Seem's you Dont want mids to have irvr but you to0 fucking lazy to moveaway from beno (part from Cm/DA that seem to like mid )Plz Do something other then Wait for use to come to you
Hi! :worthy: minidk :worthy:
Mids had plenty of chances to get irvr tho, we took beno tower earlier today so albs couldnt port, what did the mid fg that was out do? Kept on farming soloers and small groups instead of going for berks.
are groups returning to cluster?(directed at your sig)
Mids had plenty of chances to get irvr tho, we took beno tower earlier today so albs couldnt port, what did the mid fg that was out do? Kept on farming soloers and small groups instead of going for berks.
And you guess ppl will bother to go on boat to beno after you take port off? lol
Seem's you Dont want mids to have irvr :
Sure.. let them get port in Hibernia.. now where We have it aswell ..!!
i think the idea was to first take crau (which was level 1 or something) with all of its towers, which were unclaimed if i recall correctly. and then to try and take crim asuming the mids would have a go at bolg.
then again, that`s but a wild guess.
i think there is probabaly a reason it was unclaimed and all its towers were
the same reason bled was that way the other morning
ill give you two guesses but your only going to need one.......
i think there is probabaly a reason it was unclaimed and all its towers were
the same reason bled was that way the other morning
ill give you two guesses but your only going to need one.......
let me guss albs took all towers over the night? becasue they had nothing too do?