Alb excal E&E or GM?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Think I may have found an exploit with a certain CL ability, nothing game breaking but its awesome for arty encounters, focus pulling, and general necro PvE stuff, just wondering if anyone has any names of gms etc ingame who could tell me whether the ability is a exploit/bug.

If anyone knows or is a GM or anything give me a shout should be on later tonight and show ya the thing.

Reported it via rightnow and got the usual robotic response, just dont wanna over use it and get banned really. Seems the folk on the US have missed it, and theres no noticeable nerf of it in the Herald Patch notes.

Hmmm anyone got a necro on the US servers who wouldnt mind respeccing CL to see if it works on there please feel free to pm me.

GoA cant like nerf it without Mythic giving the go ahead can they? Ya know like the whole poison spike thing? Cos if it is "working as intended" its a roxxor little ability for Necro PvE.

And to all my guildies! There you blackmailing swine Im coming clean after being called "Haxxor!" and all sorts!


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
you can allso try a few times during the day do /Who 100 . if anyone is on, pm them ;) ( /who 100 is the gm's)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
You can PM me for E&E related issues, to be passed onto GMs/more relevant parties.

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