Alb Guilds - anything like this around?

  • Thread starter old.Sion Verdox
  • Start date

old.Sion Verdox

Since the decline of my guild (most quit) another chap and me are looking for a new home. I have two chars a 36 minst and a 34 scout and my mate is a 42 inf we are also a little fussy about our guilds =) We are both very much into rvr but not the whole keep raid business. We know you need the levels to do that and both works long and hard at developing our characters. We are looking for like-minded people who play to level with the goal of fighting and help each other in achieving that.

We are not interested in the sort of guild that has five million members and accepts anyone but if you are a two man band that’s probably to small ;) is there anything out there that will suit us? If not I am toying with the idea of building a guild just as I described – if so would that interest anyone?


Legion Of Darkness would welcome you :)
Contact our gm Filthius / Pimple when on next :D

Madonion Slicer

You could always look into the Red Dragons, we are a small guild, not too small, always group hunting and rvr, i have had nothing but good advice and help from it's leaders.

Contact myself as

Madonion or Madcarrot

Guild Leaders:



The Humberton Guard would gladly accept keen recruits such as yourself.

You may find we are a little low level for you however (our highest only reached lvl 33 last night).

Looking forward to defending our realm - RvR is the reason I started playing this game.

We recently staged a Guild invasion of midgard that was halted by a stubborn troll. (ok 3 of us got bored and went to Odin's Gate :))

Contact me in game if you're interested.

Vortigern Wolf

Have a look at us.

Dont know if you are interested in joining the Dead Dragon Society. Check out our website, if you would like to join cause you think we might fit the bill you are looking for, then please enter your characters name into the new members area and game times when we can get in touch with you.

Have a look.



Hmm, we'd consider you in our guild :p Only after we've played with you, you can't be too sure these days :rolleyes:

Our current guild (The Brethren) is mostly made up of ppl that were not happy with their old guild(bad guild groups, no guild groups, etc), 80% of the members are over 40... Then again, we don't have many members atm either (and we will never become the biggest guild, simply because we do not want that)...

Drop me a line and we'll play together...


in the unlikely event Wedge fails to be on-line you can always try me or Pac - we're friendly ppl

watch out for Zold though :D


Aye, Zold can be a pain in the arse sometimes...

But eventually you'll grow to love him just like us :p

Btw, hi Abe, didn't know you were on this board too :clap:


Originally posted by Icy
Aye, Zold can be a pain in the arse sometimes...

But eventually you'll grow to love him just like us :p

Btw, hi Abe, didn't know you were on this board too :clap:

Grow to love him? Is that what I was supposed to do? :/

Oh, and we have around um, 15 members now? Maybe not even that, but it's a nice cosy feeling and we take turns to make the tea and stoke the fire.

/bored at work :/

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