Advise for my Inf please



Hi all my inf will soon have to leave Thidranki :( and time to lvl again and could any of you high lvl Infs please advise on what is the best weapons to use ? at the moment he uses a gladius and 2 guaches ?



Get Kiarra(tm) crafted weapons. take no substitute


Kiarra makes my chars weapons already :D i just need to know what weapons are best for a inf before i put my order in :)

any Alb in thier right mind should get thier weapons from Kiarra

and has she gets so busy dont want to take her time up with questions best answered by a INF in here :)

twin dirks for spd or gauches or twin rapier for extra DPS ?


Hrm mibbe I better get crafting so I can help out with the lower level orders :)

Think I'm upto about lvl 15 in thrust/swords (yeah I suck! :) and 25 in polearms/maces/hand axes


Well being a lvl 50 infiltrator I can give u some advice, but to be honest its down to u...

Kiarra's weapons are best and best to get them enchanted also, so they are more likely to hit.....

As for what swords this is how it works u can go for a rapier, which perfs for a little more but is slow so hard to get ur stunning creeping death move out

Or u can go for dirks which are really quick but hit for less, the best idea I have found is to perf, creeping death and stunning stab with a gauche, and a dirk in the other hand then as soon as thats over swap over to a rapier, and/or another gauche that way u hit with another poison and also are still hitting as fast

I usually have lifebane and envenerating on first two and disease on third sword

Soloed a berserker last night with it he was yellow Con and trust me berserkers are nasty as hell to infils

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