Albion - I salute you!




I have never been more proud of our realm than this weekend. You all pulled together superbly to make this a truely excellent RvR weekend.

/salute Laird for his initial plan and leading us on several of the attacks. You started it all and many of us picked up the ball and kept running.

To all the Albion guilds and individuals who joined in for one raid or more - Many thanks. We tried to invite representatives of as many guilds as possible into the command cg but this is constrained by a max of 20 people and also us managing to remember every guild! If you didn't then ask about on the next raid and see if there is room in the command cg. If you were left out it wasn't anything intentional!

It was Aevar who commented, and this I have heard echoed by many people, that this was the weekend that Albion learnt to work together!

We have proved that we can sustain the pressure through several days of attacks and I was very pleasantly suprised to hear amazingly little complaints all weekend - even when people were sitting around waiting for our next wave they were patient.

We had setbacks and amazing successes - Our random attacks led by Meepthror on the hib keeps were started because a force of people were sitting about bored waiting for our next attack was amazingly successfull wiping out several hib forces and taking 5 keeps!

Personal highlights were collecting a certain hammer on a raid I led and getting it safe (and then going LD on the road to Excal :( )

Credit also to the mids for stopping some of our smaller forces several times at the AMG.

All in all a truely excellent weekend and all the people present were a credit to their realm! Long may this attitude continue.


The successes of this weekend are owed in their entirety to each and every player who took to the battle over the course of the past two days.

If there are any guilds or alliances who were not involved, then I encourage you to come and say hi at the Unity of Albion's public forums:

or Guild Leaders and Warlords may wish to view this thread in particular:

We are committed to working not only our allies but also with other alliances across Albion, so come and say hi.

I must say special thanks to my guild deputy GM, Laird, for starting the ball rolling and to all those raid commanders and coordinaters out there for a job well done.

In the immortal words of Laird:

MON THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Being only a small guild with only a few members over 40 is was a bit hard for us to get in on the action (after seeming the message about thr relic being removed form Mid keep i ran out of Burrows yelling "get to AMG in Odin's to help keep it open being about my most useful contridution :p). Great work to everyone that took part, once again we have some to fight for. If any is intrested i have a pic of a flying troll!

Anyway, how about regular Relic keep raids everyday, even on the empty relic keeps (unless you can't attack empty relic keeps for some reason) Mids will soon be bandrupt and if why do take a relic again we just stroll in and get it back.


And on.. and on..

Some particularly good work by your stealthers.

You must know in your hearts, though, that this will be a short lived victory and that the only realm truly worthy of holding the relics is Midgard. <utters more generic bravado bunkum>.


Was nice to be there at the first 2 relic raids. Worth a long hot morning

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Albs


well the best fight was the last 1 , after we got the power relic , and beating back 2 or 3 mids atttacks as we attack the relic, then mids guarding AMG , our relic carrier hiding, and waiting for relic forse to take amg , well the force got split , some stayed at the reli , some went ahead to amg , and my group in the center , going to amg but way behind the the others , they died, people were building up at the pk , i brought the 30 or so alb to the hill just off amg. we was seen 2 or 3 times , prolly stealthers all around us , i dunno. waiting for the right moment , albs attack from PK side and mid side of AMG , the relic carrier also ran hoping to sneak thru n the confusion, to witch it worked , tho she did almost die, was a great fight :) tho mids won amg in the end , not many standing tho , tll the mids who went to relic came to amg. /cheer

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