alb relic attempt on mjollnir faste this afternoon



...was totally and utterly destroyed by the furious horde of angry midgardian trolls, in a rage of fury of the attempt to take away whats is rightfully theirs.

The funny thing is that some1 said on as that some1 should scout mjollnir, because a nasty smell floated around the realm of midgard.

I was at the telepad with madeleine as this message rolled in, and madeleine asked if we should go instead of porting. first I said yes, but then blupje, the d0rf skald, said he was on his way so I decided to go unleash some vendo fury on whoever would cross my path(or perhaps bite some green treehugger grass). However madeleine followed her female entiusm, and went to scout just to make sure.

A few mins later, someone reported all clear.

Another 5 mins, someone else reported everything clear.

Madeleine was killed by 2 invaders at the gates however, but she went back for another go, and perhaps some revenge.

around 5 mins later, she send me that 60+ albs were gathering at mjollnir faste, preparing to pull guards.
This was reported over /as, and we left Dun Crim with 2nd gate almost down, to suicide on Dun Bolg instead.

and then.. well the rest is alb blood, nothing new in that ;)

to summ it all up: midgard still have its melee relic, thanks to madeleine.

point: we need more scouting, more voulenteers at odins, so we dont have to pay for these damned relic doors all the time ;)

You ppl with speed or stealth, this is your job. I have been in odins on my own a few times for some hours scouting and possible greyganking (including zarek's brother hehe). but it is a bit of a pain going there without any speed add, just to die the first time someone strong enough to kill me ports over.
Consider ever minute spend in odins as a deed for midgard, scouting for possible albion/hib filth. :)

also, a skald or RM missing teleport in uppland by a few secs, spend the waiting time on scouting mjollnir. It is worth it.

Midgard has prooven its strength by demolishing several relic attacks the last few weeks, now we just need a little better scouting, and we will be truly strong.

Herbal Remedy

we did well even though we where spotted door 1 down and 2nd door well dented - skint mids damn i like the sound of that. Raid went on l8r than we planned because of the server lag had planned it for an hour or 2 earlier, anyway well be round to pick up your last surviving relic sometime soon :)


Just wait....

When alb feels like having your relics we get em ok? ;)

Oh yeah, when we get more CCs we will do alot better..

Sorcs fight vs Insta mess from both healers and bards.. and what do they got.. Quickcast - yay.. did mythic think we would zerg with sorcs to do the same job as 1 healer? :p

And stop bitching about taking keeps at nights.. if you dont like do it yourlself.. but someone its war so why even bother ?

Just go out there and kill ! :)

Herbal Remedy

he wasnt bitching about time or anything uncle sub wanted to tell us a nice story and u spoiled it :(

anyway besides the point bledmeer was fun again ... hope u mids turn up again real soon my treb aiming gets better every day


The Dark Disciples will make shure to get them bug eyed albs smoked out.

We pledge to spend every waking hour, in pursuit of spreading our norse ways.
And likeways make shure they arent taunted by cowardly infidels.

And grow, as the other inferior nations, crumble under our feet.

Herjulf Hornbrytare - Lvl45 Skald

A True Patriot

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by old.herjulf
The Dark Disciples will make shure to get them bug eyed albs smoked out.

We pledge to spend every waking hour, in pursuit of spreading our norse ways.
And likeways make shure they arent taunted by cowardly infidels.

And grow, as the other inferior nations, crumble under our feet.

Herjulf Hornbrytare - Lvl45 Skald

A True Patriot

ill remind u of that when we take the relic - dont make promises u cant keep m8


That was fun indeed :) Some Albs left one side all of a sudden abandoned.. Dunno why (I told them to stay put...) But I think any realm would have failed at that side. The lag was massive with our own army already and then see all of a sudden 100 Mids (or whatever size) rush in makes it even worse ;)

At one time I was standing there alone in a big group of Mids. Should have seen all the shouts on me :) Ah well we tried. How hard did we hit the 2nd door btw (couldn't see from my side ;)) And first door wasn't even reached when Madeline spotted us.. At least it didn't end late so I could still get some good sleep :)

Grats to all the Mids and Albs who showed up :clap:
(P.S. Carrying a ram with 1/2 wood size now (since new update) makes it a lot easier to bring more with a few people)


Khalen - about 30 ppl suddenly chased off after a single norse skald (Eos i think?). Most of em didn't even have speed, lol.... were about 3 of us still standing at the place where you told us to

btw, just for the record
GTAE = fucking criminal and needs to be removed from the game. I don't even want albion to get a GTAE, it just needs to go ffs. Wouldn't even nerf runemasters as they've got so much other stuff fs ;)


Actualy you are lucky the server lagged for a good hour , cause the 60 albs there were whats left over of about 90 albs who would have attacked both hib rellics and midgard str rellic at the same time. Just 5 minutes before the lag stopped the raid was canceled over alliance channel after wich alot of people logged. When it then stopped there was some persistance to go on with the raid after all so we gathered what was left and went for the str rellic only. Unfortunately word got out and people were yelling rellic raid at the tp keep again wich led to alot of - uninvited - people coming along for the thrill of it. To give you an idea of the 23 rams we had for the 2 keeps combined only 10 made it to the str rellic. But at the end it was good fun, after all, rellic raids are what we are all here for in this game since its for the bennefit of an entire realm.

GM <Exiled>


Nice one Madeleine :clap: As soon as I heard our Relic keep was under attack, I ran as fast as my little Kobie legs would carry me. It certainly was good to see so many Alb corpses after a short skirmish :p Although I was disappointed we did not reclaim Bledmeer after a lengthly battle so respect to the Albs for putting up a resilient defence.


hey i still love bledmeer its are own lil rp farm :) we can craft day and night then rp farm when mids turn up oo gee the fun :)


all hail to Brethren and its keep bledmeer :clap:


just read this one our guild forum LMAO damn funny i thought :p

Urgent News!!

In the early hours of this morning an envelope was deposited in the hands of the Bledmeer Keep Lord demanding the appearance of a Brethren Officer at the local County Court to explain recent events following our relocation to the area.

As self-appointed spokesman I chose to confront the local magistrates and clear the air in the spirit of reconciliation and friendship.

Unfortunately as I approached the court-house I was seized upon by a dozen ugly Trolls-Guards who swept me into the depths of the dungeon, slamming me into a cell. I was informed of a trial at which I was accused, as representative of the Brethren, of crimes as yet undisclosed. I do not wish to discuss the "treatment" I was subjected too whilst left alone with those Trolls...

After 3 or 4 hours of "probing" I was finally hauled from my cell and marched into a semi-circular chamber. In front of me were 6 dwarves attired in judgely wares. The trial begun.

For 45 minutes I was pelted with a nauseating blend of mucus and semi-digested food as the prosecution attorney, also a dwarf, ranted and raved "in a language I don't understand". Throughout his diatribe the 6 judges sat in silence, moving only when lifting a buttock to fart in my general direction.

Abruptly the prosecutor's speech came to an end, all 6 judges nodded in apparent agreement with whatever it was he had been spouting. They then all pointed to me and beckoned me to stand. A kindly Elf tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a towel to wipe the bilious fluids which had been hosed over me by the attorney. (mental note:- a Hibbie in a Midguard court...very strange but then...)

I was presented with a scrap of paper on which was scawled, in infantile English, the charges made against me and a brief summary of the prosecutions case. It went something along the lines of :-

"scum humans blah spit cough guilty wretch belch kill splutter front lawn flob chew fart dinner"

Hmmm I thought!!! Then all of a sudden the problem dawned on me. I could just decypher the dwarves rant sufficiently to gleen that the local authorities were simply objecting to the way in which we had returfed the grass approaches to Bledmeer.

Apparently it is unacceptable in these parts to use the bodies of 40 or 50 of Midguards finest warriors to returf the bear grass patches either side of the front gates.

All I could do was raise a wry smile and think of what had gone on the night before.... was obvious that the Midguard forces were out for blood having thwarted our relic raid earlier that night. It was a matter of time before they descended upon Bledmeer to reclaim what they believed to be rightfully theirs.

Unfortunately for them the forces of Albion had second guessed the Middies intentions. In fact so slow are the trolls cognitive powers that there was plenty of time for third, forth and fifth guesses!!

An alert scout (me!) spotted the force of 50 + Middies approach Bledmeer. As if to confirm their stupidity the spotter was allowed to stealth through the army and into the safer confines of the keep undetected. A feat superceded by Zold, who was able to do the same, only without the benefit of stealth...

What a part these 2 heroes were to play in the long confrontation ahead. A garrison of just 15-20 stood proud and met the Midguard assault head on.

Galerrard and Zold had joined with Seeaira, Moonwolf and Taranee to form a formidable defensive group.

[nb:- tactics included 1) Galerarrd dies 2) Seeaira resses 3) Moonwolf heals and rebuffs 4) Zold performs suicidal ae attack outside gate 5) repeat]

Miraculously, and I will concede with a little assistance from the usual glorious suspects (Herbal, Odysseus, Kinad etc many huge grats to them!!!), the tactics were working. With Elvo, Taglim and (insert any other Brethren who were there HUGE APOLOGIES for any ommissions) brave assistance it seemed as if the battle could even be won...

The Middie force was able to breach the outer gate, but time and time again was forced to retreat and regroup. The inner door was never truely threatened.

Finally as the Midguard morale waivered and those of faint hearts fell away, it became apparent that the opportunity was there to rout the invaders once and for all. Breaking from the confines of the keep, a noble charge ensued, scattering norse, dwarves and trolls alike. Very rarely has such a comprehensive victory been achieved against such odds...

... as i returned from my reminiscing, I realised that the occupants of the court-room had busied themselves picking food from their beards ready to redigest...eurgh....

Aware that no form of incisive wit or infallible legal argument could save my bacon I resorted to the only tactic which works when surrounded by Middies.

"Look!!" I shouted, pointing at an imaginery nothing somewhere out the window. Predictably, the whole room turned to stare... Never fails I thought, as a stealthed up and slowly sauntered from the building.

The last thing I saw was that Elf, sat with his head in his hands slowly shaking his head. I think he had just realised that maybe he and his kind had made a mistake...

NB: The above story is largely based on fact and is dedicted to those who sacrificed any ability to function effectively in daylight hours at work in order to defend what has become known as...home...

Season 40 Scout
550 Fletcher
"About as stealthy as a camel in a tu-tu"


we dont need no relics to kick ur ass in emain everyday, k


Great story, althought u forgot to mention the Lusitania High Council group who also managed to get inside Bleedmer (also without stealth), at the exact moment the Mid army was charging ;) ,no harm done, its hard to name every single alb that was defending the keep :)

Great fun at Bleedmer
(for the second time, hopefully a third will come tonight) , gratz to all the Albs for another fantastic job defending Bleedmer.

Memnock ->level 44 Merc
Naite -> level 23 Inf


NICE story!!

My killlist:

Itchy (again?)
Itchy (wtf?)
Itchy (lol)
Dez (was dancing in front of keep)
Green dorf
Grey kobbie
Another grey kobbie
Blue norse
etc etc etc

was immense fun :)


with 5 scouts on the roof behind the banners and stuff, mages also up there, 20 more ppl scattered out inside the keep , lvl 7-8 doors, catapults, how hard can it be?


My apologies for Silvertronico, the guy yelling in sauvage about the raid. Although I had told my guild to keep all references to the raid within guild and alliance chat, I guess he got a little over-excited and has been suitably chastised. P.S. Daivana I'd appreciate it if you'd lay off and un-ignore me in-game. A punishment i guess imposed simply because a rogue member of my guild was yelling about the raid. I don't appreciate being blamed and subsequently cut out of 'the loop' for something that's completely out of my control.


Originally posted by Subbiz
...was totally and utterly destroyed by the furious horde of angry midgardian trolls, in a rage of fury of the attempt to take away whats is rightfully theirs.

The funny thing is that some1 said on as that some1 should scout mjollnir, because a nasty smell floated around the realm of midgard.

I was at the telepad with madeleine as this message rolled in, and madeleine asked if we should go instead of porting. first I said yes, but then blupje, the d0rf skald, said he was on his way so I decided to go unleash some vendo fury on whoever would cross my path(or perhaps bite some green treehugger grass). However madeleine followed her female entiusm, and went to scout just to make sure.

A few mins later, someone reported all clear.

Another 5 mins, someone else reported everything clear.

Madeleine was killed by 2 invaders at the gates however, but she went back for another go, and perhaps some revenge.

around 5 mins later, she send me that 60+ albs were gathering at mjollnir faste, preparing to pull guards.
This was reported over /as, and we left Dun Crim with 2nd gate almost down, to suicide on Dun Bolg instead.

and then.. well the rest is alb blood, nothing new in that ;)

to summ it all up: midgard still have its melee relic, thanks to madeleine.

point: we need more scouting, more voulenteers at odins, so we dont have to pay for these damned relic doors all the time ;)

You ppl with speed or stealth, this is your job. I have been in odins on my own a few times for some hours scouting and possible greyganking (including zarek's brother hehe). but it is a bit of a pain going there without any speed add, just to die the first time someone strong enough to kill me ports over.
Consider ever minute spend in odins as a deed for midgard, scouting for possible albion/hib filth. :)

also, a skald or RM missing teleport in uppland by a few secs, spend the waiting time on scouting mjollnir. It is worth it.

Midgard has prooven its strength by demolishing several relic attacks the last few weeks, now we just need a little better scouting, and we will be truly strong.

are you really thinking we're gonna read this? oO


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Khalen - about 30 ppl suddenly chased off after a single norse skald (Eos i think?). Most of em didn't even have speed, lol.... were about 3 of us still standing at the place where you told us to

hehe yes seemed you were more keen to get my rps than the the end you got neither :p

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