alb relic raid on mid this early early early morning..



Saborion noticed this on some pics aussie upped for our pleasure:

notice what combat says in the chat window.

Those who were there this morning know why thats so funny ^^

btw: thx for choosing the 1 night where I could stay up late
not thx for mezzing, then a little later paralyze, then a little later chain root me.

not fun to stand there watching ur teammies die when u cant move ^^;;

ah well im glad midgard reacted so fast, a good proove that lowcons can help in relicmatters too, alot of those who arrived first was lowcons.

thanks for the action. We will bill you for the wood needed for doors, thank you!


Really stop laughing .....
hope you know you were lucky

[03:26:26] <Aussie>
[03:26:28] <Aussie>
[03:26:30] <Aussie>
[03:26:33] <Aussie>
[03:26:36] <Aussie>
[03:26:39] <Aussie>
[03:26:41] <Aussie>

:clap: Dias :clap:

Oh and midforce just came when guards spawned
Relic would have been safe for a long time if Mad took it first ;(

gj mids :clap:


go back for 2nd try figure "what the hell no doors should be easy"

................after 20min outside waiting for albs that got lost sum absolute wanker pulled EVERY god dam gaurd.....15+ relic gaurds as well as mids all at once.....hope that gits happy.....lamest attempt ever that 2nd go....absolute shambles and if it wasn't for all the piss about with whos going to carry relic we would of been long gone i think about 10 people had it

(2 when we got to relic room)
Mad (bloke who was meant to have it)
Alpha (another high lvl mids)
Mad again
sum friar
Congo (who actually got it out of keep grats!) :clap:

and god knows who else

have fun repairing 3 doors :p


Midnight is "early early morning" ? hmm no better or worse than 11am on a sunday i'd say Mr Middie...

How we managed to fumble the actual carrying of the relic once inside simply amazes me, but we did. Also wasted sometime in general. But overall a very very good attempt, which should have been successful :mad:


Originally posted by Treniel

Alpha (another high lvl mids)

see if we didnt give it to the mids ...





Originally posted by subbiz
Saborion noticed this on some pics aussie upped for our pleasure:

notice what combat says in the chat window.
Pffffffffffft ^^ kinda hard to take relic whenthe wrong dude:confused:1 picks up the relic and dude:confused:2 trains guards ....
and dude:confused:3 post screenies ^^ :eek: :eek:
don't don't forget dude:confused:4 who yells at mIRC ^^
And Combat that whines ^ :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Middies u SuXa :p


Originally posted by K0nah
Midnight is "early early morning" ? hmm no better or worse than 11am on a sunday i'd say Mr Middie...

How we managed to fumble the actual carrying of the relic once inside simply amazes me, but we did. Also wasted sometime in general. But overall a very very good attempt, which should have been successful :mad:

U just HAD to crack that little :touch: up didnt u? :p

midnight? that wasnt what ppl on irc said. still, if u MUST take up the topic, we bashed doors ~11 pm cet, u bashed doors arpund 1.30 am cet.

the difference: about 200 ppl logs around 11-01
taking relic at 11, ppl got a chance to decide if they wanna stay up
01: ppl are zZZzzZzzz :m00: :m00: :m00: 'ing

no not ment as flame and dont turn this topic in to that it was never the point, if any1 wanna flame on anything related to the time of the attack, make a new thread.


Well after nearly 2 hrs of waitng at the tk, i had great fun when we got moving :)
A nicely controlled raid, grats to the leaders on that :clap:

And as for the 2nd raid, all i can say is why do people go and pull ALL the uber guards after they are told u where they are and NOT to pull them, stop charging after rp's and think where u r going for once.
Its a shame that the acts of a few gets the whole alb force wiped out by guards again and agan n rvr.


Well done to Hien for the Raid organization just about time to do something usefull to the realm and exercise our troops abit.

First of all i'll clarify a point i HAVE NOT asked ppl in emain to come to Odin's Gate that never occurred when i yelled go back was just because a guy send me a tell when i was hidden in the trees speaking with Hienrich saying TUNZ of hibs coming i steped to the midle of albs and yell all back to apk we were about 15 of us there and i consider tunz about 30

Issue done


To albioners that don't have much expirience on relic raids:

Things are planned with a major group usualy in a chat group and the rest of players is informed by the head guy from the beginig when it's agreed MAD takes the relic NO ONE ELSE goes there to take it we lost ALOT of time cuz if it resoult was to get Mad killed when i realised a guy picked the relic.

To all albioners present when we went back

I have not pulled the guards just because i remided wow do the guards agro?
I have tryed to agro them several times after in CG it was agreed to pull some more guards... I'm really sorry that excaping from mids i have pulled more than i have predicted but there were TUNZ TUNZ TUNZ of mids there trying to get me killed when i was trying to pull ;)


Well, obviously we saw all the guards charge out on the second attempt, so we charged after:)
Dead albs:)
Nice try though, we really thought you had it. I even got killed by some rp farming hibs when I got to Odin's. How nice. Thanks to Nicky and Trapp for that. At least I got to jump on Trapp's body afterwards:)

Alpha Male


Actually Treniel your wrong, i never got the relic, if i had of been given it i would have been long gone with it, as Mad was, but he got unlucky and got killed =( it was mainly due to bad timing of the mids charging and guard spawn as the final door went down.

But after all that is was a bit of fun, and i think most had a good time=).. i know i did in the second raid once all albs had died to that gr8 guardpull, i stealthed into relic room and in the middle of a load of mids and guards i lifted the relic and made it down stairs before being hacked to bits :clap:


Re: Treniel..

But after all that is was a bit of fun, and i think most had a good time=).. i know i did in the second raid once all albs had died to that gr8 guardpull, i stealthed into relic room and in the middle of a load of mids and guards i lifted the relic and made it down stairs before being hacked to bits :clap: [/B][/QUOTE]

lmao :) well done guys on a closeattempt oftakig it ack . next time i hope we go all theway home with it .


(i did just type this out but cause of the damn silly work internet i lost it :eek: )

anyway, try again,

imo i think that was a very nice and well planned raid :clap: to the leaders and planners, caught the mids totally of guard, at the start everyone knew what there job was and did it perfectly, people pulled guards, killed them, clerics healed :clap: :clap: and siege equip was built up quickly and used, and also repaired which is nice... First door down, everything going fine, noticed a few mids, but nothing that was a problem, second door down, again no mids but anyway we carried on, inside built up some more rams and took out the last door............ dont know what happened but then we were shot to shit !! no-one knew what they were doing (not that true most did just a few didnt causing other people to get jumpy) someone must have :touch: the :sleeping: mids cause they all suddenly appeared from no-where ! people were shouting, swearing, total chaos (imo normal alb raid ;) <ducks> ) i personally saw the relic on the ground at least 2wice :( dont know what happened so dont want to point the pointy stick of blame at anyone, all in all a good raid, caught the mids :sleeping: (literally ;) hey c'mon it was only midnight)

Next time we will get it away without you even twiching


Dunno who took the Relic at 1st cause I didn't actually go in the keep but they died in front of me in the courtyard and after the Relic sat there for a bit I picked it up cause no one else seemed to want to.

Unfortunately I was lagged 2 much to get up the stairs to jump over the wall and the door was blocked by lots of middies and at least 1/2 our force was dead by the time I touched it so there was no way I could get it out of the keep.

The attempt was no where near the best I've been on but it wasn't the worst either cause at least we got to the relic and it's gonna cost loads to sort the doors out I guess :) With the limited size of the chat group and no Alliance chat it made communication hard.

We took 2 long getting in, rams on the inner doors were way 2 slow and the team that picked the Relic up in the 1st place, who ever they were, took far 2 long getting it out and on it's way back.

When we went back it was a complete balls up though. Force split up and there were Albs everywhere in Ygg. I'd also suggest that Incetes NEVER pulls the Relic guards for us ever again ;)

Originally posted by Killtoons
I have not pulled the guards just because i remided wow do the guards agro?
I have tryed to agro them several times after in CG it was agreed to pull some more guards... I'm really sorry that excaping from mids i have pulled more than i have predicted but there were TUNZ TUNZ TUNZ of mids there trying to get me killed when i was trying to pull ;)

Not being funny m8 but it would have been a lot better for us if you had died when trying 2 pull instead of pulling that amount of guards and a lvl43 minst is 2 low 2 pull them really (ok u have the fasted speed song but if u get caught by them ur dead).

We'd have been far better off backing off and trying 2 either lure the middies out away from the guards or just staying there til most of em went 2 bed and then attacking :)


I must say it wasent the amount of guards you pulled, it was the time. Ppl was not prepered..

And we should had tryed to take care of the mids 1st.


The funnier Relic raid I've ever been in.
A bit disorganized at first, but then we worked fien together.
Next time we need to speed up rams or something.. we almost get the relic.
And.. yes... it was early early in the morning.. in Tokio. :p

No comments about 2nd attempt lol :)


I wasn't blaming u Gromit imo if u had it u should of just legged it with it like u said u would :) but sum1 whos name began with A picked it up and just looked like Alpha + people were yelling alpha has it

soz :)


Hmm, there were alot of things that need improvement :p

1. Inform guildmasters way ahead of the raid, not 1 hour. Not all guilds have spare ramparts in their vault. This was the main reason why we had to wait 1.5 hours in odin.
2. Assign someone who knows his way around and doesn't has lag, and let the army follow him and no1 else.
3. We couldn't move as 1 army on the way in, there were 3 big groups around. When the back gets aggro, give the leader a call that he has to stop. We got splitted in 2 by this, dunno what happened with the 3th group.
4. Some commands were given very late (ie. we only got told what to do inside when the 2e door was already down), or not at all. Tell people when we move, whereto we move, what to do after door falls down, what to do if mids come in etc. When commands aren't given, other people will yell commands as well (there were about 8 people who gave orders last night). Things will get messy then, people won't know who to listen to.
5. Assign 1 group who carries the relic home. You can't assign 1 man, he can't get up there on his own (the main reason why Mad died alot). Select a high level group with speed, who actually carries the relic should be decided within the group.

Hmm, can't think of anything else atm. Nice job for organizing that many albs in a short time Hienrich, but you have to work on your leaderskills though :). It ain't an easy job, hopefully my tips will help you a little.

Rest was nicely done, the scouts at borders and covering the 2 entrances, pulling guards etc.


Congo and Aikmore

1: Weren't prepared then why i was told by the ppl in CG that were LEADING the raid to pull? if u guys don't pay ANY atention to the CG then folks stop flaming me about what u DONT have ANY clue.

Talk was a bit like this:

"pull one more guard"
"U sure u want me to pull?"
"yes pull more guards"
"/yell inc"

somewhere here i sad i would probably get mid dead before agro guards cuz all them had me in sight

"/tell stt where are u"
"7yell inc"

and pulled the guards after had STT in sight for the uber mez ;)

Was something like this and who got me killed weren't the guards were 2 ugly trolls that saw me moving to guards twards the trees
They insta stunned me well uber+mids stuned i supose u are WAY too strong and u can deal with it :)

That was actualy what happend, once ppl decided to start to flame i don't mind that ppl flame there for won't even think about typing the name of the ones who sad me in CG to pull ;)

Tip: Next time pay atention to CG before flaming someone if u're not in don't judge leaders job they were doing fine.
And yes IT'S IMPOSSIBLE JUST TO PULL 1uber guard they are linked ;)

Final note to congo: Mate it's really a pitty that u only remember your uber tactics here in foruns but when u're in siege and fighting u never sad a word...


Tilde: :clap: :clap: :clap: Did my best to get us all killed i mean uber guards killed :)


Originally posted by Kcinimodus

5. Assign 1 group who carries the relic home. You can't assign 1 man, he can't get up there on his own (the main reason why Mad died alot). Select a high level group with speed, who actually carries the relic should be decided within the group.

I've been in the grp that took the relic home twice.

When the inner door was pretty low we sorted the group out making sure there were minsts, clerics, tanks and BT all very high lvl, most lvl50 then all relogged in a corner of the keep, regrouped buffed up and got ready.

When we had the relic there was no messing about, we were off.

Sure it's not a mistake that'll be made again though.


Originally posted by Killtoons
Tilde: :clap: :clap: :clap: Did my best to get us all killed i mean uber guards killed :)

i love teasing u :) i wasnt even there u know :clap:


Don't have a clue :) i saw most of your guild mates there so suposed u were :D


Relic capture: Congo, we were prepared with clerics tanks minstrels etc but when we went upthere with Kulthas that i remember of draging agro of an archer and other guys i just blinked my eyes and saw NO relic scrolled up and saw:

Dias picked the relic

We all began in a big mess that got us all killed :)


Originally posted by Killtoons
Tip: Next time pay atention to CG before flaming someone if u're not in don't judge leaders job they were doing fine.
And yes IT'S IMPOSSIBLE JUST TO PULL 1uber guard they are linked ;)

Final note to congo: Mate it's really a pitty that u only remember your uber tactics here in foruns but when u're in siege and fighting u never sad a word...

I wasn't in the fekin cg :p so it would be a bit hard for me to say much, guess it was full of n00bs who had no idea then :)

Yes it is impossible 2 pull just 1 Relic Guard but it is possible not 2 pull them all.


On your first attempt I really thought we had blown it :(. By the time we had built up a sufficient enough force the Relic was already in your hands :mad:. I'm just glad to see you got yourselves disorganised in the process :touch: = :clap:

Nice try on your second attempt but by that time we were better prepared and once you had pulled the guards we steamed in and slaughtered you.



Originally posted by Killtoons
Relic capture: Congo, we were prepared with clerics tanks minstrels etc but when we went upthere with Kulthas that i remember of draging agro of an archer and other guys i just blinked my eyes and saw NO relic scrolled up and saw:

Dias picked the relic

We all began in a big mess that got us all killed :)

Didn't see any shouts telling idiots not 2 pick it up though unlike on previous sucessful raids.

If it was said on cg I've no idea but there were loads of people that weren't in the cg so it should have been shouted.


Congo no it was:

Gregorian, Arthwyr, Herbal, Stt, Tiarta, Hienrich, Kinad, Sewen, ETC

If u think they're n00bs it's up to u

Pull all LOL ffs u came here just to piss me off... it they were 4 i have counted them when i died starting from the begining that Stt where there to mez we could kill 1by1.

Congo i really thing your pull back drag some etc tactics are exelent but either say them in time or just organize a raid with your tactics...

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