

Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
NFD haven't been out much as a FG for quite a while but we went out last night with a PUG. The Mids zerg is painful - I never seen so many rp horny mids in my life. I would hate to be trying to get a decent fight on there. But still people like their relic bonus eh?


Anyway we were fighting a low RR Alb group (and losing) at the Alb mile wall and they got ass jammed by the Mids - it was clearly Agramon so we could not get it.

Anyway how do people find Agramon is going on there? Is it ok - or starting to get zergy?

Just curious.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Running thru last night, think we lost most or all, but didn't get the feeling of being completely outclassed...we had a foot in the door, got some kills, etc.

Get the impression there aren't any really great grps running atm, or didn't see any anyhow (which is good for us). We certainly had more bother last time we ran months ago with probably stronger setups (2anis, voidie and ment ment last night).


Loyal Freddie
Sep 10, 2005
Also ... If you are rp horny agramon is not the place to go for 30k/hour stats ...

I must say that the fg vs fg zone on avalon was better. (that's my opinion) We had a few good laughs in agramon just a few days ago. We killed an alb group and a hib group but were killed by an alb group after that and then i had to log!

Also i did notice the groups running there aren't so high RR as you would think. I noted some RR11's but i think we had a fight versus a rr6-10 group as well...


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Was indeed a lot of mids last night, first time this week I've logged off from 8v8 this week =p

You can always see what groups are running at the time (and it's certainly the best place to get a decent pug going) on irc @, #ywain

PS. Rp income isn't exactly bad there. was on 50k / hour on saturday 8v8'ing Prea ^^


One of Freddy's beloved
May 22, 2004
Usually find Agramon a good place to 8v8, sometimes an ml10 raid might run by or the Kasalla/Oakstrong-'2fg-on-stick', but they can be avoided, and most groups don't add.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
Not played in few weeks, think account going to run out at end of the month but the action FG wise is pretty poor, go anywhere but agramon and its zerg fest, even on the way to agramon and then when you get to agramon its hard to actually find a fight when on hib/mid. Same goes for soloing or playing stealther, you can spend hours trying to find some decent action.

The game isn't worth the time for the fun that i get out of it anymore. Is such a shame because i wanted so much to enjoy the game like i used to. The community is non existant, plain and simple and when there is no community and poor action, what else is there? Nobody gives a shit how they act towards fellow realm mates and enemys, the game is basically full of custodia/horner type players who only care about their own quest for the holy rp.

Would of been nice to get the monkey rr12 and have some fun but as the decent nights are few and far between it just isn't worth playing. Playing a whole night on a game and logging off frustraited isnt what a game is supposed to be like. My gaming now will consist of some casual mode Red Alert 2 on the PC, such a classic game i love it (name PRLSM, it looks like PRlSM ingame :p) and PS3 (craig-oafc) mainly cod:mw2 :) feel free to add me if you like ...maybe explain who you are and if i know you in the request ;)

Good luck having fun in daoc, you are gonna need it!


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
oh and go usa!



Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Dunno Brite - spend most of my time in CS looking for groups on the bot while playing FM2010 on another PC. Stick my head out now and again and get zerged down but every once in a while I find a decent group that will know wtf it's doing and not quit the first time someone dies which makes me think it is worth it.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
reactivate when summer is over, hopefully it has died down abit and all is well!


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
The community is non existant, plain and simple and when there is no community and poor action, what else is there? Nobody gives a shit how they act towards fellow realm mates and enemys, the game is basically full of custodia/horner type players who only care about their own quest for the holy rp.

Spot on. You can flame the nostalgia and yell I don't give a fuck all you want, but this is exactly what's wrong.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
Thanks for the fights last night NFD, always fun :) We had our pug out aswell and think we ran into you in emain 3 times or so :D Think u zerged us down with 3fg-ish in the end there so not only mids that zerg :ninja:

I do agree though that there seems to be a lot of mids around lately, probably due to relics...although I must say hib numbers have been on the rise lately.

Keep on making grps =)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Yeah we probably did hit you in the end - and you probably fell victim to the fact that we got jammed by several mid groups twice in a row just before that - fighting Arumis group near DC and another mid group appears out of the water and then again south of DC I think. But hey we honestly don't care when that happens outside of Agramon. Outside of Agramon just feel free to add on us - we honestly don't care. As Brite says there is zero respect outside of there anyway.

Mind you I never copped Brite for a nostalgic sod - I remember your posts on here deliberately trying to flame etc - you getting old and sentimental?


One of Freddy's beloved
May 22, 2004
Some respect still remains in the playerbase but it's pretty much only some of the 8v8 guildgroups who give it. I run with a bunch of american tossers and we leave soloers/smallmans and 8v8s no matter where on the map we are, and know a couple of enemy groups that do the same.

It's still fun to group with people who play for the challenge/fun, and not the rps, even tho it's rare to find one.

As for Agramon action, usually it's pretty dead and most nights you don't find much. But last time we went there it was like crazy, 4-5 different groups of mids/hibs roaming about, even though it died down a bit later.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
Yeah we probably did hit you in the end - and you probably fell victim to the fact that we got jammed by several mid groups twice in a row just before that - fighting Arumis group near DC and another mid group appears out of the water and then again south of DC I think. But hey we honestly don't care when that happens outside of Agramon. Outside of Agramon just feel free to add on us - we honestly don't care. As Brite says there is zero respect outside of there anyway.

Mind you I never copped Brite for a nostalgic sod - I remember your posts on here deliberately trying to flame etc - you getting old and sentimental?

Zergers got treated like zergers and what you are trying to refer to as flaming would of been aimed at those players (manisch, advantix muylaetrix,cm,synergy etc etc) the kind of players that zerged the fuck out of you and then came on FH and pretended like they had an ounce of respect. Not as if i was flaming for no apparent reason, usually annoyed for some reason or another :p but guess am more chilled now :p

Don't get me wrong since i've been back solo and in FG i've had moments that made me realise why i played this game for so long and invested so much time into it because at times this game is absolutely awesome and nothing can compare to it. Sadly though those moments arn't every night anymore they are too few and far between and frustraition is more and more so it's just not worth it. Some players seem to revel in f**king things up for other players. Maybe i will have another stab at it in the future when its a bit darker and colder outside :p but right now i just can't see it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Honestly after talking to some of the Yanks what seems to have happened is when they clustered to Ywain everyone decided reps were out the window as people claimed they didn't know how other groups behaved which meant that a lot of people just added/vultured/zerged while saying it wasn't their fault.

Then the Euro's came in and the same thing happened all over again.

Only way round it would be for groups to start from a position of respect for each other and then work out who wasn't playing that game and take that as the would. Instead it started out with everyone giving no respect but then it's never going to build.

If people want to zerg then that's fair enough and their choice but people complaining about adding that have been happy to do that to others is just nuts. The number of times you see it in IRc when people complain about it and then the adding group saying 'sorry - didn't know you were in that group' is just silly. I know people want to win and so adding first is a case of getting your punch in first but then it's just a downward spiral :9.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 10, 2005
if you want 8v8 just go to agramon. If you want rps go to irvr and hug a keep.

Don't get me wrong, i do hug a keep from time to time but i won't whine if i get zerged down then. Well, i'll do but not as such that i'll rage log.

When I want fg vs fg fights i go to agramon, in my opinion everyone that wants fg fights should just go to agramon and roam, that's the only way to get more people into clean fg fights again... and yes i will rage if i get added on in agramon.

I will also whine & rage when we run 45 mins without meeting anything and then get zerged down over and over again by the zerg.

The last weeks i only loved the game because of the fights i had in agramon. I cba with the rps ... yes the RA'S are handy and fun etc but still I want a clean and decent fight, and that's what is the most fun. I remember the times on prydwen when we were out, TT, NFD, RR, etc It was just great fun. Everybody just has to remember to run agramon again ! and don't go to irvr ...


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
Honestly after talking to some of the Yanks what seems to have happened is when they clustered to Ywain everyone decided reps were out the window as people claimed they didn't know how other groups behaved which meant that a lot of people just added/vultured/zerged while saying it wasn't their fault.

Then the Euro's came in and the same thing happened all over again.

Only way round it would be for groups to start from a position of respect for each other and then work out who wasn't playing that game and take that as the would. Instead it started out with everyone giving no respect but then it's never going to build.

If people want to zerg then that's fair enough and their choice but people complaining about adding that have been happy to do that to others is just nuts. The number of times you see it in IRc when people complain about it and then the adding group saying 'sorry - didn't know you were in that group' is just silly. I know people want to win and so adding first is a case of getting your punch in first but then it's just a downward spiral :9.

Yeh is a given that the transfer and all the renaming of charecters and guilds basically killed any sense of identity you had back on your old server and seeing people you don't know.

What we need is a major push to get decent groups that play at EU prime time back in to agramon like we did back on dyvet when action died down a while after the initial cluster (which was the best time in the game for 8v8 imo). I was expecting similar after transfer but was sadly let down. But this isn't going to happen when the community is split accross forums, we need to have people in the same place, get the yanks and other groups that play EU prime time onto FH because VN boards is just a cess pit of morons, you can't make a thread without idiots posting mindless crap in it. But do it in winter please :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Yeh is a given that the transfer and all the renaming of charecters and guilds basically killed any sense of identity you had back on your old server and seeing people you don't know.

What we need is a major push to get decent groups that play at EU prime time back in to agramon like we did back on dyvet when action died down a while after the initial cluster (which was the best time in the game for 8v8 imo). I was expecting similar after transfer but was sadly let down. But this isn't going to happen when the community is split accross forums, we need to have people in the same place, get the yanks and other groups that play EU prime time onto FH because VN boards is just a cess pit of morons, you can't make a thread without idiots posting mindless crap in it. But do it in winter please :p

Well said Brite. The problem is it is summertime and it is always quiet this time of year. September would be a good time to start organising again.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I have to say, I'm still enjoying the game, even if I just started again after a very long time. New template on both my friar rand my infiltrator which is designed for soloing, however, soloing is hopeless. I started playing again with the same view as I did back on prydwen, honorable fights and no adding. I soon came to the conclusion that it was impossible to solo without being ganked.. Fg's running you over and small groups of hunters, sb's etc. jumping your nuts.

In the end you just stop caring, unfortunatly enough :-/


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
It is a cultural thing and the server has not quite settled down. Eventually the play patterns will emerge. It will take time. You might have to start thinking about setting up zones to play in and use IRC and the likes to move around when the gankers come.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Now I truly don't give a shit anymore, gone through the entire day being ganked by groups of 4 or more..

Solo scene is all gone, so it's no point in trying.. whenever I found a fair fight, I got added on by albs claiming he's been adding on them and had it coming..

I don't think I've become so frustrated with a game since... I last played daoc 3 years ago -_-

Anyway, pointless going solo when all you do is die, even if you go to remote places, you never meet one person alone, it's always two or more.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
When the game becomes frustrating it is best to quit imho. Or take a 3-4 day break depending on the subs time.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Now I truly don't give a shit anymore, gone through the entire day being ganked by groups of 4 or more..

Solo scene is all gone, so it's no point in trying.. whenever I found a fair fight, I got added on by albs claiming he's been adding on them and had it coming..

I don't think I've become so frustrated with a game since... I last played daoc 3 years ago -_-

Anyway, pointless going solo when all you do is die, even if you go to remote places, you never meet one person alone, it's always two or more.

That's cause am on break!!!!


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
It is a cultural thing and the server has not quite settled down. Eventually the play patterns will emerge. It will take time. You might have to start thinking about setting up zones to play in and use IRC and the likes to move around when the gankers come.

Wrong. Ywain was like this before Euros came along bud. :wub:


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
If anything, the euro move made it worse, totally canceling out eu primetime as a semi-decent time, with the amass of italian and french zergs.

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