albion's guild's (DF)



DF has open and with that brings us a new challenge!!

Let's make a scedule in the different /as..

Some guild's have the job to keep entry open on certain days and other guilds can have entry to DF and then virsa versa etc etc..
So some guild's dont get fed up by taking keeps all week:

Im sure we can work something out in a prober manner!


I'd like to congratulate Legion of Darkness & Black Falcons who last night led a double pronged attack on both Midgard & HIbernia, Taking 4 keeps in 20 Minutes, to reopen DF to Albion & Block out the enemies.

I am unsure as to who else helped the hibernia raids, but the mid raids were the 2 guilds only.


:clap: :clap: thx we really needed DF open and show that when Albion are at thier best we can take keeps like killing flies :)


Big thnx

A BIG THANKS to all who put so much effort in opening DF
It allowed me to enter DF almost as soon as i got home.

It was great fun, even with a spliting headache and some realy bad lag :)

And to the ppl in my grp, next time i will be awake

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