Albion 3, Midgard 0.



Well done guys and girls, a well-organised relic raid tonight on behalf of Zag and Odysseus yielded our biggest ever one-time relic haul. Midgard first attempted a counter-attack at the keep itself, then aroud 50? Hibs were dispatched at AMG as they tried to capitalise on our raid. The mids once again had a shot between Castle Sauvage and Excalibur, but were trounced, one-and-all.



Dammit, thats one nice achievement!

But be sure the Hibs and Midds vil be flaming us for doing it after 24, when they all have been send to bed by their parents :sleeping:

Now lets take their powers too :cool:

Over andout !


what can i say ?? both alb and mid sux.. none of you wanna attack a keep if there is more than 1 lvl40+ online!!


1. Grats on that raid and that amazing Zerg-party you gathered and organized!

2. *points at clock* but still grats for raiding relics before 6am :rolleyes:

3. GL on the last 2 ;)


Originally posted by old.Zuljin
what can i say ?? both alb and mid sux.. none of you wanna attack a keep if there is more than 1 lvl40+ online!!

STFU u albs and hibs are all the same u always take keeps at late hours. And for your information Zuljin midgard always takes a keep in peak hours thats in afternoons and evenings not very early mornings so STFU


Grats to Alb. soz couldn´t be there (lowbie).
I´m sure alb will lose one or two, when the mids and hibs are off from school tommorrow.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by old.Zuljin
what can i say ?? both alb and mid sux.. none of you wanna attack a keep if there is more than 1 lvl40+ online!!

hibs only successful relic raid 2 am pls stop talking out of your arse your making yourself look like a complete fucktard cheers


Originally posted by old.Galieran
Grats to Alb. soz couldn´t be there (lowbie).
I´m sure alb will lose one or two, when the mids and hibs are off from school tommorrow.

Maybe Mids and Hibs ge early home from kindergarden tomorrow.


Grats to all the people who worked so damn well this time :) I was really surprised at how quick the doors fall with just 3 rams even. And please stop saying other realms are better at raiding. All the times they raided was at dinner times, F1 times and special days. Don't call that a real achievement either. We just won and we did it good. Our plans were carried out very good (Thanks 2nd alliance for doing a splendid job).

Btw those guard patrols these days are a bit of a laugh.. They hit for very low damage... Did anybody notice that? Sure you can upgrade them but I get the feeling it only updates their armor and not their damage..


Well done to the organisers for the cat not getting out of the bag :)
Noone was home when we hit it..

It wasn't that late when it started... I was still awake! Woulda liked it to be earlier though (I'm suffering this morning)

had to suicide as we left the keep to get some sleep :)

Actually felt like my newbie lvl 33 ass was of some use too :)

Great fun guys :)


STFU u albs and hibs are all the same u always take keeps at late hours. And for your information Zuljin midgard always takes a keep in peak hours thats in afternoons and evenings not very early mornings so STFU
Im sorry, that is complete and utter rubbish. Look at it from our perspective, we attack when theres less of you = more chance of us succeeding.

RvR is like war, you cant goto your enemy and say can you wait till its morning please, were all tired! You try to attack when the enemy is at weakest, so stop moaning, and use your sword!


what can i say ?? both alb and mid sux.. none of you wanna attack a keep if there is more than 1 lvl40+ online!!

let me see what time do albs attack relic o yea midnight -1 am
let me see what time do hibs attack relic o yea midnight -1 am
what time do mids attack relic easy when ever the hell thay feal like it be it at 8pm 11 am 4 pm makes no differance to mids as we get the job done anyway this week 2 relic attacks buth succesfull both at 8pm in the evening,as we at least have honer and pride in the fact we can pull off a peak time raid where as hibs amd albs can only do it am times
i loged in just after relics lost there was 189 mids oline but 1200+ in ralm that menas there must have been at least 500 hibs and albs.
whos the better realm the one that attacks when ppl omline or the one that does not have the balls to attack at peak time only when thay out nuber 4-1


whos the better realm the one that attacks when ppl omline or the one that does not have the balls to attack at peak time only when thay out nuber 4-1

Or perhaps its the one with 3 strength relics..?

I dunno, maybe just a thought...


'cmon Middies and fellow Hibbies - stop the whining! This is so childish!
Yeah - ownership of the relics have changed - so?!? The thing that counts is we're all having fun in RvR atm! I myself had lots of fun seeing that impressive Zergswarm running up their wall and over us :D
Would be nice if we could organize a emain swarming with 3 realms like on the Middie RelicRaid ;)

So grats again for the great job the organizers did there! Nice crowd control :p

old.Im pac man!!

errr did i miss something?? ppl getting pissed about other realms taking relics late at nite? Most real life combat operations take place at night, to increase success rates, why should it be diferent here?


Originally posted by Mudgeth

RvR is like war, you cant goto your enemy and say can you wait till its morning please, were all tired! You try to attack when the enemy is at weakest, so stop moaning, and use your sword! [/B]

LOL its hammer u dweeb :D Me a healer :D


Damn, I don't play for a few days and miss a 3 relic raid :(

Grats to everyone who was there :clap: :clap: :clap:

Why do people have to moan so much everytime someone takes a relic? like its gonna make a difference.


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