Agro and groups


Bleri McThrust

On the old forums there was a topic (on GOA's forums) with a link to an article about groups and agro,

Something along the line of 1 - 2 members pull 1..............helping another group adds something to your grp or die to reset agro.

I dont suppose anyone knows the link and could post it here by any chance, got caught out with the forums closing before the end of April.

Bleri McThrust

Damn I guess the answer is no then :(

Have searched around on the Camelot Herald with no luck.


Yeah I remember that and thought I had the link but I didn't... will try find it anyway. :(


well it depends alot on the type of mobs, its like

ppl / mobs

1 / 1
2 / 1-2
3 / 2
4 / 2-3
5 / 2-3
6 / 2-3
7 / 2-3
8 / 3-4
8+ / 3-5?

not very scientific, just my own experience:)


that would be for baf mobs, and not the linked mobs :) Blackthorns for example always come with 2 lunans in a full spawn :)


Originally posted by Torfa
well it depends alot on the type of mobs, its like

ppl / mobs

1 / 1
2 / 1-2
3 / 2
4 / 2-3
5 / 2-3
6 / 2-3
7 / 2-3
8 / 3-4
8+ / 3-5?

not very scientific, just my own experience:)
Heh, nice one... but there was a place where it explained this aggro and group thing fully, just need to find the damn link damnit :mad:


I hope I got the right thread:
This, in more detail, is what I was saying last night:

"It's the BAF code. The size of the pull depends on the group (1-2 = 1 mob, 3-4 = 2 mobs, 5-6 = 3 mobs...etc)

However, if you interfere in a fight with another group (or get interfered yourself) - by accident or on purpose, on the next pull BAF code will *add together your groups*. It sees that you have 16 people pulling, and throws the room at you. End result is usually pretty messy.

Only way to 'clear' this is either to log the group out, or kill non-BAF mob to 'reset' the code (it only remembers the last fight). Problem is, there are very very few non-BAF mobs in this place, and lots and lots of clueless players who do not know how this part of the game works.

Man, the death spam is horrendous at times. I weep for the guys who don't know this stuff... I've seen group of four lowbies getting some assist with a hard mob. Next pull they get five on ther ass and go 'WTF' and promptly die.

Pass this information around. It will save lives. Do *not* go interfere in pulls unless the pullers spam the 'yell for help', and if you do, find non-baf mob (hmm... I *think* that the Demonic Familiars are not baffing, but I'm not sure) and kill that. Even a grey one. Ask the other group to do the same. Otherwise there will be deaths, and less fun for everyone.

39th Season Druid - Bea
34th Season Enchanter - Alve
Senior Mist Wraith Officer"


Originally posted by Ischtap
I hope I got the right thread:
Actually there was a much larger description somewhere, just can't find the damn thing anymore, I'd be interested in it myself since I didn't read it to the end.


Look in Camelot Vault web page I think its there some place in the forums.

Bleri McThrust

Ive tried searching for it on the Herald no luck :(

Thanks Ischtap for the quote, but sfxman was right I think, there is a fuller descrption and that was what I was looking for :(.

But thanks for the info.

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