Albion's Serious Problem



To make it real short. These 3 points sum it up:

1. Listening / Reading
2. Standing up for there realm
3. Know thy enemy

The long story:

1. People think I'm so uber and see me scream all kind of things and they always think that I should shut up or they know better. Well to be honest I've not seen a single alb out there who knows how to attack a keep how to avoid things and how to defend one. Just because they don't ever attack a keep because it doesn't give rps... If you think you know it so damn well do it on your own then and show me how good you think you are. And if you think I'm just some guy thinking he knows it all well guess what I don't. What I do know I try to put into your puny heads to understand because you seem to forget soooo many times. And read the chat FFS. I've seen people asking 3 times the same thing while it's just 2 sentences up in the chat...

2. And this is for all the emain-whores out there. It's each day the same group, the same people who stand up for there realm and take the keeps. Well guess what you just lost one member more. I won't protect your stupid relic anymore, I won't take keeps anymore. Heck I would even open the stupid relic doors for any Mids or Hibs out there.

3. And again I see how poor knowledge most people have which enemy to attack. Learn which classes look alike, learn the names of people and remember there class, learn and see what they do.

I know damn well that people play for their fun and their amusement. And some think I'm overreacting again. Well that maybe so but at least I have my pride and honor.

Can you stand up for your realm?

(this doesn't concern all the people who are there each time and die each time for there realm. Those people give me spirit to go on each time, but that spirit has died slowly now. Maybe I should delete my chars now and to better places...)

PS. Mids and Hibs give em hell and start a relic raid ffs all that waiting each time when one comes again...


You're right Khalen

It's the same few albs doing the cleaning up in our backyard every time the keeps are taken.
I've stopped playing my main for a while cause it always end up in retaking alb keeps instead of whatever else there is to do.


Teaching is a far better method than complaining and threatening to leave.....think about it


If pppl dosnt want to be thought its hard



Spyf is right, we told them numerous times what to do, but still some won't listen. I'm not gonna lead another alb zerg, and prolly can't be assed anymore to take some keeps back. When I left the game tonight, 5 alb keeps were still in mid hands. Yes there were some albs taking them back, mostly the ones who wake up after 4 or more are taken.

It's ALLWAYS the same old group who take the keeps back when mids are still around, or in the late hours when mids gone to bed already. And 75% is from our alliance, weird if you think about it.

This is one of the many 'wake up albion' calls, prolly won't work since albion's state hasn't changed over the last 3 months.

wolvon fury

Make a All RvR Guild?

It sort out alot of problems,
When back i was playing on Morgan Le Fay (Midgard)

PvP servers came along, the Two Major alliances(sp) were no more,

Then people came along and were sick of it,

Now People started makeing Guilds made for RvR,

Now Midgard Morgan le fay, Is Back on Top whopping ass,
Not down top Zergs, heck its the lowest population Realm on the server,

But guilds that Make the Realm Fight as a Realm,

The Best of the Best Joining up,

Its the best way i can see, Make your own guild, your own alliance, with RvR guilds,

Don't let people who don't listen in, Play As A Team,

Let more people join, as they realise playing as a Team Will get you somewere,

Well anyway, Just me Giveing me Happy familys speach.


The idea is good, and we have some sort of alliance where you speak off, but one that cares about his own backyard. For alot of people RvRing is in emain and odin, not hadrian etc...


I'm just tired of going on keep takes and being worthless, I rarely use my DD because I save most my power for mezz. Only time I dd is in the beginning takeing out the archers on the wall. When a keep is defended I save all my power for mezzing, but it does no good. Too many people break mezz. AE dmg spells are the sorcs WORST nightmare. I really don't know why I even cast mezz anymore.


khalen and kcini is right, ive been on some off those retakes (not many) but some, and if we dont play as a team we aint getting no where..and just because i just have played this game for 7 months or so dosent make me a noob or what ever, just that watching all run around like chickens makes me kinda saad, i was thinking of deleting my chars today (was a bit angry =P ) and start a new char on hib/mid...but then my hope for albion saved me, hehe i remmeber the time when hibs was just a couple of firbs and lurks that got killed all the time, well thats a long time i hope some of the albs (maybe including me) could listen upp and change this trend that has hovered over our heads for a couple of months and stand united to qouncuer our enemies, start listen to those who have the routine!! often it dosent come down in that they like to give order, just that they know what they are doing!!
thnx and greetings all albs out there


7:15 am, mids holding still 1 keep , took 4, Gwalmar and Karnat leading, well they drop of after beno, becuase it was about 1 or 2 hours and they had to be at work....

but i agree with khalen, Fuck the keeps, i had it also.

and as i been saying before, PLZ mids and hibs, come to take the relic, it aint so hard, just smash few keeps ( albs dont take then anyway). and then go to gates, and make massive road block at CS, 90% of albs dont know how to get to excal without road.
and most of them dont ever been in snowdonia, so its actually easy job.

and about the RVR guilds, well they take keeps, when they have time, usually at main hour they do RP's and when most of action is over they take keeps, but after 2 weeks everysingle day taking 3-4 keeps , because no1 else have not took them, they use they last hours to take keeps.

and f.ex me, last 10 weeks , at least 3 keeps / day, usually 6, and i dont c nothing else than same peeps taking keep. and yes its fucking boring after 10 weeks.

so u rest of albs, start taking them, most of us "regulars" have had it.


Was at forest sauvage the other day, 1fg of us, running around and nothing happens, not a single alb in sauvage, thats ok. So i said guys lets go pull some relic guards and hope the albs will come out. We start pulling guards with 1 group, and manage to get to the door, still not a single alb showed up. We pulled for about 30 mins, nothing. I dont know how things are in albion but if i know ppl are pulling guards at dagda i would be there as soon as i can, wich is less that half an hour.


Originally posted by Tyka
Was at forest sauvage the other day, 1fg of us, running around and nothing happens, not a single alb in sauvage, thats ok. So i said guys lets go pull some relic guards and hope the albs will come out. We start pulling guards with 1 group, and manage to get to the door, still not a single alb showed up. We pulled for about 30 mins, nothing. I dont know how things are in albion but if i know ppl are pulling guards at dagda i would be there as soon as i can, wich is less that half an hour.

We had a scout in Excal at the time..... there was a lot of chuckling going on in alliance chat about the single fg of Hibs pulling guards in an obvious attempt to provoke a reaction. ;)



I agree on much of what has been said and I understand those who are tired of retaking lost keeps that much. Keep bashing isn't the most fun thing to do in this game but I personally would rather run around in our own frontier than emain (there are several reasons for that).
Now, this is what I'm thinking; we need to make it more interesting for people to defend our realm. Lets try to bring some RvR to our own backyard and stop crowding emain.
I know this is easy to say but hard to do and I will do the only thing I can: Try to convince my guildmembers and friends to aid more in the retaking of keeps and perhaps take a tour around hadrians/pennines now and then.

Ps. I don't mind bringing some RvR to midgard either, I've had much fun there lately (mainly because there's still a chance to fight 1 group vs 1 group there).


:clap: @ Khalen for his comments

:eek: @ Khalen if you dare to delete your chars (it's enough i got rid of my lvl 42 infiltrator)


Well a good alliance would help alot... We, Brethren, just left one a week or 2 ago cause you only got banana jokes on the alliance channel :rolleyes:

I've seen some good responses myself on a relic alert while i was in Lyonesse, a good group left to Excal just because 1 guys heard a relic attempt could be possible and 2-3 others confirmed it. So it's not all Albs that are not responding...


RvR Guilds are the way forward. Its such a different atmosphere when ppl aren't interested in xp. Only rps and itamz!!1. Ok most of us have alts but if u have a lvl50 char u enjoy playing and like RvR, then that char belongs in an RvR guild cos u really wont get much satisfying RvR with pickup groups. When your working with ppl u know and respect as players and act as a team it makes the WORLD of difference to your rvr performance.



I don't why people have so much difficulty in RvR really and spend so much time acting like idiots. There are only three types of targets when you get into a fight:

1) Enemies standing around apparently doing nothing.

These people are mezzed do not kill them yet they are going to stand like so for 30 seconds or so.

2) Enemies with weapons in their hands.

Thses are tanks. Ignore them and kill them later. They are NOT the ones going the mezzing or the real damage.

3) Enemies waving their arms around.

These are casters and/or mezzers. Immediatley run to them and chop them up / nuke them / mezz them depending on your class.

I dont care if you can't tell a spirit master from a bard you don't need to know what they look like. Just follow the above rules and you will be not too far wrong. There's no rocket science invloved and you don't need hours and hours of RvR time to be effective if you just kill any bugger waving their arms around you may just win the fight and earn yourself some rps :)


another thing its always the same ppl who reply to these kind of threads im fed up with alb, thats why i aint playing there at all atm.
im sick of the same shit lets go emain and zerg (TAKE NOT im not on about ewveryone here) or the oh its only 2 keeps it dont matter lets go emain. or the but im so close to lvl ill go when i ding ( 2 bubs l8r) or itll all be over by the time we get there so lets just stay here, or yeah but if i leave DF itll be closed

i am fuking sick of it so much so i nearly quit thanks to a mate gave me a copy and im now playing on hib there are so many ppl on alb who dont give a shit well if thats the attitude well fine by me i can go by that when the realm as a WHOLE not a few guilds or a few ppl decides to care then ill be back but as it stands looks like ive left alb for good.

btw its shit like this that causes ppl to leave i got upmost respect for those ppl that have been there from the begining dunno how u managed to stick it out

chipper lvl 50 paladin <black falcons>


chipper you still alive ? see you found the fun of playin hib :)

to bad prydwen is so deserted, even my bard cant get parties .


RvR guilds are all very well so long as they're not arrogant member poaching sods. Unfortunatly some people let their egos get out of hand.

And no, that's not aimed at anyone/any guild in particular.


Oh so thats what you were doing Tyka :) made us giggle that did :p and yes albion needs more RvR guilds, First Cohort and Black Falcons are the only two dedicated RvR guilds around (and FC is the only one to impose high level requirements for membership, so alts go into a seperate guild). Pickup groups just do not work. You can't have the trust in, and knowledge of the people you're playing with to function properly.

There are A LOT of lvl 50 chars floating around these days ... do something with them that will make a difference.


Just before bed, some statistics to prove a point, because I can't think of an intelligent way to argue it myself. Numbers can do the talking.

# of Hibernia guilds earning >500k rps last week : 8
# of Midgard guilds earning >500k rps last week : 8
# of Albion guilds earning >500k rps last week : 4

# of Hibernia guilds earning >1mil rps last week : 4
# of Midgard guilds earning >1mil rps last week : 2
# of Albion guilds earning >1mil rps last week : 1

Last week sum total of top 5 Hibernia guilds : 5,755,228
Last week sum total of top 5 Midgard guilds : 7,529,232
Last week sum total of top 5 Albion guilds : 4,112,499

Top 10 earners last week (anonymous)

1. Midgard - 4,371,370
2. Albion - 1,612,239
3. Hibernia - 1,384,391
4. Hibernia - 1,267,692
5. Midgard - 1,101,097
6. Hibernia - 1,059,516
7. Hibernia - 1,051,771
8. Hibernia - 991,858
9. Hibernia - 946,348
10. Albion - 780,641

Figures correct at time of posting.


Making pure RvR guilds is by far the best way for you guys, FC have done a good job, if you look at middy/hibby there are a few pure rvr guilds but only really 1 on alb which is FC, get some more guys, trust me it will help team play and communication 100%


Making pure RvR guilds is by far the best way for you guys, FC have done a good job, if you look at middy/hibby there are a few pure rvr guilds but only really 1 on alb which is FC, get some more guys, trust me it will help team play and communication 100%

Thx for the compliment we try. We clean up our backyard from time to time, we take keeps from time to time and we roam ALL the frontier zones. If some albs complain that we dont take keeps 100% of the time and therefore want to call us RP whores thats fine. Just remember that the guilds main activity is RvR and since it is we have variation in our RvR to prevent it from getting boring. The members having fun is still the main priority as it should be in any guild. And God forbids we are actualy planning an item PvE item hunt atm ! Oo


Well Art, u know where to find me if u need knowledge of drops and where they drop, and HOW they drop fast =)

I do also Solo DM named trips with my cabby, easy trips =)


Originally posted by newhienrich
RvR guilds are all very well so long as they're not arrogant member poaching sods.

If your losing your members maybe its because u arent offering what they want? Something to think about..


Originally posted by K0nah

If your losing your members maybe its because u arent offering what they want? Something to think about..

Nono, I don't run a guild anymore, and people leaving whatever guild I happen to be in doesn't bother me that much. What does bother me is guilds that have actively persuaded members to leave their current homes for themselves. That I see as unnaceptable. Gets the guild who tries to get members that way a bad name.

I know some guilds do it, again, not mentioning names, but I see it as very underhanded, and I will avoid working with these guilds wherever possible.

Mind you, if a lot of people had loyalty to the guilds they have been in a long time we wouldn't have this problem. I've found out a lot of people are disloyal bastards, unfortunatly. Doesn't seem to matter to the majority. Another sad fact.


I doubt, frankly, that supposed 'poaching' ever consists of more than the 'poachers' saying "door is open to our guild if you want it."
People want to be in elite guilds, it's always the way. I can't honestly say i blame them. It IS more fun playing with pleasant/mature/competent people. That way you only have to worry about your own mistakes.. :)

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