Ah come on guys :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
This is not a whine thread as such(well maybe a little bit),but more my view of thid today.
Mids today 15:00>...now I don't mind being uncovered on the inf and the fg ganking that occured,it does'nt bother me too much altho it ain't fun and surefire way to clear thid...............but one thing got my goat in partciular.
If you are running 2 locks,1 bd(fotm I know),then 5 others join you to form an 8 man team why the hell does MORGIOUS have run in the near 10 player strong team(with 2 sb's) with a freaking bot stuck to him???!!! lol
Surely you can't be that shite of a troll????
Buffbots are bad enough stuck in big boy RvR,but in thid...come on guys this meant to be fun and a giggle,I mean as if the game is'nt on it's arse enough as it is :(
I just can't see the point as if it's gonna be just a bb then can get rps later,same if healbot I guess.
It's not like the 4-5 albs trying to get out of APK are even going for CK take.
I just can't see the point in sticking a bot up like that and imo people like you will be eventul downfall off the game sadly :(
Just my 2 cents,flame away if you feel like it,but it's water off a ducks back to me :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thidranki kinda sucks lately. Albs don't seem to bother when Mid owns the CK. Hibs rarely come out, and we (Mid) seem to run a fg even when theres no enemies. :( I've been guilty of adding myself recently, but only through utter lack of fights for hours at a time. Its a shame there aren't more people. I try to run solo when I can, but usually become angry at being out-meleed by infils. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Although to be honest people like Alliandria and Fienden don't really help matters. These guys have been in a stealth group of 4 for the past few hours. Wheres the fun in that?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
What you reap is what you sow... FFS that works IRL why not here :twak:
Tbh i dont mind people running grps, what i do mind is why would the same duo - FG run over the same solo player 10 times in half an hour.. Where is the fun in killing an opponent who is obviously not a threat, does not add on your other fights. I could think XP, then i could understand, but most people are lvl 24..
WtF is up with lvl 24 duo's + chaining a lvl 20 hero... such fun.. such skillz..
I wonder why alot of people left thid other then classic being out ;)

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