albion looking better?



might be wrong but does albion look much more mature now.
no insult to those that left but when i saw so many high level leaving for mids and crumbling of big guilds i actually felt we were goners.finster did a good job when with us but i think guild politcs was really hampering us tapping into our vast resources that we in reality we had a united force not stronger then mids and rest doing their own thing as they had no other option.

but from last raid it was the best organised and truely great.
seems we have put behind this my guild is uber stuff and gone on to make a albion that actually is much more united.i doubt i ever seen so many guilds actually unite before.


Yeah and to be honest we love it :) It was a great boost to all people who were in it. (expect more raids soon, maybe some more organized RvR as well).

And never forget, we play for fun..

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