you been playing on that burstfire server? someone called adz has started playing on it :)
E ECA Guest Oct 17, 2002 #1 you been playing on that burstfire server? someone called adz has started playing on it
L legendario Guest Oct 17, 2002 Thread starter #2 Gosh I wonder how many peeps have that "original" name. Ok, it probably was him :/
S S-Gray Guest Oct 17, 2002 Thread starter #4 I seen an Adz on BlueYonder the other day, when i said if it was the Adz i knew he said no... but he said he knew him
I seen an Adz on BlueYonder the other day, when i said if it was the Adz i knew he said no... but he said he knew him
A -adz- Guest Oct 17, 2002 Thread starter #6 Wasn't meh Only usually use by tho thats been a bag of shite recently. Got some clan publics that can be interesting, and i usually r teh m0ng!!11
Wasn't meh Only usually use by tho thats been a bag of shite recently. Got some clan publics that can be interesting, and i usually r teh m0ng!!11
S scooby-doo Guest Oct 17, 2002 Thread starter #7 Originally posted by -adz- Wasn't meh 11 Click to expand... SHAGGY.