Albion death squads



Dunno why albion arnt doing this more,

I have watched a m8 of mine on a US server,

on Excaliber albion dont seem to be using minstrals to there full effect.

Basically you make up grp of archers teamed with one minstral.

You burn to where you wanna go, all stealth wait for Ambush, kill. Burn off to next spot, stealth, wait for ambush, burn off to next spot, and so on etc

If you organise a set of Ambush points (usually 8 or more points that you know people will be at) you can just keep circling around them....

I have not seen this been done once yet? or maybe you have??

All I ever see alb do, is dye at the wall. You seem to have more numbers than the other to realms but you are always loosing out in the big battles??

BTW how come you get more classes than the other realms?? sorry thats just bullshit.


we not only dye our walls, but opur armour too. and are VERY afraid it somehow gets scratched. as good dye doesn't come cheap :)


I have played Hib on the Kay server (US).
And we allways made jokes about the albs, camping the ATK and running..
now im alb .. and i camp ATK and run a lot ;)

rather funny i think ..

but the thing is .. alb need CC, we got the most crappy CC in the game (plz dont start about the clr PBAOE mezz it really sux most of the time (to short if they got something in heal)

the many classes is really a curse NOT a blessing, because all the spells and abilities are to spread out on the classes, so to match a Ligth speced Eldritch can do we have to use a lot of classes to match
(AE mezz/nearsigth/firepower)

and about the deathsquards ... well i think all of them would get much more rps if they just soloed ..

RPs in this game is about time and soloing


and IMHO i think a bard from hib could do the same maybee even better with a ranger squad..

He can speed/AEmess/rez the fallen

if a full group of archers should do something they woudlnt be able to in solo they would have to attack groups from 6-10 enemies ... which means the chance of 1 of em dieing would be big.. the a rezer amongest em would be better than another stealther


Hib DeathSquad :

1- Good mezzing bard (44music required and good surviving skillz)
2- Nice dmg dealer dude (dude with red hammer may work, better if improves teamwork with some instas and interruptors)
3- slamming bag of hps (better if hybrid crap with low specced 2h to assist dealing dmg)
4- elf stun00r and nuk00r (doesnt matter really as will be running all tha time trying not to get killed, casters in cloth = primary target, distraction letting tha 3 above make tha job.)

Obviously all members above need good rvr skillz (good teamworking, surviving, assisting and uncovering stealthers)
Fast decissions and moves etc etc etc

<--- wont say names :cool:


hybrid crap with low specced 2h to assist dealing dmg



i make more damage than your candy ass :cool:


muahahaha - no way noooba no way :cool:

we should hire a bard or pay xni or sth!... (always missing tha fooking bard)


All I ever see alb do, is dye at the wall. You seem to have more numbers than the other to realms but you are always loosing out in the big battles??

That's cos most of the people that turn up for random action at Emain are level 40ish, the lvl 50s don't seem to bother much other than for organised raids. Hib on the other hand seems to have a hell of a lot of 50s there all the time. Last night for example, loads of Hibs at amg/alb tk and 90% of them were red to my lvl 40 scout.


its probably not been done before because its dull. wheres the fun in that. totally out numbering someone and killing them in 1 shot..... thats rp farming, sucks.


Originally posted by Karam_gruul
and killing them in 1 shot..... thats rp farming, sucks.

/em Remembers Karam_gruul gloating about killing an orange elf caster in one hit.


Originally posted by Karam_gruul
totally out numbering someone and killing them in 1 shot..... thats rp farming, sucks.

FAO Mili - Try reading it properly next time, he was talking baout outnumbering the enemy and killing them quickly, NOT one on one.


Hmm sounds like fun. Not dull at all. In fact i have been doing this tactics in the battlegrounds with my little scout. And its great fun to see powerful enemies go down coz they just got simultaniously shot by 7 scouts. Thats just being smart and making disadvantages into advantages.

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