Albion Classes Analyse ( read all who want rvr )



got annoyed with some ppl who begann lvling new chars complaining they old are bad , also tired of ppl who asking me what i tip to make for rvr how to spec and etc ..
so i made some analyse of US servers ladder
i post here highest RP holders in Albion on 4 US servers so you can compare and get idea what classes good for rps hunts :

Merlin server :

1) Jonash PorteMonnaie (50th level Minstrel) [Spire of Liberty] 1,463,155
2) Micnax (50th level Theurgist) [Spire of Liberty] 1,302,982
3) Tarkvemada (50th level Infiltrator) [Holy Inquisition] 1,247,931
4) Mink (50th level Scout) [LFG] 1,220,276
5) Shamino Shadowlord (50th level Minstrel) [LFG] 1,130,475
6) Leojose (50th level Wizard) [Evil Mc's] 1,085,174
7) Slur Arthur (50th level Armsman) [Proteus] 1,045,896
8) Gildyn Aegis (50th level Cleric) [Spire of Liberty] 1,016,332
9) Crowd (50th level Wizard) [Spire of Liberty] 1,015,954
10) Elahir (50th level Infiltrator) [Corp Por] 993,631

Igraine server :

1) Elye Shade (50th level Infiltrator) [Dark Knights] 1,405,416
2) Vaporize (50th level Cleric) [Dark Knights] 1,268,834
3) Catherina Trollbopper (50th level Infiltrator) [Sancti Graal] 784,938
4) Sereena Darkblade (50th level Infiltrator) [Templar Knights] 696,478
5) North (50th level Cleric) [Sancti Graal] 655,772
6) Stonecold (50th level Cleric) [Templar Knights] 652,084
7) Zppo (50th level Cleric) [Dark Knights] 556,303
8) Wic (50th level Armsman) [Dark Knights] 543,334
9) Bradlem (50th level Paladin) [Dark Knights] 527,617
10) Alimar (49th level Theurgist) [Independent] 465,334

Palomides server :

1) Tehlien Tealmist (50th level Cleric) [Aeonian Prophecy] 1,470,180
2) Eyepk (50th level Wizard) [The Knights Templar] 1,406,701
3) Anonymous Defender 1,402,203
4) Khaja Bloodpool (50th level Infiltrator) [Hand of God] 1,276,075
5) Feitton TeChNiQuE (50th level Infiltrator) [Fires of Hell] 1,074,009
6) Kwik RedSmoke (50th level Scout) [Paradox] 1,013,465
7) Endo Eolus (50th level Theurgist) [Paradox] 985,122
8) Nazir (49th level Infiltrator) [Fires of Hell] 932,529
9) Allan Avenger (50th level Cleric) [Aeonian Prophecy] 911,517
10) Artemes Entreri (50th level Infiltrator) [Independent] 888,766

Guinivere server :

1) Montish (50th level Scout) [Reverence] 1,924,864
2) Halcyone Days (50th level Theurgist) [Knight Templars] 1,166,119
3) Koreldyre Grimreaver (50th level Armsman) [Knight Templars] 1,153,808
4) Jamison Dracofear (50th level Paladin) [Knight Templars] 1,084,126
5) Azrealle Harmon (50th level Cleric) [Highland Guard] 997,827
6) Sharossen (50th level Infiltrator) [Knight Templars] 955,591
7) Gregoriah Harmon (50th level Cleric) [Knight Templars] 928,431
8) Tyriana Ashfield (50th level Cleric) [Trinity] 777,132
9) Adreac DiSummoner (50th level Theurgist) [Deus Vincit] 775,906
10) Rhett MacAedan (50th level Paladin) [Heroic] 769,552

Result :
Clerics - 10
Infiltrators - 10
Theurgists - 5
Scouts - 3
Armsmans - 3
Paladins - 3
Wizards - 3
Ministrels - 2

so for example in such 4 X 10 top holders are 0 sorcs ( class i play and many ppl chosed as alt ) also not so many Minstrels and no one friar mercenary cabalist

Sure its not very good point but its showing us at least some interesting Info

Also for example only 2 Minstrels but they are on place 1 and place 5 and 3 of 5 theurgists are on places 7-10 in their realms

Surely on our server cituation is other like it was on us server some months ago too
for example Archers was getting nerfed almost every patch after 1.46 so they lost their position in latest versions ( first ladders on us in 1.44-1,45 were like ranger scout hunter scout ranger ranger scout hunter etc 20 places :) )

here link for NICE spell / style lists

its actuall for version 1.50 wich is runing on us daoc.
so youll find some spells there wich arent in our Euro ( thanks GoA ) version yet
but still


nice one veeshan, but PALADIN IS NOT A GOOD RVR-CLASS! sorry, had to write that. If a paladin have a high amount of rps, that means he RvR's alot - paladin has no abilitys for making us good in RvR, except resurrection ;)


Well it's all got to do with how fast you get to level 50 and how much time you spend in RVR me thinks.


Ah god I love being an Infiltrator such a unbelievably fun class to play

I ganked a group of yellows and blues last night one at a time at Middy frontier gate , as they ran around trying to find me after I one shotted a grey right in front of them was amazing I never have laughed so much in my life when on for a good 30mins -1hr, until Sheba lvl 50 had enough and decided it was time to end my fun :(

God roll on lvl 50!


Rather look at the Top 25 realm point earners last 7 days to see the effects of latest patches:


1) Tarkvemada (50th level Infiltrator) [Holy Inquisition] 114,312
2) Crowd (50th level Wizard) [Spire of Liberty] 96,675
3) Cervilus (50th level Infiltrator) [Revivify Valor] 93,007
4) Norback Spanishfury (50th level Cleric) [Caballeros de la Mesa Cuadrada] 79,532
5) Osamix (50th level Wizard) [Spire of Liberty] 78,893
6) Nanadan (50th level Theurgist) [Spire of Liberty] 77,998
7) Shamino Shadowlord (50th level Minstrel) [LFG] 75,415
8) Micnax (50th level Theurgist) [Spire of Liberty] 73,551
9) Smoker (50th level Scout) [Rizla Clan] 72,841
10) Mink (50th level Scout) [LFG] 68,764


1) Elye Shade (50th level Infiltrator) [Dark Knights] 147,644
2) Vaporize (50th level Cleric) [Dark Knights] 140,959
3) North (50th level Cleric) [Sancti Graal] 116,026
4) Thundarr (50th level Mercenary) [Dragon Knights] 106,325
5) Wic (50th level Armsman) [Dark Knights] 89,461
6) Bradlem (50th level Paladin) [Dark Knights] 86,500
7) Andygun (50th level Scout) [SSA-UL-A-BI] 86,495
8) Elena (50th level Cleric) [SSA-UL-A-BI] 78,746
9) Rezeal (50th level Sorcerer) [Sancti Graal] 65,677
10) Phalgus Blackheart (50th level Armsman) [Sancti Graal] 65,626


1) Kwik RedSmoke (50th level Scout) [Paradox] 92,924
2) Endo Eolus (50th level Theurgist) [Paradox] 77,584
3) Tehlien Tealmist (50th level Cleric) [Aeonian Prophecy] 69,876
4) Azryel Skyes (50th level Theurgist) [Lions of Albion] 65,290
5) Kianna DeVrok (50th level Cleric) [Krieger] 65,105
6) Galithraron Wyndlemir (50th level Wizard) [Legion of Honor] 63,642
7) Rano (50th level Cleric) [Paradox] 61,014
8) Baddon (50th level Armsman) [Aeonian Prophecy] 57,917
9) Blackleg (49th level Infiltrator) [Descendants of Arthur] 56,873
10) Icelander (50th level Cleric) [Paradox] 50,888


1) Montish (50th level Scout) [Reverence] 121,317
2) Tekz (50th level Minstrel) [Independent] 119,810
3) Halcyone Days (50th level Theurgist) [Knight Templars] 95,997
4) Koreldyre Grimreaver (50th level Armsman) [Knight Templars] 94,338
5) Anonymous Defender 85,765
6) Walan Soulbane (50th level Armsman) [Knights of the Arcane] 83,451
7) Chaynal Radzyn (50th level Wizard) [Black Company] 78,485
8) Sharossen (50th level Infiltrator) [Knight Templars] 75,424
9) Dyzrel Mordaine (50th level Armsman) [Discord] 71,660
10) Bern Valenshield (50th level Armsman) [Sanctus Dominatus] 70,985

Infiltrator 5
Wizard 4
Cleric 7
Theurgist 5
Minstrel 2
Scout 5
Mercenary 1
Armsman 6
Paladin 1
Sorcerer 1

Tells more of the "truth", but would have to count them from the whole top 25 for all servers and count the average earned RP's per class.

Can't wait till 1.48 so we see who are the top RP-holders & earners on Excalibur ;)


What? I did this damn sorceress cuz everyone told me it would kick ass in RvR. That's it...I quit.:p


What'd be useful would be some kind of rps-per-hour instead of just 'rps in last week', since that doesn't show us much more than who RvRs a lot.


to Tilde

i heard pallys are unmezzable in 1.49 or 1,50 not sure tho


heal still dont break mez

True, lots of talk, lots of rumors but still hasen't been implemented yet. Heal chant breaking mezz was too 'powerfull' according to latest rumors. Deepest respect to any paladin making it into that top 10 list. Even tho I enjoy RvR most of the times, I still feel like a complete run-over in there :)

--At least I get some time to look at the emblems from enemy realms-- :p


Rp means very little imho, more time u spend in emain = more rp.

And if u do it as a tank, then u prolly spend even more time ;)


So true Tilde.
Get a class that is not gimped RvR-wise and RP=time spent in emain (unless ure a complete moron).
Wonder what radical changes it would take to make that different.
Maybe Mythic has a point when they nerf soloing in rvr - too bad they only nerf and dont hand back some group enhancing abilities during the trade.


Originally posted by Light
Ah god I love being an Infiltrator such a unbelievably fun class to play

I ganked a group of yellows and blues last night one at a time at Middy frontier gate , as they ran around trying to find me after I one shotted a grey right in front of them was amazing I never have laughed so much in my life when on for a good 30mins -1hr, until Sheba lvl 50 had enough and decided it was time to end my fun :(

God roll on lvl 50!

hehe sorry mate but u kill my lowbies in my fronteer i kill u... was funny though... 1 shot a steather :)

did u even see me comming?

next time u are at my gates give me a call and we can do a date :)

Retied exp whore
Actice grey killer


Originally posted by Light
Ah god I love being an Infiltrator such a unbelievably fun class to play

I ganked a group of yellows and blues last night one at a time at Middy frontier gate , as they ran around trying to find me after I one shotted a grey right in front of them was amazing I never have laughed so much in my life when on for a good 30mins -1hr, until Sheba lvl 50 had enough and decided it was time to end my fun :(

God roll on lvl 50!

hehe sorry mate but u kill my lowbies in my fronteer i kill u... was funny though... 1 shot a steather :)

did u even see me comming?

next time u are at my gates give me a call and we can do a date :)

Retied exp whore
Active gray killer

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