opinions plz

Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
If those so called LEET dudes don't get their heads out of the clouds and their tumbs out of their asses they will continue chasing ppl out of THIS realm and maybee even the game.

Oh no, not that, plz no, not less infils, what will we do???



Re: Re: Re: Re: Albz Opinions plz

Originally posted by Ialkarn

Yes and they leach those zerg 24/7 adding in fg vs fg fights as often they can, or they simple jump on ppl 3vs1 ( isn't that the same than attack 3fgs vs 1fgs?).

Just as often as a Fg comes leeching on a solo kill, no matter which guild.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Albz Opinions plz

Originally posted by Aybabtu
Just as often as a Fg comes leeching on a solo kill, no matter which guild.

Whit the difference a group isn't waiting ages at walls for fight, ready to leach.


Originally posted by AoE HoE
two points in this thread.

Just had some discussion in emain cg regarding how albs shouldn't rezz other albs or 'soloin' classes.

some comments include 'releasin' is faster than rezzing'


[BF]Igy believes infiltrators are useless classes arguing that infiltrators are not grp friendly and therefor pointless.

all points for discussion plz.
ALLWAYS rezz dead ppl u see
Infil are SOLO chars S O L O ...if u wonna roll a group char roll a merc imo


Originally posted by AoE HoE
some comments include 'releasin' is faster than rezzing'
Which is spot on. You really want to argue with this?

[BF]Igy believes infiltrators are useless classes arguing that infiltrators are not grp friendly and therefor pointless.
Again theres nothing here to discuss, Igy is 100% correct.

Infils that want to group are 99% of the time those that either suck solo, or havent got a buffbot - so suck solo.


I always try and rezz, yes.

It's frustrating to get passed by a fg and not getting that rezz.

Every balanced group has a paladin who can give a ghetto-rezz without the argument 'We need the mana for the next encounter'. Same goes for friars imo.

Game is about fun imo. If a dude I see is not releasing I try to rezz.

Also funny to see all the people say 'Releasing is faster'. Well this aint always the truth.

And if you think rezzing outside group is 'stupid' etc then why do I have to see a perfect 100% rezz getting overwritten by some paladin out there trying to score 40-50RP for my theurgist?

I always try to rezz, it's an honour to resurrect someone imo.

I agree it's different for clerics because they only heal and resurrect and need their precious mana. Friar/paladin don't need a full manabar in the beginning of a fight imo. It's nice to have, but nobody will blame you if you don't.


Almost right Pup ;)

Even cleric and friars have ghetto rez which is what I would/used to give (though that would be cos I wa 45 staff gimped :) )

Anyone dead deserves a rez IF YOU ARE IN A POSITION TO DO SO - if you pass em by that is really a very sorry state of affairs.


res if possible without putting the group at risk.....scout around before ressing otherwise you have just put another nail on your coffin. People who simply run over dead bodies and ignore them even when no enemies are inc are not worth being in the realm.

As for infs being viable group chars, unfornunately m8, they arent in the slightest.....merc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>inf in a grp


can we jus clarify that this was caused by a dead soloer asking in emain chat grp for someone to go to mmg and rez him.

ppl are making all kinds of judgements that have no real bearing on the intitial post (i think aoe hasnt told it 100% right)

i dont think anyone in albion wouldn't rez someone the saw dead close by..


When i see a solo one dieing i not rezz him when i dont have my ra's up. When i rezz him it cost me 50 % of power and when we get a attack i cant heal my group so thats why, but mostly i ask a friar or paladin to rezz the guy/girl.

About infs they are not useless when there is a keep retake it are very good chars but in normal rvr yeah it are soloers i think....


may i jus point out

if u release u can go afk on pad and read a book or watch tv :D

hence release > rezz

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