Albion 1 Golestandt 3



Golestandt kicked our little butts today.

after weeks of planning I must say I am disapointed. 2/3 of the people did not show up. I got bitching from a few people cuz the cg wasn't big enough. I got laughed at by a few when we all died becuase everyone charged at once instead of going by the plan. I must say, it was a sad event. The server went down so the dragon wasn't home, and JUST as I gave the order to leave he popped. Everyone was so exited by his presence they all forgot what job they had.

To those who showed: Thank you, it was fun to try at least.
To those who spent the firtst 20 min bitching at me in sends, stay home next time.
To those who thanked me for at least trying: Thank you as well.

there should be a few decent DM drops tho...I have nothing to do with those, those all went to the grps.

next time I will plan a legion kill as everyone was to busy in DF tonight to show or the dragon hunt. :rolleyes:

once again, thank you to all who participated

a big thanks to Falcor, who helped me ALOT by leading us there and giveing the orders.


You did a fine job of planning Dreama, can't help the way people behave. It was still exciting to be part of it and see the dragon-finally!
Thank you for all your effort.

Dark Knights


missed it :( didt know when it was :( . ihope to hear of the legion raid when it happens assoon as i logged on tonight and a cple of guildys said they were going for dragon . i said straight away "o well no more dragon raids" they will all be legion raids from now of prolly .



I admit the turn out for the event was a little disapointing but on the whole I and the rest of my guild had a good time regardless, and as Kestral said I was just happy to see the Dragon in person for the first time and see him in action.

Thankyou for organising it Dreama, don't let this first defeat get you down, we can always try again and if you do decide to give it another shot myself and the rest of the Dark Knights will follow you again. :D

Well done for a brave attempt against all odds to those who did carry on regardless, specially Dreama & Falcor.




I am sorry I wasn't able to turn up like I said, I have some computer problems at home so I am still working those out so I can get back to DAOC.

Anyway next hunt I will be there to help you kick that dragons arse.

DroP DeaD


Was a great raid Dreama :D I had lots of fun and finaly got to see the dragon. :p Just stupid people who went to DF instead of Dragon! DAMN YOU!!! Was quite funny when we all rushed in and 3/4 of the people all died in 2secs when he did a big fire bolt. :D I was laughing my ass off. And then when the people that didnt release and tryed to get out (me being one of them ;)). We got so far and then all died lol. I could have got out coz I was closest to the exit but 3 giants blocked my path (still orange to me :() so I just ran for it and lost another load of exp :'(.



Well, my school starts up next week, so I won't have much time for planning hunts, maybe next mont I'll plan another drogon hunt...who knows.


Good job ! , was funny but we were few people. Hope this DF madness pass and we can have fun in Emain like in the old times.

I like Df but i hate to hear that people camp on doors or that emain is empty.

Well next time we will be there too Dream !!


Odd, I play all my the time Im awake and I had no idea there was a raid planned. Perhaps poor info? Dunno..


Imho this was poor execution,great plan though (i'd hate to take up such a task )

Imo though the organisation could have been a little better,.
I heard and saw quite a few things which made my neck hair (if i had any) stand up.

Still,/salute to you,for organizing this.


I was happy just to see the dragon, and it made me laugh how 1 second there were lots of people standing , next everyone cept around 20 were dead.
Damn dragon hit me for 6158 , thats cheating ;).
Anyway the dragon hunt failure went onto a very good night of rvr and one of the best nights in daoc i've had since i started a month ago :).


u made a dragon raid on the 4th day after DF had come out? nuff said course u not gona get any people :rolleyes:


Was great fun....

If you were all wondering who that poor caster was valiantly casting away while you were all face down (for a good 30 seconds after the last person died), that'll be me :)

Bloody thing threw me in the air three times before DDing me for over 5000 :)

Great fun and shame on you buggers for not showing. you all know who you are.


Well, imo this was good planning poor exicution.
the date was set 2 weeks ago, before anyone knew when DF was comming. Was just bad luck that the servers went down twice that morning.

I'd just like to address some glitches that went off.
The CG: 20 people are allowed in the cg. at 7:30 I spammed /y guild leaders send to me for cg invite.
I did this while running all around cornwall station, there is no excuse like I didn't hear that so don't even try it.
this /y spam came ½ hour after everyone was supposed to be there.
Dragon Knights. You say you didn't know about the hunt untill 5 min before it was supposed to start. Well, I know for a fact that some of the DK members knew about it. Aussie posted on one of the dragon hunt threads I put on BW, maybe he should have told the guild. It was the guilds responsibility to contacvt me, I wasn't about to spend 20 hours /sending to everyone in alibion. Dragon Knights GM send to me telling me they were NOT comming, like 10 min after he said they were. If you have a problem with not being recognized as being there, then take it up with him, not me. After sends from one of you you were put back on the list but it was to late to get a spot in the with it, not everyone got in, many guilds were left pout of it...didn't matter, no orders were given in the CG...all orders were spammed in /y.
A few other *large* guild were left out of cg as well....those people who were left out were the last 6 to send to me, at least 15 min after everyone else did.

The lack of people: the server went down twice that day. Alot of people didn't log back on, and even more people were stayiong in DF.

The time issue: Some are saying they were told by me that the hunt was at 7gmt....I never said that, I awlays said 7cet 6gmt. Always. Someone said they had a chat log of me saying 7 gmt...check it again mate.

And, after being bitched at for the first 20 min by a certain guild: You know who you are. You can be sure I will not invite you to any further hunts I plan.


We knew about DF coming this week 1 week before the Dragon raid, it should have been taken into consideration. But of course, it's your choice to go along with it, but in doing so you should have realised it would seriously affect Dragon numbers.

Same things goes for saying that guilds should contact you, it's an awful big assumption to make. It can work still, choice is yours, but then you should again count on having drastically less numbers and people being upset over not being informed.

You go about the way you like, but when you choose what you choose in the above cases you should be aware of the possibly effects and accept that part of the failure was the bad planning in that aspect.


Bad luck Dreama :mad: . I know it takes a lot of personal time to set up something like this and when people flame you for doing it, its kind of disheartening. I had the same bitching but for about 2 weeks instead of 20min, some peoples attitudes just suck. Anyway better luck next time, pity I won't be playing again (computer blew up).


Yells in cornwall? Sends to single members? How about making sure its told of in AU /as perhaps? Might help a bit in getting people. Like I said, I had no idea there was a dragon raid going on and probably more people with me. :)


Thanks Dream for taking the time to do this, alltough we failed, I hope we have learned from some mistakes..

I was very irretated to see, like 5-10 ppl from one guild still having the emblems on, please do as told!
Dark knights went to Avalon to buy bleach for the emblems and its not that expensive to buy a new emblem when you are lvl 40+.


If there is to be another go at the Dragon, we should try to spread out as much as possible in order to avoid The AOE dragon breath( or wtf it is). The mids on prydwin just killed their dragon by attacking from 3 angels all at once, 50 ppl at each side.
I suggest we do something similar, allthough there is only one gate, we could make a stealther team of, say 30+ ppl taking him from behind to start with. There should be about 10 rezzers behind the wall the stealthers just climbed to rezz em when...
The main tank force attacks from gate( just after the stealthers are dead).
The nukers should stay juuust in range of the dragon from the gate and nuke when tanks have aggro.
We will need 2 mixed class groups to kill the giants that aggro the tank rezzer and casters. ( there should be a biig force of rezzers at the entrance, but out of range of dragon).
Last team: siege team, we need about 10 trebuchet, spread out all over the site. It will be the 2 mixed groups job to kill aggro on these as well..

I haven´t put much thought into ist, just went along as I wrote.
But I estimate that the total amount of ppl for this kinda operation will be about 150+ ppl.

Please feel free to comment and give your points of views, as long as they are constructive.


Well, the planning was good enough...we had more than enough people if everyone who SAID they were comming actually CAME. So the numbers thing couldn't have been helped.

as for the plan of attack, The PLAN was to attack from 4 sides, everyone going underneath him to avoid the ae fire...2 armies, 2nd going in after the first was weak.
there was a main army, a reserve army, a rezzer army, a protection army for the rezzers and an add army...supposed to be at least

what actually happened? Well, everyone rushed on the order of charge in stead of remebering thier assigned duties...

As for DF comming, well...oh happens...wasn't only DF tho, people from guild who had been on the list for 2 weeks were in lyonesse...

as for it being told in alliance...well, wasn't an alliance event, and like I have said over and over and over again, if even half the people who SAID they were comming showed up then we would have had the numbers for it. after getting estimates from all the guilds who signed up I had an estimated 150-200 people who should have been there.


Try not to let it get to you Dreama, your planning was sound, the tactics would of worked if we had enough people.

Have to say I personally underestimated the range of his AOE nuke attack, I and rest of my 'reserve team' where wiped out in one blast, I know I got hit for about 2554 damage, one hit kill for me. So I think for the future the back up army need to be right up on the hill way way back from the action if the two-army attack plan is to be used. The range of his attack is unbelievable, we were only just in range to start setting up the catapult at that.

A few thoughts for next time:

Have more people bring siege weapons, and have these set-up BEFORE the charge and use these as the opening attack, have them coordinated so that when the leader says fire, ALL catapult teams attack simutaneously. THEN the first wave moves in.

Reason for this being we do the biggest damage to start of with before the first wave gets wiped out, and its a nice way of saying 'Hello Golestandt, we're here to kill you ! ' don't you think?

Send in a wave of pets to soften the blows to the tanks, I remember someone saying that theres a useful Cabalist pet/spell thing for doing this, some sort of damage return thing ? (feel free to elaborate on this if you know what im refering too).

Last but not least, ignore the assholes, if you get so many people together, your bound to get them. Make sure the majority know to ignore ALL yells/orders apart from those by the two leaders (Falcor & Dreama in this case).

Most people tried their best I think, and its a lesson learnt for next time, as I said before if you decide to give it a second go DK will come (thats D for Dark Knights, not Dragon lol).



well done to dreama for taking the time to set up the raid.

the actual assault was very short, but ppl who said they were gonna show and didnt, didnt help imho. shame on u if this applies.


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Like I said, I had no idea there was a dragon raid going on and probably more people with me. :)

All people who reads the BW knew about the Dragon Raid, you post but don´t read? There were 2 posts about the hunt and im sure your guildmates saw them. Tell to them not to Dreama, not her fault.


I cant read this board all the time and be expected to look into every thread... But what I meant was, that if someone had made a message in /as the day before and the same day I most likely would have seen it. It helps if its broadcasted more. PR is everything. ;)
Just giving some free advise, its not a flame, im sure it had been a good raid if things worked out better. :)


I know is not a flame but im pissed off about albion peope acctitude. To organizate a raid is dangerous for a person. You will be object of hard headaches.

Is easy to flame later than helping before in our realm.

Dreama did a nice work and we failed in the charge. Reading these posts seems Dreama didn´t do it well.



THNX Dreama, was fun

I finaly got to see the beast.
It was good fun

Nuf said

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