I was browsing the web a bit looking for some chain that can replace my soon to go blue Dusk-Walker parts. Only AF50 I saw was from catacombs but that's not itemized in our version yet.
AF60 drops in Barrows according to Allakhazam but that's still a "bit" out of my league.
Anyone know of some AF50+ chain that drops elsewhere. I know I can always go for crafted stuff but as a support class I won't be tanking in the frontlines anyways so I'd rather have some magic stuff.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
AF60 drops in Barrows according to Allakhazam but that's still a "bit" out of my league.
Anyone know of some AF50+ chain that drops elsewhere. I know I can always go for crafted stuff but as a support class I won't be tanking in the frontlines anyways so I'd rather have some magic stuff.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.