Albions new races



finally firebolgs get laid
(one ugly hand washes the other ugly hand)


I quite agree.


Albion has been degraded into having some ugly short arsed albino running around, its this sort of vermin we are trying to exterminate in the frontiers lol !

At least in albion the majority of players are handsome or cute or at least easy on the eyes.

As I have said on several threads already, if we wanted to play short-arsed ugly weirdo's we'd play in Hibernia !


everyone picks on mystic

i guess you would prefer a halfing? how boring...

i think they look kinda cool. they went out a limb not doing some cliche race for each realm... the other thing that is upsetting is the mid one, which is basically the missing link... hehe..

tree people are cool..

read the twin towers



As I understood it the "plot" for Shrouded Isles is that these "new" races were forced to cooperate with the existing realms (1 race per realm) against a new enemy.

So if the new race looked like a perfect match with the current races of the realm it wouldnt make much sense.

What would help is if they didnt look as if they were designed by a 5 year old ;)

Still - ignore the new races - the new gfx engine looks lovely.

Prediction: Itll be Feb/March at the earliest before we see it, and by then most of us will have quit.


This just turned up on the US Herald site about the two new classes...

Please note that this information is different from the Necromancer information that was released at the Camelot Roundtable and in other news outlets. The information on this web page shows the current vision for the Necromancer.

Necromancers are a cloth-armor wearing/staff wielding spellcasting class that are the priest class of Arawn, lord of the underworld. As such, they can summon dead bodies and command them to do their bidding. Given their power by Arawn, Necromancers are not necessarily the most popular people in the realm, but their spellcasting and pet prowess are definitely welcomed by the rest of Albion.

Necromancers are a new type of pet class that is unique in Camelot, and in MMORPGs in general. More details will be forthcoming soon, as testing progresses.


Reavers are hybrid Fighters with chain armor and a variety of Albion weapon skills. They are the fighting class that protects Arawn, lord of the underworld. Reavers are hybrid tanks, related in spirit to the Thane and Champion – they have some debuffs, like the Champion, and some direct damage/lifetaps, like the Thane. They also can specialize in a variety of melee skills including all the 1 handed weapon specs, shields, and parry - but they also receive a new weapon type, Flexible Weapons, which includes whips, flails, and morningstars, with appropriate combat styles. Their spells are a variety of debuffs and lifedrains which are intended to augment their damage in combat.
A new spell function is being added to the Reaver: the "proccing" life drain chant – which, when active, gives a chance to heal the Reaver when he melee damages his enemies.

Couple of points...

1) Necromancer has been converted from a hybrid to a pure caster. My cabbie is now rather nervous about a new class on her turf.

2) OMG Reavers get a permanent life drain proc! Anyone who has witnessed the power of the sapphire simmy in PvE will appreciate that this is a good thing for a melee class. Question obviously remains over how often and how hard the proc hits - but that's a fairly promising ability.


i guess you would prefer a halfing? how boring...

I'd of prefered another human actually but a halfling would of at least been closer then these ugly inconnu things. And theres no shortage of other mythic creatures, Centaurs, Barbarians, heck anything.

But anyway, as for the necromancer, full spellcaster now ? pet class ? why?

We get another pet class, duh what about the theurgists, cabalists, sorc pets and even minstrel pets ? Do we really need another pet class?

And even if this is an even better pet class, wouldn't they be better of fixing Cabalists first before giving us another?

Mythic pride themselves on being quite involved with the gaming community but I really don't see this as being a popular set of decisions so it makes you wonder if they actually listen to what the players tell them.


I think the idea of a necromancer isok, but the model just isn't fitting to albion.
Something like the necromancer from diablo2 would be more fitting(skinny, white hair, sunken eyes etc)


Originally posted by Draylor
As I understood it the "plot" for Shrouded Isles is that these "new" races were forced to cooperate with the existing realms (1 race per realm) against a new enemy.

So if the new race looked like a perfect match with the current races of the realm it wouldnt make much sense.

:clap: imo blue men = our bitches :) LOL jk


I bet the reaver lifetap chant will be a weak version of pally heal-chant, eg. heals for same amount, but about every 10 hits or less...


I might hit that tree-girl, when aiming after a Gnotten Wood north of excal.


the sylvan guy looks pretty good, better than the female anyway. you can check out more screenshots. it could also be that mystic just choose a bad combination of face and hair which augmented the ugliness of the albino gobs...

on a lighter note, i just may have to switch play another realm so i can give whipped by a leather clad female midget albino goblin -- every man's fantasy

S/M -- who wants some?



"Physically they'll be as tall as Avalonians"

That's not midgets ;)

These are tall scary blue monsters...


"Physically they'll be as tall as Avalonians"

Somethings changed then, when they first announced it they said they'd be short. Can't remember the original site but I got there through Catacombs.


I don't want another freaking tall-as-a-giant-but-thin-as-a-twig character... I want an albino goblin!


The inconnu look pretty smart to me, think i'll have one of those as a necro if thats ok by mythic. Not so keen on the sylvans, guess thats what u get for playing hib :)


i think the new races look cool . and also the classes sound cool also i like the sound of the new mid melee race being able to fight with bare hands and ability to hit multiple enemys at once . lol @ ae melee :)

im also sure the new races will look a LOT better when equiped bearing in mib those seem to be base skins , NO char looks good when its 1st created lop a few chain/leather/cloth armor on him few dyes and hey presto u got a uber looking Necro :p

p.s i do hope they are a midget class . other realms have one except for us .


havnt read all of this thread so dont know if anyones already said this, but, we're getting the albino type lurikeen people. hibs are getting tree people (LMFAO). we get fucking reavers tho, the evil paladins with DD spells bitch, they're gonna own ass.


i wonder what their base stats are going to look like... more towards.... tall as avalonians... fast sscaracens?....

what would be the primary stat of the new classes? they seem to be the religious type.. piety?

sounds like fun to me.

(albion needs a midget)


Originally posted by ilmater
i wonder what their base stats are going to look like... more towards.... tall as avalonians... fast sscaracens?....

what would be the primary stat of the new classes? they seem to be the religious type.. piety?

sounds like fun to me.

(albion needs a midget)

i think the people we're getting have intelligence as they're base stat. as necromancers are just casters really. although might be peity, dunno. but it wont be str or anything i dont think.


Wll what albion doesnt have is a class that uses empathy.. maybe that will be there base stat.. although a empathetic(?) necromancer(necyomancer?) is a bit wierd

"Yes, i know your dead and it stinks.. come, be my eternal minion"

cant see it...


The original stuff said the inconnu were smurf-size... but that seems to say they're not .. no idea :)

Necyomancers are people that work with demons :) (much like necro is 'death' necyo is 'demon' I guess)

No idea on the stat but I'm guessing Piety... (as the necros are following the god of death after all...)

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