Albs daily Early morning RR thread


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Fens T2/T4/T1
Nice Try, 2FG Albs attempted to take the Relic back from Fens, but in the end, Mids destroyed all their Rams and Trebs. Would be nice if these attacks were done at a reasonable hour instead of giving us all insomnia but luckily some of us are off work for the christmas holidays, so keep keeping us up :/

Oli - Illu (Treb destroyer extraordinaire)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
im going to level a warlock I think and keep him logged in fens this is a bit annoying :p

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Melachi said:
im going to level a warlock I think and keep him logged in fens this is a bit annoying :p

The mighty Wizzards and Reavers are logged there too ;-))).

Fucking anytime bomb Warlocks and BDs are really annoying there. Usually get some odd 15k RPs from the RR7-9 Excal Mids there before someone bombs us back to Albion.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
was fun. usually is to get to zerg with my huntress abit :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Melachi said:
im going to level a warlock I think and keep him logged in fens this is a bit annoying :p
If you've been logged out for more than 10 mins and you are in a frontier zone with enemies in it you get ported to that small town near the relic keeps.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Melachi said:
im going to level a warlock I think and keep him logged in fens this is a bit annoying :p

havn´t every mid and he´s mother already done that ?


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Melachi said:
im going to level a warlock I think and keep him logged in fens this is a bit annoying :p

You mean you don't have a lvl 50 warlock yet? wtf:eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Im probably the only one who hasn't bought cata yet lol.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
It really wasn't a relic raid again. We just know that we'll get the zerg to come out when we attack fens; it's the price you pay for having a relic in a keep. Mids used to do the same to us on excal when we had it hidden in hurbury and it was lots of fun :) I was there from 22:00 until about 2:30am btw and the 2fgs which were there were never going to hold up to the 62mids which the guards reported on 2 of the runs. I think a few albs went back after I logged but at least half of both groups said bye when I left so I don't think there were many there on the last run.

Still, I made 42k as did most of the group and I'm sure you mids mustve made quite a bit too. So where's the problem? :p

Always fun to fire fana and charge the mid zerg of warlocks watching them all nuke you for 50-100damage a piece :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
illu said:
Would be nice if these attacks were done at a reasonable hour instead of giving us all insomnia but luckily some of us are off work for the christmas holidays, so keep keeping us up :/
Ah but us albs are on perma holiday all year, in my case its called first year uni, so you can look forward to many more early morning raids until you finally give up and hand the relic over ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
i havent read the whole topic but till warlocks are overpowered like that and friars are not popular like the sorcerer or infiltrator till this time albs need early raids.

cant do shit at keeps becouse zillion chamber spamer


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Fens T2/T3/T4

how many war rams ? :p was quite fun tonight, on palintones get one war ram down, albs pop another one..another one down..ooh theres another one.. :eek:

u guys still tower farming? or are u gonna admit to early morning rr? :p



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Still farming...

RR will only occur after we get into keep and take Relic :p

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
illu said:
Fens T2/T4/T1
Nice Try, 2FG Albs attempted to take the Relic back from Fens, but in the end, Mids destroyed all their Rams and Trebs. Would be nice if these attacks were done at a reasonable hour instead of giving us all insomnia but luckily some of us are off work for the christmas holidays, so keep keeping us up :/

Oli - Illu (Treb destroyer extraordinaire)

daoc is 24/7



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Svartmetall said:
A Sorc complaining about another class being OP'd...


any class can complaining about warlocks.
at keep deffence they just need sight for a milli secound to kill someone and load chamber.
tired to raid some tower at Fens back in the days but if there is 5+ warlock we are better if give up


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I've found int shearing Warlocks to be quite effective, only class I will ever int shear before d/q shear.
Combine it with the fact that 99.9% of all Warlocks are in RoG's which means cap damage on them every time :)

Should try and get the CE shield back in my template for a lore laugh on some Warlocks.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Drusus said:
Still farming...

RR will only occur after we get into keep and take Relic :p

:> Keep up the good work middies and keep rolling warlocks to keep the dirty albs away from the relic! :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Ok, I just lost a 20 minute post that was huge due to getting logged out from FH for some strange and unknown reason.

So Ill give you the short version.

The albs that attacked were the ones left after retaking Eras.
The zerg in hadrians started to form when a few groups got steamrolled by a fairly large mid zerg earlier on the night. It started as a duo between two alliance groups and then grew as the night progressed.

And thus a night of 3 way large scale fights was born. In my opinion it was fun and we ended up running all over hadrians trying to defend towers left and right while at the same time trying to retake a few Eras towers.

After all this and retaking Eras the zerg crawed blood and so we went to Fens.

By this time the entire BG was wery disorganized, I had to run off to help claim Eras and I also lagged off the boat in the middle of the ocean witch didnt help all that much.

Personally I logged after a wipe since both me and the group was really tired.

So, to those that had fun and enjoyed it, glad you did.

To the whiners who think it was "unfair" to attack an enemy keep with a relic in it when its not primetime...

QQ more

The fact that more mids showed up then albs should prove my point that you should be glad that the people playing were giving you other late night players some action to liven up things a bit. This game would be wery dull without any enemies.


Jan 19, 2004
I think the siegefights at fens is really fun, i always hope for albs to come :) Much rp, much siege, muchosmuchos FUN!


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
fucking lamass albs attacking fens in the middle of the night on a bank holiday in england. U bunch of wankers ffs! And doing it 3 nights in a row, how dare you! fucking alb bastards, alb turds, alb shits, how fucking dare you bring 2fg to fens and try to get the relic. Thank god the mighty thor was looking down and protected the beautiful mids by sending in droves of WL's, SM's and runi's. Thank Thor you have aoe interupts a-plenty, you have 2 viable NS classes, 2 viable pbaoe classes. Yes Thor is great and Thor is wise to send such classes to defend from that skilless, stupid, OP'ed, n00bish bastard albs who have everything their own way in the game, alb aka Mythics love child because they have ALL of the strongest classes in all situations.

Thor is great, Thor is wise!

Up MidgUard :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
What i find funny is the 1 fg or 2 fg of opted usually high RR people, who just camp fens t4. They don't even try to take the keep just sit inside the tower all day and farm anyone who comes near.

Like the exact same thing when albs take bled towers, they don't want the keep just want to farm rp's.

And that might be the reason that you don't have the relic back yet? your to interested forming your gank grps try to make a farming session out of every keep take you make.

Instead of zerging the main keep with rams etc you sit back and camp a tower which i think you are the only realm that does that. O wait guys let more mids get inside the keep as we only camping tower, Don't worry more mids here more rp for us.

Like when mids go for a keep, it's just like BANG! Everyone charge main doors get them down fast, and try stop albs/hibs trying to get in.

Albs take a keep/relickeep take tower camp it, try farm mids inc when they get there.

Btw reckon albs would try take the relic so often if mids had str instead of power? i doubt it lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2005
Are those of us who work late night shifts not allowed to play daoc or something ?
There are several people in my guild who can only play betwen 2-6 am and after 3 am we have no action at all so are we just suposed to hang around brynja and farm the 3 mids camping bleed ?
no, our only way to get some action at that time is to go for a keep and atm the best keep to get some action is fens, it always gives us action.
And yes custodia have done loads of late nights RR AC raids or what ever u wana call em but thats only because between those hours is the only time we can all play together so ofc we want some action this is a 24/7 game aint it :confused:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
brad said:
What i find funny is the 1 fg or 2 fg of opted usually high RR people, who just camp fens t4. They don't even try to take the keep just sit inside the tower all day and farm anyone who comes near.

Like the exact same thing when albs take bled towers, they don't want the keep just want to farm rp's.

And that might be the reason that you don't have the relic back yet? your to interested forming your gank grps try to make a farming session out of every keep take you make.

Instead of zerging the main keep with rams etc you sit back and camp a tower which i think you are the only realm that does that. O wait guys let more mids get inside the keep as we only camping tower, Don't worry more mids here more rp for us.

Like when mids go for a keep, it's just like BANG! Everyone charge main doors get them down fast, and try stop albs/hibs trying to get in.

Albs take a keep/relickeep take tower camp it, try farm mids inc when they get there.

Btw reckon albs would try take the relic so often if mids had str instead of power? i doubt it lol.

I find it funny that some mids complain that people are using the whole farm for RPs as and excuse to make a late night RR and now we get to hear the opposite?

With 1FG and some adds you will get creamed by the warlocks at the keep so I really dont see any reason not to farm from fens t4.

Ohh well, disregarding everything else in this post, how do you plan to stop an enemy that can port into the keep without taking a tower?

Just wondering...


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
brad said:
What i find funny is the 1 fg or 2 fg of opted usually high RR people, who just camp fens t4. They don't even try to take the keep just sit inside the tower all day and farm anyone who comes near.

Albs take a keep/relickeep take tower camp it, try farm mids inc when they get there.

Btw reckon albs would try take the relic so often if mids had str instead of power? i doubt it lol.

So you're saying that the groups are just farming but in the same breath that they're 'trying' for the relics? Make your mind up :p

brad said:
Like when mids go for a keep, it's just like BANG! Everyone charge main doors get them down fast, and try stop albs/hibs trying to get in.

Albs take a keep/relickeep take tower camp it, try farm mids inc when they get there.

You'd just charge a keep with rams when you're 1fg-2fg and there are some 6 or so warlocks inside and various other casters? Riiiiiiiight.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
kirennia said:
So you're saying that the groups are just farming but in the same breath that they're 'trying' for the relics? Make your mind up :p

You'd just charge a keep with rams when you're 1fg-2fg and there are some 6 or so warlocks inside and various other casters? Riiiiiiiight.

he does (when his rr5 ability is up :))

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