Alb to the rescue


Molten Lava

Hey friend Hibbies. I have been playing first three months on Excal in Albion, learned a lot and now its time to start playing the game for real.....:)

What I see around the world is that OR Albion rules a server (just because the own 50-60% of the population) OR Midgard rules a server (in my opinion they have strongest classes) and the poor hibbies get beaten almost everywhere....

I.e. I have been playing my lvl 23 sorc in BG20-24 for some time now and the only fights going on are between Mids and Albs...last night 55 albs where in BG (Excal) same number of mids were there and I only saw a group of max 10 hibs...they got spanked and never came back :(

So tonight I will make my appearance on the Pryd server and I hope some nice people are willing to help me to get to know the realm...I never been there....dont know much about the classes (will do some research today) and I really need help, money, equipment to have a nice pls if you are willing to help me leave your name so I can contact you tonight...

Molten, lvl 21 earth wiz (excal)
Anything, lvl 23 mind sorcerer (excal)
Romus, lvl 42 earth theurg (excal)

P.S. as you can see I really like casters....OR mind control or major damage...which class would be best for me??


Enchanter :clap: :clap: :clap:

Caster and pet controlling class.

Molten Lava

Eld, Void

Am I right that and Eldritch, fully specced in Void is like a wiz, doing lots of damage at high range? (and what is the max range?)


Oh yeah

LOTS & LOTS of damage :)

Void Eldritch is not the best for a group hunting mobs though, because you cant use your bolts effectively. Although the fully specialised Etheral blast spell is good enough to give a positve contribution to a group. & you could always use your Null Storm (Aoe) if your groups pulled more than 1.


Enchanter speced in mana for PBaoe is very popular in groups and in keep defence with we seem to do alot

High lvl viod eld = Morrobainn, Trelawey

High lvl enchanter too many to list = izzy treesinger are 2

High Mentalists = Pops

Make a charater and post his/her name.

Or contact me in game and i will get my ment to baby sit u through the first 5 lvls :)

Mana Crack and heals and big nukes mentalist are great :)

/edit sorry i should of added DOTs aswell :D


Yup casters are very nice, but I recommend try a Menta or a pbaoe Enchanter, you can spec your menta in all kinds of ways if you wanna be a strong nuker go for light (you'll get pet with high charm too) :) If you wanna be more a support you can go for mana which will also give you very strong DoTs and mana regens (groups love you for that) or go mentalism for mezzes (no aoe mezz though :( )

ps. check your pm ;)


If you specc in do as much damage as an eldrith..only their bolt does more damage and has a longer range but they have not a pet :rolleyes:

Molten Lava


Ok guys I decided that my first char wil be.......... A mentalist, way of the moon spec....mainly for support but also, as I understand,(according to some damage-sheets on sites) a MAJOR it right that the lvl 46 spell Storm of Insanity does 83 damage/tick and works 24 ticks AoE??? that means that all that are hit get 1900 damage?? (official spell-library of Mythic)

So what race is best to do as mentalist? and where should I put my first 30 points?

Thanks for all the advice so far and hope to see you tonight (if the purple+++ gf lets me play :)


Re: Decided

Originally posted by Molten Lava
So what race is best to do as mentalist?

Depends on what you wanna be, a ment can be a celt, elf or a lurk. But i'd say that elf or lurk is the best. Just a matter of taste.


I'd consider a Celt for a Mentalist to be honest. The lower INT score is easily helped up with items, and the extra CON, and disguise factor, should save your skin a few times.

As you come from Albion, it is like the difference between an Avalonian and a Briton.


Re: Decided

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Ok guys I decided that my first char wil be.......... A mentalist, way of the moon spec....mainly for support but also, as I understand,(according to some damage-sheets on sites) a MAJOR it right that the lvl 46 spell Storm of Insanity does 83 damage/tick and works 24 ticks AoE??? that means that all that are hit get 1900 damage??
No no... it lasts for 24 seconds with... I think 6 or maybe 4 second ticks. So total of 6 ticks would make ~480, 4 ticks ~320. I think it's four ticks... Hmm, and I forgot to add the spec and piety bonus... ok must be 4 ticks for about 400 dmg then. Not sure really. Would hurt a lot to get that on me though.

So what race is best to do as mentalist? and where should I put my first 30 points?

Elf is best race (high base dex and int), or maybe even a celt (if they can be?). Elves have only one downside: low con, resulting in somewhat lower HPs than celts. However elves will cast faster and do slightly more damage.

But whatever race you pick, obvious choises for stats are 10 con, dex and int, since the other stats don't do anything for you.

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