AF102 BP's tonight!

  • Thread starter old.CrazyMuppet
  • Start date


Tonight i will start skilling up again on making plate armors.

I will make 20 AF102 plate breastplates.

In this new patch i will be able to make them 99-100%.

If you're interested in aquiring one of these, let me know by dropping a line here on PM me ingame.

Now, the pricing will be favorable to the buyer since i'm skilling up on them as well...

All will depend on how many high-qualities i make.. so the prices may be subject to change :)

94% and 95% i will sell at costprice, which is 525G

96% and 97% will be 625G

98% will be 750G

99% will be 950G

Once 1.52 is well underway i will make a separate thread on stressing the importance of getting a full set of 99% well in advance of Spellcrafting and alchemy. IF you're planning on getting your own highquality spellcrafted gear, start NOW! Don't expect crafters to make you a full set of 99-100 at once... they won't. Do it piece by piece, save up for them and over the coming months slowly get the gear together.

Why, you may ask? when SC comes, every alb and his dog will want crafted stuff... and by that time, there will be lines.... Long lines.

Footnote: if i make lots of 99% tonight, the price will drop dramatically... the higher prices are based on the assumption i won't sell the 94/95 ones and have to sell them back to merchant, which leaves me with the need to raise prices on higher quality ones to break-even.


wait wait want us to pay u nearly 1p for a Breastplate that is only 2 AF better than the epic one and possibly a lower qua with no bonus or magical abilitys?

erm k....

p.s got AF 102 from legion so u won't be seeing me :p


Well, once SC is in, Methos is right in saying that a custom made AF102 set at 99 or 100% can turn out a lot better then any epic or Legion drop.

Just wait, once the first effects of SC are in, whole hordes will storm the forge yelling for any kind of crafters and spellcrafters.
But keep up the good work Methos :) Sorry for not ordering one but I hope to be of use by then reducing the long lines of eager and impatient customers :p


Originally posted by Treniel-
wait wait want us to pay u nearly 1p for a Breastplate that is only 2 AF better than the epic one and possibly a lower qua with no bonus or magical abilitys?

erm k....

p.s got AF 102 from legion so u won't be seeing me :p

Well, first of all, i don't want you to do anything... i craft in service to the realm... helping people getting the best they can get and having some fun myself in the process....if i was in it for the cash i would just trinket and nothing else than that :). Believe me when i say i can make 10x more cash trinketing than i can by making armor for people.

Secondly, i offer the BP's just for the skilling up and some people that are stocking up on 99's (yes Regtur, you're one of the few smart ones :) ).

When you look at the mVal on some of the epic pieces (look at the spellcrafting section on if you don't know what mVal means) are very bad... they are under-spellcrafted. These can be replaced by much better crafted/spellcrafted gear. Just ask any armsman what he thinks of the STR/CON bonus on the epic... and ask any scout what he thinks on the DEX bonus...

Treniel: if you doubt my words, take 30 minutes and browse the US forums and notice the absolute craze that exists there for 99-100% crafted gear they can start spellcrafting on next week.

Granted though, Legion BP is hard to beat :). But legion only drops the BP's at AF102 (as far as i know), so that leaves 5 more pieces. And the prince-like drops, AF100 at 94% will be inferior to any playercrafted stuff at 1.54.

In the end it comes down to who has the best gear with the uberstats and resists... And where do you wanna be in that equasion Treniel? :). I read somewhere Wuren already has most AF102 at 100% stocked in his vault, patiently waiting for 1.54. Smart guy...

Regtur has asked me to contact her every time i make a 99% AF102 plate part... so i did and she has some parts already stocked.

However, when you come to me (or one of the few other 1100+ armorers on the server) at patch 1.54 and want 3 99% pieces, don't expect swift results :).


Originally posted by starblade
Well, once SC is in, Methos is right in saying that a custom made AF102 set at 99 or 100% can turn out a lot better then any epic or Legion drop.

Just wait, once the first effects of SC are in, whole hordes will storm the forge yelling for any kind of crafters and spellcrafters.
But keep up the good work Methos :) Sorry for not ordering one but I hope to be of use by then reducing the long lines of eager and impatient customers :p

Actually thats incorrect, they can't be alot better than any epic or Legion drop.

As for the chaos when we get there, sure, plan ahead alright :)

Speaking of which, what are prices on AF102 chainmail these days? :)


Cost to make a AF102 chain suit (before tailor/armorer adds profit) is just under 1500g I believe.

So losing approx 25% per retry, having a 1 in 7 chance of 99% and 1 in 50 chance of 100% you can work out the rough pricing.

Comments from US crafters indicate pricing on 99% suits of 4-4.5plat. Some like to add more profit than others of course, but this will at least give you some idea of what to plan for.


OMG - I could never imagine having enough money to buy that - 4.5 Platinum! :O


Hmm interesting...
Ok done my calculations, i will make pre paid full suits of af102 at 99% . due to a lack of tailor as an alt only full suits will be made, and only if prepaid:
studded 3.5plat
chain 6.5plat
plate 7.0plat

PM Yvresse or Meredith in game for orders

p.s soz Methos for hijacking yer thread :)


would be nice with one for the alchemist thingie, sadly im down to -200g on my personal account on my you wont be seeing my orders for a long long time.......or you take cc? :)


Originally posted by Treniel-
wait wait want us to pay u nearly 1p for a Breastplate that is only 2 AF better than the epic one and possibly a lower qua with no bonus or magical abilitys?

erm k....

p.s got AF 102 from legion so u won't be seeing me :p

What will you do when spellcrafting comes out and your legion af102 plate stats aren't exactly what you want?

Ah.. I see you're in first cohort. They have so many high level crafters it'll be no problem, in fact you'll probably get them for free.


Originally posted by drunkard

What will you do when spellcrafting comes out and your legion af102 plate stats aren't exactly what you want?

Ah.. I see you're in first cohort. They have so many high level crafters it'll be no problem, in fact you'll probably get them for free.

Well actually since you can choose the stats of every other item, the stats on one item can never be wrong. They can just be too few.


Sorry yes u have a point i didn't read the bit about SC and Alchemy.......and ofc i will buy a full af102 with whatever Spell Craft i want...but not atm :)

and drunkard i duno wtf u are but what on earth does me being in FC have to do with this thread at all?!? and geting them free? rofl.....



GL as well,
but i feel alot of people will be crafting to get there own stuff once the spellcrafting kicks in


Originally posted by _skaven
GL as well,
but i feel alot of people will be crafting to get there own stuff once the spellcrafting kicks in

Heh, won't be many people spending 20-25 plats and 3-4 weeks of playing to get there... :)

Btw, due to mids playing in sauvage and nicking the majority of our keeps and albs needing help to take it back, i haven't been able to make any 99's yet.


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet

Heh, won't be many people spending 20-25 plats and 3-4 weeks of playing to get there... :)

Btw, due to mids playing in sauvage and nicking the majority of our keeps and albs needing help to take it back, i haven't been able to make any 99's yet.

True.. but ive been saving up since I knew about the spellcrafting coming :p

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