Albion's Shame



Personally I think the last three days have been the worst I've seen so far on this server.
I am not blaming 1.49 or Darkness Falls (which I think is great btw), but the people within it.
I have never seem so much chaos. People are just running around like headless chickens, desperate for that next seal. I have been frankly disgusted by the sheer amount of kill stealing that's been going on in DF over the last few days, as well as the "I'm alright, screw you" mentality that seems to have developed.
If seems that people's hunger for seals has made them part ways with their brains. I've been in many groups now where all people talk about is diamond seals, diamond seals and occasionally diamond seals. If they were over lvl 45 (and could actually use the stuff you can buy with them) then I could understand, but no these were anything from 30-45. So off course they go marching off to find something that drops diamond seals and get wipped.
I've died a lot in DF over the last few days, often to mids (which I've no complaint about, it's an RvR zone after all), but often to other people stupidity and greed.
The next problem is a lot of people's reluctance to contribute to the RvR effort needed to open the portal. The number of times, I've seen 30-40 camped outside the portal waiting for someone else to do all the work to get it open, really saddens me. IF you want it open, THEN HELP GET IT OPEN!
Finally, I've noticed that the mids seem to have free reign in DF. This is for one and only one reason. They are organised. They are not stronger then we are, they do not outnumber us, but they know what they are doing and they cooperate. All I can say, as so many others have in the past, get your act together Albion. Put aside all these petty sqabbles and work together and get organised.

No. of Albion Alliances : Lost count
No. of Midgard Alliances : 1


Agreed, i guess this will only be like this for a week or two then everything will head back to normal *hope*


I have to agree, I have mostly avoided DF, when it first opened i went in got a group killed enough to get my glowing staff and haven't been back since. I logged on this morning as an alt and typed /who falls got about 100 people show up, did a /who and got 149 people, then went through all the alb dungeons and got no replies.

Also on the matter of camping I planted and alt at the cam hills entrance, and witnessed about 40 albs camp the entrance, dispite the fact that we need 2 keeps to get back in, I was saddened by the whole thing.

To be honest im getting quite bored and the mentallity of alot of Albs does upset me. However as much as we call for someone to organise alb it is unlikely someone will step forward. alot of people have there own timetables and tend to ignore others. The point about mid having one alliance and alb having several is very true, at least in the sense of alb, i dont really know that much about the mid structure.

So what to do, well i'll start a new thread about that.



Oh for goodness sake. The place has been open for three days. THREE WHOLE DAYS!!! Please get off those very large 4 legged beasts you're sitting on guys :)

Things will calm down.

People will stop camping entry spots. After all --- it's boring sitting on ones arse ;)

RvR will improve with Darkness Falls opening -- I've seen loads of people going to retake keeps who would never have been bothered before, believe me.

As people spend more time in RvR with each other relationships will build. We'll find our feet (not that we do all that badly now IMHO) as a Realm.

In every Realm there are going to be dopes and people who want to do their own thing -- its a game, it can't be avoided. But what we do have is far too many moaners who don't put much effort into improving things. When everyone moans, who is brave enough to lead ?


of what I have seen so far, DF is a chaotic place

and some part of me dont like it, but are dazzled by the wonders of the cave. and I dont care much about dimonds and seals and stuff, I just need the exp and that somewhat of the best I have ever got so far.

and I only camp outside when I have been running around taking keeps erlier or I know there is a raid going on, and if thats the case I always tell the people around me the status on the raids.


Its a new area and everybody wants to be there, its overcamped like hell and hard to see what pulled mobs belongs to wich group.
DF can be great but not yet, i hope it will be a bit lesser camped the coming weeks, i hope all Albions will help to obtain keeps. Its a bit silly, yesterday i was with SOTL attacking some keeps, the doors on the second keeps were open allready, nobody takes the time to repair the doors, guarding the taken keeps or whatever. Experience is nice in DF but its to unorganized for several reasons so you can expect to die alot.


well any seals ive got ive givenm away to guild. i want rps , and lol df is the best place for it , sotl try to run passed most of u as exp and get seals , trying not to take agrro and killing mobs u was , to get to the hard areas where we might find mids/ hibs to kick out of df :)
hell our guild rps is shooting up , 8.1 mil now =D /cheer


Actually there's 2 alliances in Midgard, alliance 1 is full.


As soon as people realise there not leveling up the number of people in there will start to decress, i only go to make cash to fund my crafting, soloing greens you can make about 1oogold in a few hours, close to the merchants were the argro isn't so bad.

DARKNESS FALLS isn't there for people to try and level up, yes you can get great EXP form the L50+ mobs with there adds but remember with mids and hibs runing around you can easy get killed without hope of REZ. Like most Dungeons its a great place to pick up Majic item (dur that why you cn buy them).

Please stop running around the place with loads of Mobs on your ass, even if they have no chance of urting you. One AOE spell used buy someone not with you and they will get all the agro.

Please stop mass gathering at the Merchants, enemy stealthers know that if you try and use AOE spells to find them you will agro the Merchants so unless your Buying stuff top hanging around there.

And if you missed that DO NOT ATTACK THE MERCHANTS


Originally posted by Balbor
Please stop running around the place with loads of Mobs on your ass, even if they have no chance of urting you. One AOE spell used buy someone not with you and they will get all the agro.

It's easier to gather a bunch and kill them all at once than to stop every 5 seconds in a spawn cos of aggro. That's why people tend to train mobs about, just be careful with your AE!


Originally posted by svartalf
Actually there's 2 alliances in Midgard, alliance 1 is full.

Currently should be 3 i believe, maybe even more.

- Pathfinder -

DF might be worthwhile to XP once the realms stop taking keeps like crazy, but atm as an XPer you're at the mercy of whatever zerg currently roams the place.

It does make for great RvR though; finally a place for non stealthers to get some real action :)


Hehe Stealther in DF, sure they get to kill the Grays when they camp our entrance/exit but I court one trying to sneek past the other day. Stunned him while he was in a fight with one of the fly female demon then smited him a lot before smacking across the head with me hammer, even L50 SB's go down easy, 512rp very nice :).


since DF ive really had the best rvr fights there and the best PVE fights( as they are way more challanging) seals are way to easy to get so everyone should have all they need in a week anyways

doh did a search on gamebanshe and found it

brilliant Fuliginous Tiara Albion Helmets Cloth 50 0% 93% 0.8 50 25% - Dex +15, Int +15, Power +7 Health Regen (52) Arm, Cab, Cle, Fri, Inf, Mer, Min, Pal, Sco, Sor, The, Wiz Darkness Falls


o_O still alot of bloody hell mezzes in the RvR in there though, just wait you bloody mezzers when we get the abilities to reject them or reduce the time (or what it was) and you are d.e.a.d. :]

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by _tindel_
o_O still alot of bloody hell mezzes in the RvR in there though, just wait you bloody mezzers when we get the abilities to reject them or reduce the time (or what it was) and you are d.e.a.d. :]

This coming frm the infamous Land of Instamez? :p


They're still bitter over getting their chain AE stun nerfed. :m00:

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Dannyn
They're still bitter over getting their chain AE stun nerfed. :m00:

Ah, yes, the decline of Stungard :p


How come we don't have a AOE Stun, Albs are better at magic than Mids so we should no must have one and one that is better, i'm sick of mids having better caster than us, there secondary caster (Thanes) have a longe AOE nuke than Albs secondary caster (Clerics). There Healers get there Group heal should before clerics. How about sicking to the different realms attributes, Albs are better caster than Mids, therefore all of mids caster should have weaker spells than alb caster at the same level. At the momment mids seem to win there fights with there magic.

Its bad enough that all Mid casters (appart from Kobolds) have better HP that ours (you got to be a Brition to even get close). If i had the option i'd make a Highlander caster over the others anyday.


Shame on alb

I kinda did that thing about camping DF or the 1st day 2 get in, but when i got in LAGGGGG and ppl cudnt do nothin for some stupid bunch of twat running by screaming then spamming u when u couldnt do a damn thing.

since then ive i have been in twice, im doin more RvR now, but the thing that get me now is the lack of people to group with in the high lvl places cos they r living in DF, dying then goin back in again.

there have been at least 40 odd ppl stealing my pulls then screaming at me and blaming me when they die cos of nicking my pulls.

even if u put em on igone list they go and create a lvl 1 to annoy u, i swear next person that des that i reporting them 2 GM.


I went in there once, died, never been back.

Too many people for my liking. Trouble is, like someone else mentioned, there are fewer players out in the rest of the realm fighting monsters. I often have trouble finding groups to team with with any of my characters now :(

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