Albion Information Network


Girigu Shadaar

(____Albion Pigeon Network______)

Dear Officers,

Our lands is divided and yet enemy
hordes are flooding in our frontiers.
Too many times are our scattered
forces have been beaten to ground
due to lack of information and

I hope that new times are dawning
and the various ways of exchanging
information will be used to share
plans and field intelligence between
all factions in Albion. This first
time I am sending this information
via. the pigeons you have given me
but in the future we may also use
runners and riders to exchange

It is high time for us to start
planning and discussing tactics
together in advance before we
are being slaughtered by wiser
and better organized enemies.

For actual testing of different
tactics and training our forces we
have now regular patrolling events
on enemy frontier. The times are:
Tuesday 1900 CET
Thursday 2000 CET

I hope you will send some parts
of your forces to our aid and
order them to behave.

If you know men of high position
and power who are not yet in the
network please ask them to send me
their pigeons.

yours sincerely,

Girigu Shadaar
Guild Master of Phoenix Guard

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