Albion hybrid melee



Hi all - Im taking a holiday from Pryd Mid to spend some time on Scally Alb.

I know bugger all about alb classes but after some reading up ive decided to play a melee hybrid. So the options are Pally/Reaver/Friar.

Stupid question I know, but which is a good laugh to play, which will be of most use to the realm, and which does decent solo (as I am unguilded so will probably spend quite a bit of time on me lonesome) in pve. Also, I know that there has probably been a glut of reavers since the intro of SI, but would you consider there to be too many (!) of any of these classes on Excal.

Cheers for the help.


They all can solo verry well, so no worrys there.

Pally :
pro : Hard as a rock, plate tank,
great utility, loved in groups, especialy high lvl grps as they are Aggro magnets
endurance chant
can kill yellows/orange with no downtime
Cons : fairly low dmg output but is compensated with the endurance chant that alows basicly nonstop styles

frair : heal, buffs, loads of dmg and evade
one of the best solo classes imho

reaver : can be hard to xp in some places because of the pbaoe chants, they seem to be pretty good at lower lvls, havent played or seen any high lvls so cant tell much more about that


friars arnt that great solo'ers before lvl ~30, mostly taken in group at lower lvls because they "can heal" :D


Sounds like Friar is the class your looking for, arguebly one of the most 'fun' melee hybrid types, easy to get groups with almost as good damage as a poler and they hit faster, and the heals/buffs gives them the variety for added fun.

Not seen much of reavers, they certainly don't seem as popular as the other SI albion class of necromancers.

Always tend to think of pallies more as support types really with the end chant, nice to have one in the group but wouldn't want to be the pally, not enough damage for my liking.


Ok - Rolled a Friar and got an invite to a nice friendly would you lot mind going to get the strength relics so i can hit better than a really tired (but quite possibly angry) octogenarian :)

Anyway cheers for the help.

Brigand Jack
Friar and thief.


Originally posted by Sibanac
reaver : can be hard to xp in some places because of the pbaoe chants, they seem to be pretty good at lower lvls, havent played or seen any high lvls so cant tell much more about that

you dont actually use those pbaoe chants in places you can aggro other mobs tho, experience learned early on =)

but reavers are God at soloing as long your fighting undead mobs, slash or crush weak helps to =)


Loving my lvl31 Reaver at the moment. Can frequently steal agro from armsmen and pallies in groups - which isn't necessarily a good thing as we get bugger all con :) Very high damage output and that PBAoE makes us a good anti-stealther class.

Also got a bg1 Friar which is fun too. Just about the hardest blighters to hit with their dodging. Seeing a friar in combat is a bit like watching the Matrix :p Downside is many players will see you as their heal/rez/buff bitch and don't even want you to fight :(

Haven't played a pally but I can tell you, you'll never-ever be short of a group. From what I've seen they solo good too - the chants to heal ect, and more or less infinite endurance.


Last time I used the pbaoe chants in PvE was around lvl 6 :)

Learnt my lesson the hard way.

TBH you just don't need them. Pull with DoT, hit 'engage', use Viper off a block to stun then strafe around for the indigo/constrictor combo. If you parry first you get a nice 9 sec stun in which to get off 2-3 indigos. Unless you have a bad run of misses the mob ain't gonna survive.

I see the Reaver pb chants as almost exclusively RvR. Too much wandering agg in SI to be confident about using them and they consume alot of power. Downtime is way better if you just use the DoT and LD.


pally is also fun to play, and most RvR groups want them as they give the rest of the group end chant so all can do constant styles and be a lot more effective :) Also soloing is easy peasy, yellows without downtime and fairly quickly as well with constant styles...can't say I could take oranges without downtime (usually finish on about half health). But at lvl 50, paladins can take reds with ease I am told (with the right RAs and SC etc)...


im working on a bg1 pally atm, they r fun but u need to adopt a "protector" mindset. your job isnt dmg, its the grps well being/efficiency and bodyguarding your casters/healers. can be very satisfying :)


Paladin = support tank, excellent soloer right from lvl5
Friar = tank support, excellent soloer from lvl20 onwards imho
Reaver = slam tank without tank RA/dmg/hp table and some gimpy tricks to make up for it...

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