Albs are lamerz


Oopsa Daisy

Well, we finaly got our little hibbie group together. (Agoig, Nie, Yeppy, Oopsa) so we walking through Thidranki. Yeppy told us that mids where camping alb pk ( sigh again yes). So we figured lets help those albs for a time. We chase them mids away, dunno why they run like mad ( prob never seen a hib group in thidranki ;) ) and albs come down only to GANK our little 4 man group. Really albs have no such thing as honor they just grab what they can grab next time we won't be as helpfull and just let the mids bore you guys to death :D. So thanks to those nice albs who killed us. (grrr just wait till i get 24 so i can 1 nuke your ass stupid fire wizzie).

So next time middies don't run from us. We will show up again!

Oh and shadowblade i don't know if you read these forums but NAHANANANAHAN you didn't get me. was close thoug ;)


It was rather mean!!! Orica i think it was, came down the hill, 14+ mids to his left, 4 hibs to his right which were attacking the mids...and he wacks us hibs.... we could of whooped your lil 6 man group but you were out NUMBERED so we attacked the mids.... U B******

we never gonna help your lil pimpled butts again!

Haha Allah...hiding behind trees...tsk tsk thats our job

pip pip cheero back to BG I go ( hehe made that up myself I did) :p

Yeppy lvl 21 ranger
( '.' )


Yeppy did you have to coop with that SB yesterday ? :(
I sat down to regen some end, so I could go hunt you after you keept shooting at me, and you send that mean SB to 1 shot me :(

Btw if Loco and Deity read this board: Fear QC AoE Mezz :clap: ( Mid Bridge, if you dont remember )


Ah its working :)

Anyways you say alb are lamers there hmm..
But u dont know the whole picture.

Mids camped us, we gathered a force charged mids and started to gank em :p

Then u poor hibs just come in the middle of it and got whacked!

Diamond lv 23 arms


yeppy you were so lucky tonight, i really thought my poison would kill you, but i let you go for being so lucky :)


hehe shit happens i must say :) Btw Diamond tell your idiot infils if we are dueling pls dont try to PA me again : )

Uncle Sick(tm)

You deserve nothing else if you try to help Albs... remind me not to group with you in Thidranki...


Happened plenty of times before, this being acts without honor. I had a thread a while back with two jackass midgard kobolds who came and helped me kill some lurikeen. I thought they'd let me go since they bow and salute etc... but then they kill me.


Yeppy Shoots you with his bow for 60!
Yeppy Shoots you with his bow for 20!
Yeppy Shoots you with his bow for 23!
You Dance with Yeppy!
Yeppy Shoots you with his bow for 30!
You Salute Yeppy!
Yeppy Shoots you with his bow for 27!
You can Specline heal spell you gain 160hp!
You are fully healed!
You wave of Yeppy!
Yeppy Waves to you!
Random Inf073 Ganks Yeppy :(
You Yell ' Damm Inf i was having fun with him!'
Random Inf54 Sends 'Need Rez'
Random Inf27 Sends 'Buff me!'


Lol! 20? hmmm...Got a 10dps +10dex and + some stength now! :D ubt I really need to get to 24 : (

hehee suzzane...left me with 0hp I couldn't move...mids running at me.....i'm pressing stealth every second..phew..stealthed before they got to me :) went and did the hibby thing...hide behind a tree :)

Bla...I never team up with mids....unless it was a cute norsewomen.....

I'll be out to play today...might go exp, I tried exping in BG half a bulb which is cool...then infil got me : (

C'ya out there!


haven't read every post but i get the gist of it and well you hibs are just as bad as mids both of you seem to think that albion is to blame well maybe they are but that doesn't bother me i kill any hib/mid i see cos they are not in my realm therefore they deserve to die and if you hibbies got your ass kicked don't come whinning here it's RvR get used to it will happen alot.

NOTE: any mids or hibs get in my way in thidranki you'll all be getting killed!


Ooo your ard ain't ya...( all i could think of might comne abck l8er to finish the sentance off)

Haha middies camping your albion pimpled butts again...and i'm shooting ya middies..while your killing the pippled albs butts and your killing me while i'm shooting you while the abls r killing you...

And dont go on about me kill that troll 3 times...hes the only yellow one there...

Yeppy lvl 21 ranger
( '.' )

Oopsa Daisy


Got 21 today so i thought lets check bg again.
And guess what lame albs still in their pk and stupid mids still camping it. (notice the stupid) So me and a tank (soz forgot your name it was so difficult :) ). where running near the alb pk spot a yellow troll. I launch a bolt wOOt 1/4th of his health gone :D. He runs like hell to alb pk comes back with like 20 mids and they all start ganking us 2. Now i am having doubt who is worse ;).
Lets just face it the only ones who got balls are the hibs. We put up a fight, well we try to do so :). But then always someone gets his 20 friends to gank us. No fun in that.... :(. We hibbies on prydwen are way underpopulated so don't go call your 20 other buddies, just fight.
Let us hibs have sum fun to plz :D

P.S. LOL i think when i go to thidranki tomorrow i will still find all mids at alb pk :D. You mids should get a life go spread yourself over the BG instead of camping that Alb pk 24/7. Would make it a lot more fun for all of us ;)
Got lvl 22 this evening hahaha won't take long anymore till I am 24 :D

edit: typos
Oopsa daisy
lvl 2X Void eldritch


mids are just doing to us what most of the albs did to them when we had the keep bit like domino's really and it's boring i'm thinking of leaving thidranki and lvl'ing no fun in it anymore. thinking of leaving camelot alltogether no fun in any of it anymore i was disapointed with DF i don't like it so i don't go , BG is becomming worse and worse by the weeks and emain pfft well that sucks aswell as mids are owning all.

good luck in bg seeya around , PS: watch your fronts my PA is deadly :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by yeppygol
3 times...hes the only yellow one there...
Please don't tell me you killed him three time with very short intervals because many find it absolutely retarded UNLESS there is a keep raid or something where no-one should be left alive.
Reason for killing with a short time interval is that you get no RP for the kills that come soon after... thus = dumb.


Muuhahaah he was a deaded troll.....well I was kinda helping you albs (slaps self) coz the healer wasted hes mana rezzing him 3 times thus can not heal the rest think

I got 118 rlm pts muahhaa

Yeppy lvl 21 ranger
( '.' )


Loco.....the hib that makes me dislike hibs :(

Hmm, I've always thought Hibernia have played nice and fair... they are always such a great and funny enemy to "play" with... therefor, i always /bow any i kill...which i did today, about 5 mins ago...i actually killed Yeppy, noticed him as he was about to launch an arrow at me... i sent pet after him, he got his arrow fired, got me to maybe 30% hp left, i lifedrain him, get like 60% hp, he tries to run, but noticed he can't get away with the pet right after he turns around, draws his sword and are heading for me... he comes up, hits hp drops to 40-45%....the fight was nice, and, he was a /bow....

Yeppy shoots you with his the great recurve bow!
You are hit for 240 damage.
<Sending pet>
You cast a Suppress Movement Spell!
Yeppy resists the effect!
You begin casting a Suppress Lifeforce Spell!
Yeppy is attacking you and your spell is interrupted!
You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
You begin casting a Suppress Lifeforce Spell!
You hit for 123 damage!
You steal 93 hitpoints!
You begin casting quickcasting a Night Wave spell!
Yuppy attacks you with his the lustrous Spirit Searer!
You are hit for 40 damage.
Yuppy attacks you with his the Sword of the Keeper!
You are hit for 23 damage.
You cast a Night Wave Spell!
Yeppy is stunned (due to pet)
You begin casting a Suppress Lifeforce spell!
You cast a Suppress Lifeforce Spell!
You hit for 123 damage.
You just killed Yeppy!
You steal 102 hit points.
You begin casting a Nightwave spell (PBaoe Mez)
You bow.
Loco attacks you with his the shining cobalt guarded rapier!
You are hit for 64 damage!
You are poisoned.
You are hit for 23 damage!
Loco attacks you with his the shining cobalt guarded stiletto!
You are hit for 49 damage!
Loco attacks you with his the shining cobalt guarded rapier!
Loco misses!

You must wait 5 seconds to quickcast again!
You begin casting a Night Wave spell!
Loco is attacking you and your spell is interrupted!
You are poisoned!
You are hit for 24 damage!
You command the spiritwarrior to disengage from combat!
Loco attacks you with his the shining cobalt guarded rapier!
You are hit for 94 damage!
Darga was just killed by Loco!

Loco waves to you.

What I mean is... he must feel very proud killing a mage which has 40% hp left, while /bow'ing a dead enemy.... That just pissed me off.....

Next time I see loco, ill fucking jump and dance on him!


Loco only manage to kill me once, that was when I was a 40 - 50 % hp
He tried to get me once when I was at 100% hp, he even brought a friend,Deity... to bad NS cant 1shot :D


I did not run!!! you were by guards so i coould runa t you with i ran away pet chassing me and of course you run towards me to get spell range ( whcih was plan :p) and i whack you with swords :) good fight :)

loco should of bow'd :(

sorry we ganked you by ruins : ( but you put up a ard fight :)


Hehe, yea, was real nice fight.... and at he ruins..... i was looking at the other screen (got 2 comps) and was writing stuff on irc.... then i looked up and saw a group of hibs comming at me :)....QC pbaoe mez...... mez'ed some of you atleast.....but i guess some resisted it....and whacked me :D

Edit: Aye, perhaps that was your tactic :), seems like it worked..... but it didnt go too well did it?


Darga you should ask your bodyguards to protect u better
Somehow i managed to get off 4 smites and killed you infront of 5 mids (yeah i got ganked after but..)


Originally posted by old.Bubble
Darga you should ask your bodyguards to protect u better
Somehow i managed to get off 4 smites and killed you infront of 5 mids (yeah i got ganked after but..)

Hehe, well... the mids were on bridge....and I always get so happy when i find some enemy, so i rush out all myself....and usually get ganked :D

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