Ain't it nice?



I know that the cheaters are lame ass losers, BUT ain't it nice when you nail one of the fuckers with a headshot? Better still slit the bursturds throat :)

~YuckFou~ refuses to cheat or run from cheaters


Right on! :) Thankfully, I've only ever run into one person who was definitely cheating. Trouble is, it's easy to get suspicious of innocent people too, when you know there are so many cheats floating around the net (at least, until beta 6.5 comes out...).


True... I'm getting a little pissed off with crap players accusing everyone of cheating. Last night a guy got taken out through a wall, he asked for it, his rifle barrel was sticking through it! Could he take it like a man?......nope. The usually slanging match started and the whole thing degenerated into a display of poor vocabulary.
I had the misfortune to play against Calkrapian or whatever his name is/was, so I fragged him, problem solved :)



On the rare occasions when I actually play well enough to be accused of cheating, I usually take it as a compliment when somebody starts bleating at me.

I have to admit, though, I hate the way that a few cheaters have made me... well... paranoid. Every time I see a really good player on a server nowadays, rather than being impressed, I always have to put up with this niggling doubt in the back of my mind. I'd never actually come out and accuse somebody of cheating, but unfortunately it seems like a lot of people aren't so restrained.


I rarely accuse people of cheating but last night I had to do it. Some lamer was playing on militia and he knew where the enemies where. First he was on the CT side and he kept wiping out all the Ts, and I accused him of cheating cos he would always go straight to peoples locations and start shooting round corners where people where before he could normally have seen them. Then I got a little more insight when he came on the Ts side (and started kicking the CTs asses). He was standing out in front of the house and all of a sudden he started shouting (via a bind) ENEMY IN SEWERS!!! and promptly headed for the sewers. I tried to get him kicked, but that didn't work, then someone accused me of being at fault. Can't remember his name, it was something stupid anyway, but he had a clan.

Anyway he either had spiked-models/wall-hack or a spotter, but I just hope to hell they fix these cheats so that the cheaters all of a sudden becoms shit cos they have no advantage.


Funny, isn't it? I've seen this happen a couple of times now, and it seems to be getting more common.

Just one question I'd like answered, though; are there any aimbots for CS? Please, *don't* post a URL, a simple yes or no answer would do. I *don't* want an aimbot and I really don't want to make info on how to get them more easily avaliable, but...

I've seen a couple of cases now where I've noticed people shooting with incredible accuracy with weapons not noted for being accurate (AK47, MP5 etc). By this, I mean that they've been managing a 100% headshot rate at long range against moving targets. Now, I know that some people are very good shots, I know that you can get pretty decent accuracy from most weapons by firing single shots and I know that flukes do happen occasionally.

But there are still times when it seems to be happening too often for comfort. I usually get particularly suspicious when these players aren't particularly good in other ways (ie. they can't dodge to save their lives). Of course, I don't accuse them of cheating, because I don't want to annoy somebody who's just spent ages honing their aim, but this cheat-paranoia is getting really irritating.


Well point of fact, if it is a bug, it can be exploited as a cheat. But I haven't seen it around so I can't jump to conclusions and I'm certainly not about to acuse someone of cheating without being 100% sure...


This has been discussed a few times so Ill summarize :)

There are no aimbots for HL-engined games because the crc encryption of the game's network packets has not yet been cracked.

Server admins watch the cheat sites as well as the llamas, and to my knowledge no aimbot has surfaced because of the above reason.


I don't think mp5 is innacurate, I can pull off "difficult" headshots fiarly easily with it. Honestly, next time you play, try to only ever aim for the head, even if it means you do worse to begin with, you will get the hang of it eventually.

One thing that did get my interest tho... I have frequently noticed that some people seem to take a lot of fire and still survive. I kept telling myself that this can't be a cheat, it's just my imagination, or luck, or lag or whatever. But today, a friend of mine who is fairly new to CS asked me if there were any cheats for it. I said there are, but they are gay, and enquired as to why he asked. Apparently there was a player on a server he was on who was taking a lot of damage before he was dying, and my friend noticed this. Then the player announced that it was in fact a cheat, and posted a URL (have no idea what it was).

It just makes you wonder, doesn't it?

On the aimbot issue: I am not a cheater, tho I have tried every cheat I can get my hands on (in a backed up copy of the cstrike folder). For the record I make no secret of this, I think it is important to know exactly what cheats are out there, and you can be assured that if I am trying a cheat, I will never be using my normal alias. Anyway, I do have a list of some cheat sites, and one in particular has a forum. In it they were discussing aimbots, and there were a few people discussing an aimbot that was in very limited circulation. Apparently it is used by some of the best clans who play for cash/video cards etc... I have no idea if this is true or not, but again, it makes you wonder...


Mmm only yesterday was on on siege and I ran into the car park as a CT. There was a guy there with a sig commando popping shots at me and I was sure he would have score hits,b ut I felt nothing so I got closer (diving about and firing back at him) and ran out of ammo. Switched to pistol and ran around car to face him head on. He fired yet nothing hit still ? My pistol finished him off as well.

Then a few days ago I had 7% health and ran into a terrorist. I was stunned (almost shite my pants :) ), and he emptyed a clip (from aug) at me as he dived to the side and tried to get behind me. Now 1 shot at least should have killed me, but I did not get hit and I turned around to finish him off with the mp5.

I think it's a bug in the game?

Posted by S.A.S


Thats happened to me too. Some guy opened up on me, ok I'm doing my best to avoid him :) but he's empties his sig/colt at me at close range and I've not taken a hit. Then I've finished him off at reload.
The same has happened the other way too. The other night in es_jail opened up on a guy at close range with colt, full mag, and completely missed. I don't think I'm that good that at close range someone could completely miss me, not that bad either that I could miss with every shot at close range. Then again shit happens :)



Maybe everyone here is just a crap shot!! Ever thuoght of that??
lol B)


Quantum: Yeah, I know the mp5 can be pretty accurate. I just get suspicious when I see it used for single-shot headshots, particularly when the shooter is moving.

Re: Players taking too much damage. I'm pretty certain this is a lag issue. I've seen it happen a couple of times and, in my experience, either the shooter or the victim has usually had a huge ping. Hopefully this should be sorted out by the new netcode. I've never seen a single player sustain masses of damage in successive rounds, so it doesn't sound like a cheat.

As far as the guy posting the URL was concerned, he may just have been sick of being called a cheat. I've been tempted to post a spoof URL myself once or twice when I'm on a server full of people who seem to think that it's cheating for an LPB to use a sniper rifle. :)


Quantum: re: "ENEMY IN SEWERS!" I don't think that in itself is too surprising. If no CTs are coming through the front of militia then it's pretty obvious they're trying the sewers. :) Also, you can quite often hear people's footsteps when they're in the sewers whilst you're above them on the normal ground level.

Also, re: shooting round corners, there are a lot of standard areas that people tend to take cover behind. Better players in my experience tend to fire just before they come round such a corner, usually hitting any enemies that are nearby. Personally, I prefer to flashbang dangerous corners like that. But then, I'm a grenade freak. ;)

It's still possible the person in question was using some kind of hacked models to help him detect his enemies though - I'm merely offering possible explanations.

Re: the 'bug' of not-dying: I remember only recently playing as a T on nuke and have some CT surprise me and completely miss me with almost an entire carbine clip while I was low on health. I presumed it was lag, and ended up shooting him with my desert eagle, but I remember thinking that I couldn't believe he'd missed me as I picked up his carbine. ;) It'll be interesting to see if the new netcode sorts these kinds of things out. I could only guess that he had a bad lag spike at that moment.


No, I can assure you I wasn't being that rash. These were not standard camping spots. And he wasn't doing it when the enemy wasn't there. But EVERY time there was an enemy there he did it. In round 3 he had a score of 14-0 I think. Example: At one point someone was crouching behind a crate completely silent. Then the cheater came out the house walked along, through a grenade at the crate and killed the person hiding behind it. And I know for a fact that he never saw the guy go there, and nobody on his team did either.

Anyway, I'm not gonna drag it out, shit happens.


Fair enough. I stand corrected.



Well this is getting silly now, I just got accused of cheating :(
Wouldn't be so bad but the guy is a regular who I have played a 1000 times.
This is gettig soo lame



cats outta the bag now fouy, bloody cheater

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


You think im cheating?

thanks for the compliment :)


LOL Pixie and Yuck, but hit the nail on the head, really. No-one trusts anyone now. If someone's getting a lot of kills, you immediately get suspicious. Damn, this is what having loads of cheats available for a game like this does for you...

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