Alb army in emain



As it seems now the mids own us rather badly in emain ..

I see some lvl 50 log in see the mids camping atk die some times to bolts and archers then logg out giving up..

Why do we loose ? And is there a solution ?

The easy answer is we lack numbers ... why dont our lvl 50 come out and play ....

but there is a reason many ppl give up and dont wanna go to emain..

and this is something about class's not becuase albs sux more than the other realm...
(long story to follow plz dont post answer to this unless you read it all)

look at these

Albs vs mids:

Middi healer: (hopes you can read even though i dont have time to make nice layout on them)

Paralyzing Glance Instant Cast Area Effect Stun
Lv. Spell Name: State Rad. Length Pow. CT Rng. DType Delay
28 Paralyzing Glance Stun 0 8 sec. 17 I 1500 ~ 10 min.
38 Paralyzing Glare Stun 150 9 sec. 24 I 1500 ~ 10 min.
48 Paralyzing Gaze Stun 300 10 sec. 31 I 1500 ~ 10 min.

Pacifying Glance Instant Cast Area Effect Mesmerize
Lv. Spell Name: State Rad. Length Pow. CT Rng. DType Delay
29 Pacifying Glance Mesmerize 0 22 sec. 18 I 1500 ~ 10 min.
36 Pacifying Glare Mesmerize 150 26 sec. 23 I 1500 ~ 10 min.
47 Pacifying Gaze Mesmerize 300 31 sec. 30 I 1500 ~ 10 min.

Middi Runie:

Sigil of Destruction Single Target Bolt
Lv. Spell Name: Dam. Type Pow. CT Rng. DType Delay
1 Lesser Sigil of Ruin 8 Bolt 2 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.
3 Sigil of Ruin 23 Bolt 3 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.
6 Lesser Sigil of Havoc 46 Bolt 4 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.
10 Sigil of Havoc 68 Bolt 6 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.
13 Lesser Sigil of Destruction 90 Bolt 8 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.
17 Sigil of Destruction 118 Bolt 10 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.
23 Lesser Sigil of Devastation 156 Bolt 14 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.
30 Sigil of Devastation 199 Bolt 19 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.
37 Lesser Sigil of Undoing 251 Bolt 23 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.
47 Sigil of Undoing 317 Bolt 30 4 1875 Energy 20 sec.

Suppress Sight Single Target Range Debuff
Lv. Spell Name: Val. Stat Type Pow. CT Rng. DType Dur.
11 Suppress Sight -25% Range Debuff 5 2 2300 ~ 120 sec.
19 Suppress Vision -35% Range Debuff 9 2 2300 ~ 120 sec.
25 Suppress View -45% Range Debuff 12 2 2300 ~ 120 sec.
32 Diminish Sight -55% Range Debuff 16 2 2300 ~ 120 sec.
40 Diminish Vision -65% Range Debuff 20 2 2300 ~ 120 sec

As it is now in DAOC emain warfare and much more is completly ruled by mezz... and with the AE mezz as king.

so the middi healer is king with the instant AE mezz and instant AE stun..

this is hard to beat for albs when we lack sorcs...
if 20 albs meet 20 mids there is a big chance that the mids got 2-3 healers ... the albs are lucky if we got 1 sorc .. and there is a big chance that he got rez sickness because of the many rangers killing a nice blue caster (we get to that later)

another factor is that mids got so many skalds... Albs got loads of minstriels allso BUT... many of them wont group .....
why ??
as some minstriel friends say "i allways die i groups" ...
well i try to group a lot .. and well i die a lot :eek:) BUT albs need you minstriels ...

thing about minstrels we make way way much more Rps alone...
1 day i tryed to solo and i made 13k rps easy...
in a normall group i make max 8k rps for a RvR session, 1 thing is im often the first who gets killed (they should kill me first!) so no rps for me while im chewing grass, even though the group migth win the battel.

this is just to explain to none minstrel albs why minstrels sometimes dont wanna group.. it would be better for alb if more would ... but you cant expect some1 who has made a char for solo RvR to ruin his fun, if he thinks solo rvr is his thing..

then about the runie's .... to say it short ... we need patch so our wizzes have a chance to 1 shoot the runies with their lvl 50 fire bolt.
And in the keep/atk camping i often see that albs loose becuase of nearsigth .... well cabalist's got nearsigth ... but i have never seen a lvl 50 cabalist ...

the nearsigth stops our clerics from rezzing.. our scouts... our casters etc..

(this is starting to look like a rant ... it is not... i just try to explain that sometimes we loose not becuase we sux .. but because of class difference)

and lately i have seen a real lack of clerics .... that dont help either..

ok now Hibs vs albs..

real easy ... same story ... even though hibs dont have any instants they got loads of stuns/roots/mezz's ...

in a number albs cant show ... so many bards,druids and casters with singel target stun (i think eldrict's allso got nearsigth)

and they got a shitloads of rangers

So...... what to do about this ??

first of all i think we could make albion stronger by lvling a lot more of infiltrators ... good infiltrators ... dont waste time to lvl a infiltrator if he is not a really good player ... would be waste of time

then i think we realy need a lot more sorcs... but that will come in time im sure .. sorcs are good for exp groups so in time they will be there...(or patch 1.50 will :) )

second .... well i think there is much more fun RvR in DAOC than doing emain warfare .... i know there is no Rps in killing NPC guards in a keep... but if you take enugf keeps the enemy realm have to stop you somehow.

So go take some keeps from those stinking hibs and mids...

go ambush the hibs otw to emain.......

Go camp the uppland border keep (there is mids sitting in there on the pad waiting to port to emain) they will come out after you after some time ...

explore some...

instead of giving up at ATK in emain then try to grap the other albs around you and grap some keep... exp kill some grays ... do something other than giving your rps to them

(btw this post dont count after 24.00 where albs zerg emain... and the mids/hibs go somewhere else)

most of the class unbalance and minstrels not grouping can be changed if you do something fun...

you will ofcause get lost ... get wiped out bye patrols... die to evil purple mobs you didnt find on the map...

and THAT's the FUN part !!!

after patch (when ever that will be) albs will be a little stronger with no chain rooting better wizzes, better infiltrators etc....

so be patient ... dont give up



ill make an infil if u lvl me filip ;)

But yes albs classe distribution is crap ;)

very very very few groups in emain are ever a good set of classes.


there are a lot of infils and sorcs comming through the realm is aware of what we lack in terms of chars . and ive seena lot of infils/scouts and sorcs lvling in the 20-30 lvl range.

as for your comment above about minstrals and other chars like to solo so they farm more rp's its NOT all about rp's its about albion becoming one and destroying the enemy .

for the last couple of days i have been in emain all ive seen is large groups of lvl 50 mids and loads of 40+ mids camping our tk and killing the v small groups of albs who come to far down the hill for there casters to nuke us ,

there is a distinct lack of tactics to beat them . and very rarely lately there is more than 4 lvl 50's in emain at any given time . except for late at night , and even then they stick to there own little uber groups and dont give a toss about the lower lvls "by that i dont mean all -30's ." . as you said above it gets boring so the lvl 50's who do come to emain get ganked pretty fast by the vast number of mids camping tk. then the mids always camp the bodys hence the high lvls release come back a cple more times and the ame thing happens , then after 4-5 times of /release n return they dont bother comming back .

the only tactic ive heard somebody shout the last cple of days whilst tk is camped is "CHARGE" thats it :( .ive seen lower lvls TRY to put forward and idea and they get ignored . elitetism imo is part of the problem . because those high lvls who ONLY group with there friends and guildys . dont think about others they only seem to care about getting themselves bucket loads of rp's .

cleric have insta mezz . casted stun and all i seem to see them do is throw a smite or two .

minstrals just switch on speed song and chase the slower mids/hibs if we are chasing them with thoughts of his own rp's

sorcs have good mez but as you stated there isnt enuffof them around .

turgs have mezz ability but i rarely see them use it .

wizzys have that ice root they do that often but not enuff imo cos they to busy nuking trying to gain rp's .

for us to beat enemy we have to kill there casters/mezzers . if our infils/scouts/minstrals can get behind the enemy before we calla charge the ifils/scouts/minstrals mezz/kill the casters/mezzers and then that leaves it open for our tanks/casters to easily take out the enemy tanks .

there is not enough comunication between albs atm in emain . even the raids seem to of dried up and albs just chilling out ,
thus helping the enemy become more confident and stronger , and no doubt soon by the way albion is atm we wont have any relic ssitting in excaliber . we will be sitting there with 3 broken doors and a empty relic room .


I personally find that I'm most useful in (for example) a milegate situation standing back trying to root anyone that stands out in the middle. Casters are probably the main target although the lag as it stands at the moment makes this a very hit-and-miss afair on whether I can quickcast my root before they can mezz/nuke me (believe me, even when you're stood still and they come running out, the lag makes it extremely difficult).

Nuking at my level (41 atm) is largely ineffective I've found unless the target is already immobile and/or occupied with someone else. While I may hit harder than anyone else of my level, it's still not enough to do any serious damage before the target inevitably gets out of range, or charges me down (at which point you realise your realm-mates aren't actually covering you against this at all).

If you read that little rant, well done, if not, the summary is: wizards I find are most use acting as point-rooters for anyone they can pick out coming forward from the enemy ranks, rather than as nukers, until (at a guess) the mid-40's at least.

P.S. do any other wizzies out there find that although on paper your bolts are more powerful than your nukes, the damage in reality is always the other way around?


I'm a minstrel and I rarely group... why?
Because everytime with only a few exceptions the people in emain get me killed through either stupidity or cowardice or both. I'm sure a lot of people have seen the classic "Charge!" and 5 people run forward and 40 backwards scenario. After a while you get tired of releasing all the time because your realmmates got picked off in twos and threes instead of standing their ground.

As for getting behind the enemy, minstrels can do it, it's risky though and generally some idiot AEs and breaks all your mez anyway. Also groups whine like crazy if you don't run speed and/or power all the time.


Aye.... grouping in RvR is 90% of the time, an instant ticket to bot-dom.
As to the first post, well I'm not directly denying it, but healer i think is as rare as sorc, easily.


you are complety right Filip

+ emain sux for me when i am solo :p 2 blues will kill me ;-)


Yeh!! first add that admit they suck! :)
The times i am in emain we(midgard) usually dies cause we pull guards.. I mean someone pulls guards. And then the stupid hibs comes and destroy everything.
Hibs: stay away from emain even if it is your own frontier!
Well lets have a nice RvR sometime what do you guys say?
100+ mids vs 100+ albs in emain. Camping allowed :)
GL everyone and i hope you dont exp to fast :)

/Hatts Off
Kobold Hunter!!! (NO FEKKING GIMP!!!!)


What army? :rolleyes:

People need to stick together better, attack single targets instead of running all for one themselves. Coordination is the key (tactics are nice as well). And indeed we lack the number of high people like mids in emain. People have to know which targets to take out.. We need better stealthers who can take out their support (healers, nukers). Last night I saw about 5 or 6 of the high lvl minstrels we have in the realm. I think last night there were even more high lvl minstrels then tanks...


Well lvl 44 tonight as only need 1.5bubs and will be heading for fifty promptly and then will be moving to emain asap!

Then I will be able to take mezzers/healers u name them I can take them down!


We do need more Infis, the scout contingent is coming along nicely and I've seen us helping to turn battles now :)

Longbow was the cornerstone of Englands medieval warfare and I see no reason for it to be different in this game. When a lvl38 can shoot a lvl50 for ~200dmg that makes a difference.


Ive got an infil but the only ppl who group withme are lower lvl's or m8's that are too high


I'm the only high level matter cabalist in Albion. I have -55% range nearsight.
I wish they made it AE.


I am leveling a cabby for nearsight spells ... should cut down on their cast range a bit



More whining.

Tactics, cohesion and coordination will win the day anytime.
Classes are secondary to the above.


U lose because the albs in emain doesnt stick together
U lose because many CC'rs doesnt use their abilitys
U lose because ppl hasitate when attack/attacked

Hint for them CC'rs (crowdcontrollers):

Dont try to nuke all the time, arrange a timed attack when all theurgists and sorcs are advancing and blows off a AoE-root/mez, then inform ppl that they can rush. Inform ppl before u do this so they can prepare. Im just a pally, but i know how i get zerged in a most effecitve way by hibs/mids

Just my 2c


hmmm... Albion has actually a LOT of sorc's and crowd controllers.... plenty infact... problem is they dont go to emain...why??
Firstly because stealthers own them....why?? because are tanks dont guard (they charge and chase rp) and our stealthers dont bother to clear them out (they sneak past and rp farm their favorite camp site)...end result..... casters give up.

Secondly because you can only see your carefully laid plans fail so many times because of AE nukes and smites (I'm sure in the unlike event these players live tho the fight and albion win, it makes a vast amount of RP.... bully for you)... it wears a little thin after 30 or so goes.... and means that guess what... we dont want to stick together.

Thirdly and finally because..... no clerics bother to heal them... well they die too fast... and lets face it, that instant is to keep your ass alive right???

Solo....yes I make more rp (I think everyone does really atm) as you just concentrate on killing one target at a time before someone notices and ganks you, I'd probably make more in a group as part of an army IF I actually lived tho a fight, but lets face it casters are the primary targets and the easiest to kill once your attempt at CC has been shafted, its curtains.

Lets stop whining about what Albion doesn't have......and concentrate on using what we do have better instead of being our own worst enemies.

my 2 silvers..... hope it makes sense.


oh 1 more thing...about runemaster's bolts... as someone with 26% energy resistance....there a little twat out there who always hits me for 9/10 my hp (about 600pts)...which I have to say is completely unreasonable....and I have no clue how to deal with it... when realm skills come in... i'll die everytime....if and when that happens... it will be time to find a game with some balance.


To learn they have to show up!
And emain has been quite deserted by albs these days..

also I/we have been missing you vana!:(


Well I tried emain again today.

Joined a group.... 6 people at APK, by the time we hit the mill, 4, back to wall after a spot of hib killing... group gone. And people wonder why they can never get group in emain.

Also, as a minstrel, in large group fights I mezz.... this makes me a target, yet no one ever protects the CCers in the slightest. No group = no cleric watching your HP = no heals (not that you always get them in groups but hell there is at least a chance). I died within the first 15 seconds of no less than 3 fights today, alb won them all, yet I spent my time lying on the grass, not exactly my idea of fun. I'm not surprised the sorcerers don't show up, for them its worse as they have less hp and cloth armour.


More whining.

Tactics, cohesion and coordination will win the day anytime.
Classes are secondary to the above.



If we had 10more sorcerers with min.spec in mind 34, we would have been doing alot better ;)

Get my point?

hint: CC


Being trampled (while ur dead) by 20+ albs who rush to get some rps instead of rezzing, doesnt help the realm also imho. Releasing in emain is getting more a habit then i would have ever thought off.

Albs rezz their people when they got a litlle time spare, hibs/mids rezz their people for reinforcements.


I am pumping up a infiltrator alt myself. Transparent is his name, backstabbing is his game. I wanna see an Albion army of alts all stealthed backstabben the mids, they wouldn't stand a chance.

I could tell you guys what to do to win battles in Emain buts all been made very clear by the rest. Nice post btw Filip. Very extensive.



Of course you do.
Nonetheless its the truth. Give me 40 organized <insert random gimp class here> and i will rule emain forever in the face of 50-100 hibs/mids/alb.
Cohesion and strategy is far more important than whatever little flaws there are in class balanced when comparing simliar ones.

Alb is not in any way underpowered.

Now go ahead and flame me, tell me what this-or-that class does that we cant and how the other mezz and cheat and crap. BS.


Give me 40 organized <insert random gimp class here> and i will rule emain forever in the face of 50-100 hibs/mids/alb.

u probably could m8, but then theres the thing, where would u get 40 players who will follow ur decision whether their gimped or not?

can i just say if any1 fancies a go at leading i will follow garunteed


The above post is an example of someone who has no idea of what the discussion is about, but just wants to disagree.

Original statement was that alb is underpowered. My contrary statement was that we were underorganized.
Go re-read and try again m8.


Hmmmm Ody.... i really cant understand where your going ?

8 pallys vs 2 skalds 2 warriors 2 healers 2 Rm's

how would you win that ??

40 pallys vs Random 50-100 hibs/mids ...

How would you come though AMG ??

How would you hold a MG vs the enemy ??

but keep it most simple ..

8v8 ... 8 pallys vs what i mention above ..

build up a senario they would win...


I tell you what...any of you want to put all those great ideas to work and actually ORGANIZE something give me a send and my wimpy little cleric will join you :p


To answer the above:
Organization beats anything. An army that moves in a coordinated way, does not get itself killed by CC-pulls, does not start chasing solo-RP, acts disciplined WILL beat the mids/hibs any day, even if outnumbered.

Same principle as in PvE - what happens if the tank suddenly decides gobbos are more fun to pull than tanking trees? Wipe.

Its a matter of joint effort - its pretty logical in my mind.

As for getting someone to organize it;
A lot of ppl have tried, been ditched and yelled at and thorougly humiliated trying.
So dont expect that many are willing to give it a try any more.

And Filip have u ever heard the saying about exaggeration enhancing the point?


Im gonna be big-headed again !!!!

In emain, it takes effort to start a cg and get people to work together, and play well............liek a proper army!!!

At the mo Zoyster is the only person that does that!! :)

Well Im baq with my G/F & work, so if u wanna own in emain.....pluck yer lazy thumbs:clap:

Plus......have u noticed the Middies copying my tactics at amg :puke:

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